15 research outputs found


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    "As múltiplas faces da interdisciplinaridade nas pesquisas na américa latina" escrita pelo Professor Permanente do Programa de Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar Sociedade e Desenvolvimento (PPGSeD) Cleverson Molinari Mello

    Achievements, Challenges and Gender: the Case of Female Managers in a Company of Great Size in Brazil

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    The increasing presence of the female manager figure in large companies has encouraged a lot of research on leadership and gender. In addition to stimuli in large organizations, women face different situations inside and outside companies. Those challenges require greater effort beyond technical skills. Keeping the role as a leader in the corporate environment, adjusting time and dedication to other roles (mother, wife, worker), raises for women the degree of complexity in the relationship between personal and professional life. This study brings up the discussion of women’s challenges through a survey with female managers in a large company, from the historical critical perspective

    The (non) Implementation of the PNE and its Impact on Economic, Social and Technological Innovation Development in Brazil

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    The present study aimed to analyze the 20 goals of the PNE (acronym for Brazilian Plan for Education in Portuguese) in force in Brazil until 2024. To date, only one goal has been met, number 13, that refers to the certification of higher education academics. The failure to meet these goals - especially those related education funding - means to put at risk the PNE and the actions aimed at Brazilian education for the period. The negative impact is to be perceived in medium and long term, hindering the progress of economic and social development and technological innovation

    A diferença entre o gestor educacional como intelectual orgânico e o intelectual tradicional

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    Para analisar a diferença entre o gestor educacional como intelectual orgânico e o intelectual tradicional na escola, será utilizado como referencial teórico o pensamento filosófico Gramsci, pois o autor demonstra claramente que existem dois tipos de intelectuais na sociedade: o intelectual tradicional, que tenta ser independente do momento histórico e o intelectual orgânico organizador da consciência da classe que o criou. Este segundo é o tipo de intelectual que deveria estar administrando as escolas, pois compromete-se com a organização da consciência da classe social que o criou no momento histórico. O intelectual orgânico é o que tem a capacidade de organizar a sociedade em geral para melhorar as condições da expansão de sua própria classe. Já, o intelectual tradicional, por outro lado, julgando-se independente de sua classe social, não se interessa pela realidade atual das escolas, pois busca realizar uma gestão educacional independente da realidade de seu público, o que acaba gerando, nas escolas, uma administração fora da realidade dos alunos. Portanto, a escola precisa dessa nova camada de intelectuais orgânicos como seus gestores educacionais, para que ela se transforme numa instituição que se preocupe com os problemas sociais e educativos da comunidade onde ela está inserida. Este deverá ser o papel dos gestores educacionais enquanto intelectuais orgânicos nas escolas, tentar representar a hegemonia da classe que o criou, realizando o que Gramsci chama de contra-hegemonia

    Cyclists and Cycle Tourists in Paraná Coast, Brazil: Profile, Behavior, Perceptions and Motivations

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    Given the importance of the cycle tourism segment, which is in a stage of expressive growth and the potential that Paraná Coast has to welcome this public, the present study aimed to identify the profile, behavior, perceptions and motivations of these cyclists. and cycle tourists. The results showed that the Covid -19 Pandemic period did not influence the decision of starting cycling, but when analyzed separately the portion of those who started cycling after the pandemic period, it was possible to verify that the number of men and women showed an equal result, demonstrating the growing search of women for cycling. The main difficulties for the practice of cycle tourism, as well as the factors that are lacking on the coast, are related to the lack of public policies that provide safe conditions and the encouragement to the practitioners. In addition, cycle tourists demonstrated dissatisfaction with the infrastructure found in the coastal cities. It is concluded, therefore, that cycle tourism is a tourist segment of great importance, since it moves the economy of several sectors and promotes the appreciation of all elements of the visited place. In this sense, it is necessary to reassess actions by the public, private sectors and local communities, in order to achieve the satisfaction of this kind of public

    The program of Job Creation and Rental (PROGER) and the entrepreneurs of non-essential services during the pandemic moment.

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    The research investigated how the entrepreneurs of non-essential services of the town of Paranaguá/PR/Brazil have advantaged themselves through the Program of Job Creation and Rental (PROGER), in order to reduce the negative impacts caused by the pandemic on their business. The study has been submitted to the companies´ managers that are located in the job market for more than 03 (three) years, considering 03 (three) analysis categories: knowledge about the PROGER; struggle with raising funds; experience in other funding programs. For the data analysis, the Bardin´s substance analysis technique. The survey revealed that the entrepreneurs make little use of the program because of ignorance, lack of dissemination and the upper bureaucracy required for the funding contract

    And now woman? An analysis of the career and family of university women from a Public University

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    The study investigated the main obstacles and/or opportunities that women students from a public university experience when reconciling career and family. For data analysis, inferential statistics were used. The population comprised women students from the last year of the Administration course at the State University of Paraná – UNESPAR/Campus Paranaguá. The sampling was of the simple random type. In order calculate the sample size, a tolerable sampling error of 10% was used. Most of the interviewees work outside the home, are aged between 18 and 29 years old, they are single, do not have children and their income is between one and three minimum Brazilian wage. The multiplicity of simultaneous roles often assumed by some women (mother, housewife, student, wife among others) requires an effort, sometimes undervalued, to reconcile and adapt the demands of the family, social, professional and academic environment. Despite the existence of a support network, the challenges as a woman in reconciling the various activities make us reflect on whether such support actually is materialized in practice

    Opportunities and Threats of Job Market for Graduates from The Administration Course at UNESPAR/Paranaguá/Brazil

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    The administrator needs to be prepared to face the numerous challenges that the profession imposes. Practicing techniques and using tools, developing management strategies, knowing how to interact with individuals in the most diverse environments and hierarchical levels and being in constant improvement are some basic aspects of the profession exercise. To achieve those basic aspects, it is fundamental to have a good academic background, which also includes participating in research and extension projects that provide an approach to professional practice. If on one hand, regarding a public university in Brazil, the first challenges for academics are to conquer their vacancies and to graduate, on the other hand, entering job market could be an even greater challenge. This study has analyzed, through a field research, job market niche for graduates from a Brazilian public university, from 2016 to 2019, evaluating some professionals’ trajectories while entering job market, as well as opportunities and difficulties faced by them. Among the various aspects verified, it is worth mentioning the low offer of job vacancies and the low salary offered