8,456 research outputs found

    Character of the reaction between molecular hydrogen and silicon dangling bond in amorphous SiO_2

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    The passivation by diffusing H2 of silicon dangling bond defects (E' centers, induced by laser irradiation in amorphous SiO_2 (silica), is investigated in situ at several temperatures. It is found that the reaction between E' center and H_2 requires an activation energy of 0.38eV, and that its kinetics is not diffusion-limited. The results are compared with previous findings on the other fundamental paramagnetic point defect in silica, the non bridging oxygen hole center, which features completely different reaction properties with H_2. Besides, a comparison is proposed with literature data on the reaction properties of surface E' centers, of E' centers embedded in silica films, and with theoretical calculations. In particular, the close agreement with the reaction properties of surface E' centers with H_2 leads to conclude that the bulk and surface E' varieties are indistinguishable from their reaction properties with molecular hydrogen.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Chem.

    Hydrogen-Related Conversion Processes of Ge-Related Point Defects in Silica Triggered by UV Laser Irradiation

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    The conversion processes of Ge-related point defects triggered in amorphous SiO2 by 4.7eV laser exposure were investigated. Our study has focused on the interplay between the (=Ge•-H) H(II) center and the twofold coordinated Ge defect (=Ge••). The former is generated in the post-irradiation stage, while the latter decays both during and after exposure. The post-irradiation decay kinetics of =Ge•• is isolated and found to be anti-correlated to the growth of H(II), at least at short times. From this finding it is suggested that both processes are due to trapping of radiolytic H0 at the diamagnetic defect site. Furthermore, the anti-correlated behavior is preserved also under repeated irradiation: light at 4.7eV destroys the already formed H(II) centers and restore their precursors =Ge••. This process leads to repeatability of the post-irradiation kinetics of the two species after multiple laser exposures. A comprehensive scheme of chemical reactions explaining the observed post-irradiation processes is proposed and tested against experimental data.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Bleaching of optical activity induced by UV Laser exposure in natural silica

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    We report experimental data on two types of natural silica, differing for their OH content, irradiated with UV photons (4.66 eV) from a pulsed Nd:YAG laser. Irradiation induces a reduction of the absorption band at 5.12eV and of the associated emissions at 3.14eV and 4.28eV, ascribed to twofold coordinated Ge (=Ge'') centers pre-existing in our samples. The bleaching is mainly due to the post-irradiation conversion of =Ge'' into the paramagnetic H(II) center via trapping of a H atom. Comparison with literature data points out the peculiarities of silica with a low Ge concentration as regards UV induced transformations.Comment: Accepted for publication on Journal of Non crystalline solid

    Influence of hydrogen on paramagnetic defects induced by UV laser exposure in natural silica

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    Diffusion limited reactions of point defects were investigated in amorphous SiO2 exposed to UV laser light. Electron spin resonance and in situ absorption measurements at room temperature evidenced the annealing of E' centers and the growth of H(II) centers both occurring in the post-irradiation stage and lasting a few hours. These transients are caused by reactions involving molecular hydrogen H2, made available by dimerization of radiolytic H0.Comment: Submitted to Physica Status Solid

    The rotating wave system-reservoir coupling: limitations and meaning in the non-Markovian regime

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    This paper deals with the dissipative dynamics of a quantum harmonic oscillator interacting with a bosonic reservoir. The Master Equations based on the Rotating Wave and on the Feynman-Vernon system--reservoir couplings are compared highlighting differences and analogies. We discuss quantitatively and qualitatively the conditions under which the counter rotating terms can be neglected. By comparing the analytic solution of the heating function relative to the two different coupling models we conclude that, even in the weak coupling limit, the counter rotating terms give rise to a significant contribution in the non--Markovian short time regime. The main result of this paper is that such a contribution is actually experimentally measurable and thus relevant for a correct description of the system dynamics.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Stability of E' centers induced by 4.7eV laser radiation in SiO2

