6 research outputs found


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    Increasing complications of diabetes mellitus (DM) have tendency to amount of drug use, which can increase the risk of drug interaction. Drug interaction is a situation arising of administrations more than one drug at the same time that effects each drug can be interfere each other and or both are mutually and or undesirable side effect may a rise which could potentially harm and or doesn’t give clinically significant effect. This research aims to determinate the potential interactions and mechanisms of drug interactions and impacts based on the severity of the effect of therapy in patients type II of diabetes mellitus (DM) at Imphi’s Pharmacy in the period October 2014 until March 2015. The research used descriptive evaluative and retrospective method based on recipe sheets. Data analysis have done by screening of drug interaction and using drug interaction from software lexicomp and drug interaction stockley. The results showed that there are 28 recipe sheets (16,37%) from 171 recipe sheets of 110 patients that potentially occur pharmacodynamic mechanism of drug interaction with as many as 36 events (64,29%) as well as the mechanisms of drug interaction based on the severity of the effect of moderate kind of therapy as much as 40 event

    Gambaran Pengetahuan Ibu Tentang Swamedikasi Diare pada Anak di RW 012 Perumahan Bekasi Timur Permai Tambun Selatan Bulan Juni 2015

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    Now is more outstanding food and unhealthy snacks and it can lead to various diseases. It is a gastrointestinal problems, particularly diarrhea. Diarrhea is a condition that is not normal feces expenditure or unusual. Diarrheal disease is one of the main causes of mortality and morbidity of children in this country. Therefore, the reason to undertake this work. This study aims to reveal the mother's knowledge in the neighborhood of swamedikasi diarrhea in children, know the reason for doing swamedikasi mother, a mother obtain medicines, resources for mothers do swamedikasi and maternal drug use to swamedikasi. This study design using quantitative descriptive method carried out in East Bekasi RW Permai housing 012 South Tambun during the month of June 2015 by the respondents of all mothers of children aged 5-11 years and never did swamedikasi diarrhea in children. The sample in this research were 101 mothers. Results from this study is that having a good level of knowledge as much as 62 respondents (61.38%), So it can be concluded overview mother's knowledge in the RW 012 Permai housing East Bekasi Tambun Selatan is good. The reason the mother to do swamedikasi 48 respondents (47.52%) as a cost-effective answer. Place mother get medicine for swamedikasi is as much as 41 respondents (40.60%) chose the drug store. And which is the source of information for the mother to do swamedikasi was from the neighborhood and friends as many as 30 respondents (29.70%). As well as the mother's drug use to swamedikasi is as much as 47 respondents (27.64%) chose diarrhea medication with efficacy adsorbensia class. Dewasa ini sudah semakin banyak beredar makanan dan jajanan yang tidak sehat dan tentunya dapat menimbulkan berbagai macam  penyakit. Salah satunya adalah masalah pencernaan, khususnya diare. Diare merupakan suatu keadaan pengeluaran tinja yang tidak normal atau tidak seperti biasanya. Penyakit diare merupakan salah satu penyebab utama kematian dan kesakitan anak-anak di negara ini. Oleh karena itu, alasan penulis melakukan penelitian ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pengetahuan ibu di lingkungan tersebut tentang swamedikasi diare pada anak, mengetahui alasan ibu melakukan swamedikasi, tempat ibu memperoleh obat-obatan, sumber informasi bagi ibu melakukan swamedikasi serta obat yang ibu gunakan untuk swamedikasi. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dilakukan di RW 012 perumahan Bekasi Timur Permai Tambun Selatan selama bulan Juni 2015 dengan responden semua ibu yang memiliki anak usia 5-11 tahun dan pernah melakukan swamedikasi diare pada anak. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 101 ibu. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah, yang memiliki tingkat pengetahuan baik sebanyak 62 responden (61,38%), Jadi dapat disimpulkan gambaran pengetahuan ibu di lingkungan RW 012 perumahan Bekasi Timur Permai Tambun Selatan adalah baik. Alasan ibu untuk melakukan swamedikasi sebanyak 48 responden (47,52%) menjawab karena hemat biaya. Tempat ibu mendapatkan obat untuk swamedikasi adalah sebanyak 41 responden (40,60%) memilih toko obat. Dan yang menjadi sumber informasi bagi ibu untuk melakukan swamedikasi adalah dari lingkungan sekitar dan teman yaitu sebanyak 30 responden (29,70%). Serta obat yang ibu gunakan untuk swamedikasi adalah sebanyak 47 responden (27,64%) memilih obat diare dengan golongan khasiat adsorbensia. 

