965 research outputs found

    Estimation of the sugar cane cultivated area from LANDSAT images using the two phase sampling method

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    A two phase sampling method and the optimal sampling segment dimensions for the estimation of sugar cane cultivated area were developed. This technique employs visual interpretations of LANDSAT images and panchromatic aerial photographs considered as the ground truth. The estimates, as a mean value of 100 simulated samples, represent 99.3% of the true value with a CV of approximately 1%; the relative efficiency of the two phase design was 157% when compared with a one phase aerial photographs sample

    INPE's crop survey program using combined LANDSAT and aircraft data

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    Towards understanding the variability in biospheric CO2 fluxes:Using FTIR spectrometry and a chemical transport model to investigate the sources and sinks of carbonyl sulfide and its link to CO2

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    Understanding carbon dioxide (CO2) biospheric processes is of great importance because the terrestrial exchange drives the seasonal and interannual variability of CO2 in the atmosphere. Atmospheric inversions based on CO2 concentration measurements alone can only determine net biosphere fluxes, but not differentiate between photosynthesis (uptake) and respiration (production). Carbonyl sulfide (OCS) could provide an important additional constraint: it is also taken up by plants during photosynthesis but not emitted during respiration, and therefore is a potential means to differentiate between these processes. Solar absorption Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) spectrometry allows for the retrievals of the atmospheric concentrations of both CO2 and OCS from measured solar absorption spectra. Here, we investigate co-located and quasi-simultaneous FTIR measurements of OCS and CO2 performed at five selected sites located in the Northern Hemisphere. These measurements are compared to simulations of OCS and CO2 using a chemical transport model (GEOS-Chem). The coupled biospheric fluxes of OCS and CO2 from the simple biosphere model (SiB) are used in the study. The CO2 simulation with SiB fluxes agrees with the measurements well, while the OCS simulation reproduced a weaker drawdown than FTIR measurements at selected sites, and a smaller latitudinal gradient in the Northern Hemisphere during growing season when comparing with HIPPO (HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observations) data spanning both hemispheres. An offset in the timing of the seasonal cycle minimum between SiB simulation and measurements is also seen. Using OCS as a photosynthesis proxy can help to understand how the biospheric processes are reproduced in models and to further understand the carbon cycle in the real world

    Caracterização e seleção de alto rendimento em linhagens de arroz derivadas do cruzamento de Oryza sativa (Cica-8) x Oryza glumaepatula (RS-16).

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo, executar a caracterização molecular e agronômica de 114 linhagens de introgressão derivadas do cruzamento interespecífico entre a cultivar elite Cica-8 (Oryza sativa) e o acesso silvestre RS-16 (Oryza glumaepatula)

    Detection of curved lines with B-COSFIRE filters: A case study on crack delineation

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    The detection of curvilinear structures is an important step for various computer vision applications, ranging from medical image analysis for segmentation of blood vessels, to remote sensing for the identification of roads and rivers, and to biometrics and robotics, among others. %The visual system of the brain has remarkable abilities to detect curvilinear structures in noisy images. This is a nontrivial task especially for the detection of thin or incomplete curvilinear structures surrounded with noise. We propose a general purpose curvilinear structure detector that uses the brain-inspired trainable B-COSFIRE filters. It consists of four main steps, namely nonlinear filtering with B-COSFIRE, thinning with non-maximum suppression, hysteresis thresholding and morphological closing. We demonstrate its effectiveness on a data set of noisy images with cracked pavements, where we achieve state-of-the-art results (F-measure=0.865). The proposed method can be employed in any computer vision methodology that requires the delineation of curvilinear and elongated structures.Comment: Accepted at Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP) 201

    Avaliação dos impactos econômico, social e ambiental de ações de pesquisa e transferência de tecnologia de irrigação de pastagens.

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    Neste trabalho foram avaliados os impactos econômico, social e ambiental de ações integradas de pesquisa e transferência de tecnologia para elaborar projetos e realizar o manejo da irrigação de pastagens. As ações incluem a capacitação e a tutoria de extensionistas, e a disponibilização de planilhas eletrônicas de projeto e manejo. A avaliação dos impactos social e ambiental foi realizada por meio de planilhas eletrônicas sistema Ambitec, alimentadas com dados dos adotantes da tecnologia nos Estados de SP e PR.. O impacto econômico foi avaliado comparando-se o custo total de irrigação (CTI) de três tipos de sistema de irrigação por aspersão (convencional semiportátil, convencional fixo e malha). O sistema convencional semiportátil tem custos de aquisição e implantação e de manutenção 78,6% e 40% inferiores aos custos da aspersão em malha, respectivamente. Porém, o sistema em malha tem custos de mão-de-obra e de energia em 81% e 51% inferiores, respectivamente, em relação ao sistema convencional semiportátil, o que reduz em 54% o CTI. A conversão de sistemas de aspersão convencional fixa para aspersão em malha resulta em custos de aquisição, implantação e manutenção similares, mas reduz os custos de mão-de-obra e de energia elétrica em 67% e 65%, respectivamente, e resulta em um CTI 51% menor. Os resultados obtidos na avaliação de impactos social e ambiental mostram um índice geral de impacto de 2,24 para a tecnologia (escala de +15 a ?15). Os aspectos de maior peso na composição do índice foram Capacitação, Geração de renda e Dedicação e perfil do responsável. O resultado reflete a importância do treinamento de extensionistas para a compreensão das tecnologias transferidas aos produtores, e o impacto positivo que a irrigação de pastagens promove na produtividade, proporcionando rentabilidade com maior regularidade da produção durante o ano. Destaca-se a importância do engajamento do produtor, com vantagem para as propriedades de natureza familiar
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