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    The kinetics of E' centers (silicon dangling bonds) induced by 4.7eV pulsed laser irradiation in dry fused silica was investigated by in situ optical absorption spectroscopy. The stability of the defects, conditioned by reaction with mobile hydrogen of radiolytic origin, is discussed and compared to results of similar experiments performed on wet fused silica. A portion of E' and hydrogen are most likely generated by laser-induced breaking of Si-H precursors, while an additional fraction of the paramagnetic centers arise from another formation mechanism. Both typologies of E' participate to the reaction with H_2 leading to the post-irradiation decay of the defects. This annealing process is slowed down on decreasing temperature and is frozen at T=200K, consistently with the diffusion properties of H_2 in silica.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, in press on J. Non cryst. solids (2007

    Determination of rotation periods in solar-like stars with irregular sampling: the Gaia case

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    We present a study on the determination of rotation periods (P) of solar-like stars from the photometric irregular time-sampling of the ESA Gaia mission, currently scheduled for launch in 2013, taking into account its dependence on ecliptic coordinates. We examine the case of solar-twins as well as thousands of synthetic time-series of solar-like stars rotating faster than the Sun. In the case of solar twins we assume that the Gaia unfiltered photometric passband G will mimic the variability of the total solar irradiance (TSI) as measured by the VIRGO experiment. For stars rotating faster than the Sun, light-curves are simulated using synthetic spectra for the quiet atmosphere, the spots, and the faculae combined by applying semi-empirical relationships relating the level of photospheric magnetic activity to the stellar rotation and the Gaia instrumental response. The capabilities of the Deeming, Lomb-Scargle, and Phase Dispersion Minimisation methods in recovering the correct rotation periods are tested and compared. The false alarm probability (FAP) is computed using Monte Carlo simulations and compared with analytical formulae. The Gaia scanning law makes the rate of correct detection of rotation periods strongly dependent on the ecliptic latitude (beta). We find that for P ~ 1 d, the rate of correct detection increases with ecliptic latitude from 20-30 per cent at beta ~ 0{\deg} to a peak of 70 per cent at beta=45{\deg}, then it abruptly falls below 10 per cent at beta > 45{\deg}. For P > 5 d, the rate of correct detection is quite low and for solar twins is only 5 per cent on average.Comment: 12 pages, 18 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Quantum theory of heating of a single trapped ion

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    The heating of trapped ions due to the interaction with a {\it quantized environment} is studied {\it without performing the Born-Markov approximation}. A generalized master equation local in time is derived and a novel theoretical approach to solve it analytically is proposed. Our master equation is in the Lindblad form with time dependent coefficients, thus allowing the simulation of the dynamics by means of the Monte Carlo Wave Function (MCWF) method.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Misbelief and misunderstandings on the non--Markovian dynamics of a damped harmonic oscillator

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    We use the exact solution for the damped harmonic oscillator to discuss some relevant aspects of its open dynamics often mislead or misunderstood. We compare two different approximations both referred to as Rotating Wave Approximation. Using a specific example, we clarify some issues related to non--Markovian dynamics, non--Lindblad type dynamics, and positivity of the density matrix.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, added info: submitted to J. Opt. B: Quantum and Semiclass. Opt., Special Issue of the 10th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics, reference added, discussion clarifie

    Lindblad and non--Lindblad type dynamics of a quantum Brownian particle

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    The dynamics of a typical open quantum system, namely a quantum Brownian particle in a harmonic potential, is studied focussing on its non-Markovian regime. Both an analytic approach and a stochastic wave function approach are used to describe the exact time evolution of the system. The border between two very different dynamical regimes, the Lindblad and non-Lindblad regimes, is identified and the relevant physical variables governing the passage from one regime to the other are singled out. The non-Markovian short time dynamics is studied in detail by looking at the mean energy, the squeezing, the Mandel parameter and the Wigner function of the system.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, v2:added discussion on Wigner function, squeezing, and Mandel paramete