    Profil Pengobatan Pasien Rawat Jalan Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 setelah Pelaksanaan JKN

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    In 2014, health insurance entirely colected together into Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) became Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN). But there is different payment method that is ASKES used Fee for Services (FFS) method and BPJS use INA-CBGs method.  Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that patients with that diagnosed should use drug continuously. Therefore, research with conducted by time series longitudinal retrospective method that aimed to observe impact of JKN about drug treatment profile among outpatients of  type 2 DM in X Hospital Jakarta. Total of samples collected were 84 patients, 31 (36.90%) of male and  53 (63.10%) of female. Most patients (29.76%) were 66-70 years old. There were 38 patients with 10 times of visite, 27 patients with 11 times of visite, 19 patients with 12 times of visit. Based on drug treatment profile, after JKN has launched, decreasing of total of drug use, number of visit increased to 42 visits, kinds of drug appropriate with DPHO decreased until 79%, kinds of drug appropriate with national formularium rised 97%, generic drugs also increased 54% and non generic drug decreased 47%. Based on descriptive analysis, when JKN has launched, there were impact toward drug treatment profile.Pada tahun 2014, Asuransi Kesehatan (ASKES) bergabung dengan Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) menjadi Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN). Namun terdapat perbedaan metode pembayaran sebelum bergabung dengan BPJS yaitu dari  metode Fee for Service menjadi  metode INA- CBGs. Diabetes melitus merupakan penyakit kronik yang mengharuskan pasien selalu menggunakan obat. Oleh sebab itu penelitian yang dilakukan dengan metode time series longitudinal retrospective bertujuan untuk melihat dampak JKN terhadap profil pengobatan pada pasien rawat jalan ASKES DM tipe 2 di RS X Jakarta. Total sampel yang diperoleh 84 orang, laki-laki 31 (36,90%) dan perempuan 53 (63,10%). Pasien yang diperoleh berumur ≥50 tahun, 38 pasien dengan 10 kali kunjungan, 27 pasien dengan 11 kali kunjungan, 19 pasein dengan 12 kali kunjungan. Berdasarkan profil pengobatan, setelah pelaksanaan JKN terdapat peningkatan  jumlah kunjungan sebesar 42 kunjungan,  penurunan jumlah obat yang diberikan, penurunan jenis obat yang diresepkan berdasarkan DPHO mencapai 79%, peningkatan jenis obat yang diresepkan berdasarkan formularium nasional mencapai 97%, peningkatan jenis obat generik mencapai 54% dan  penurunan jenis obat non generik  mencapai 47%. Secara deskriptif dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan JKN memiliki pengaruh terhadap profil pengobatan

    Karakteristik Sosiodemografi dan Health Related Quality of Life Pasien Rawat Jalan Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 pada Era JKN

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    The aim of  study was carried out to determine differences of health related qualitiy of life (HRQoL) with sociodemographic characteristic in type 2 diabetes mellitus outpatiens at one of government hospital in Jakarta. It was a cross-sectional study conducted  from February  to April 2015. Total of samples were 83 patients. Male 31(37.4%) and female 52(62.6%). HRQoL associated with level education  was difference significantly (P0.05). Furthermore, diabetes duration affected both domain of satisfaction (P=0.005) and frequency of symptoms (P=0.00). In conclusion, only education level of characteristic sociodemographic had difference significantly to HRQoL among type 2 diabetes mellitus outpatients..Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbedaan Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) terhadap karakteristik sosiodemografi antara pasien diabetes mellitus tipe 2 pada  salah satu rumah sakit pemerintah di Jakarta. Penelitian dilaksanakan secara cross-sectional dari Februari sampai April 2015. Total sampel 83 pasien. Laki-laki 31(37,4%) dan perempuan 52 (62,6%). Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan (P0,05) HRQoL. Selanjutnya, lama menderita diabetes mempengaruhi nilai domain kepuasan (P=0,05) dan frekuensi gejala (P=0,00). Sehingga dapat disimpulkan, karakteristik sosiodemografi meliputi tingkat pendidikan memiliki perbedaan secara signifikan terhadap kualitas hidup antara pasien rawat jalan diabetes mellitus tipe 2.