281 research outputs found

    Cortical and subcortical brain alterations in Juvenile Absence Epilepsy

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    Despite the common assumption that genetic generalized epilepsies are characterized by a macroscopically normal brain on magnetic resonance imaging, subtle structural brain alterations have been detected by advanced neuroimaging techniques in Childhood Absence Epilepsy syndrome. We applied quantitative structural MRI analysis to a group of adolescents and adults with Juvenile Absence Epilepsy (JAE) in order to investigate micro-structural brain changes using different brain measures. We examined grey matter volumes, cortical thickness, surface areas, and subcortical volumes in 24 patients with JAE compared to 24 healthy controls; whole-brain voxel-based morphometry (VBM) and Freesurfer analyses were used. When compared to healthy controls, patients revealed both grey matter volume and surface area reduction in bilateral frontal regions, anterior cingulate, and right mesial-temporal lobe. Correlation analysis with disease duration showed that longer disease was correlated with reduced surface area in right pre- and post-central gyrus. A possible effect of valproate treatment on brain structures was excluded. Our results indicate that subtle structural brain changes are detectable in JAE and are mainly located in anterior nodes of regions known to be crucial for awareness, attention and memory

    Delirium in Older Adults: What a Surgeon Needs to Know

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    Delirium remains a challenging clinical problem in hospitalized older adults, especially for postoperative patients. This complication, with a high risk of postoperative mortality and an increased length of stay, frequently occurs in older adult patients. This brief narrative paper aims to review the recent literature regarding delirium and its most recent update. We also offer physicians a brief and essential clinical practice guide to managing this acute and common disease

    Nowcasting of Earthquake Consequences Using Big Social Data

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    Messages posted to social media in the aftermath of a natural disaster have value beyond detecting the event itself. Mining such deliberately dropped digital traces allows a precise situational awareness, to help provide a timely estimate of the disaster’s consequences on the population and infrastructures. Yet, to date, the automatic assessment of damage has received little attention. Here, the authors explore feeding predictive models by tweets conveying on-the-ground social sensors’ observations, to nowcast the perceived intensity of earthquakes

    Acute hemichorea as unusual first multiple sclerosis presentation

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    Patient 1 was a 39-year-old woman with an unremarkable medical history who developed acute involuntary right arm and leg movements. Neurologic examination revealed moderate dysarthria and subcontinuous, choreic movements in her right limbs, prevailing in the arm, which worsened during postural tasks. She occasionally had ballistic movements in her right limbs and abnormal dystonic postures. Continuous peribuccal and tongue involuntary movements were noted. Moreover, bilateral upper limb ataxia, gait and trunk ataxia, and brisk right tendon reflexes were found. There was no strength or sensory loss (video 1 at Neurology.org/cp). Brain MRI revealed a tumefactive, T2/fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) hyperintense, T1 hypointense contrast-enhancing demyelinating lesion in the left cerebral peduncle, extending to the substantia nigra and subthalamic nucleus (STN) (figure, A-C). Multiple hyperintense T2/FLAIR, T1 hypointense, non-contrast-enhancing demyelinating lesions in the hemispheric and periventricular deep white matter, brainstem, and cerebellar hemispheres were also found. All serologic tests were within normal limits. Isoelectric focusing (IEF) revealed 9 CSF oligoclonal bands (OCBs). A diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS) was made and the patient was treated with high-dose methylprednisolone with improvement of symptoms

    Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio Predicts Early Neurological Deterioration after Endovascular Treatment in Patients with Ischemic Stroke

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    The worsening of neurological status that occurs early after acute ischemic stroke (AIS) remains a serious issue, and the inflammatory response plays a key role in stroke pathobiology. Recently, endovascular treatment (EVT) has revolutionized the management and outcome of patients with AIS due to either extracranial carotid disease or intracranial disease. The neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) represents an easily available inflammatory biomarker. The aim of the study was to assess the relationship between the NLR at admission and the occurrence of early neurological deterioration (END) in patients with AIS who underwent EVT. Patients with AIS and proximal arterial occlusion in the anterior circulation undergoing EVT were retrospectively identified. Absolute neutrophil count (ANC) and absolute lymphocyte count (ALC) were collected from admission blood work to calculate the NLR. The study outcome was END defined as an increase in at least 4 points in NIHSS score or death between baseline and 24 h after the ischemic event. Patients included were 211, and END occurred in 30 (14.2%). Patients with older age (OR = 1.07, 95% CI: 1.02-1.13), higher serum glucose (OR = 1.01, 95% CI: 1.01-1.02), and higher NLR (OR = 1.011, 95% CI: 1.04-1.18) had an increased risk of END. The best predictive cut-off value of NLR was 6.4, and END occurred in 24.1% and 3.9% of the patients with NLR ≥ 6.4 and <6.4, respectively (p < 0.001). In patients with AIS undergoing EVT, higher NLR values predicted a higher risk of END. Biomarkers able to identify inflammatory mechanisms might identify novel treatment targets and enhance proof-of-concept trials of immunomodulation in stroke

    Out-of-hospital versus in-hospital status epilepticus: the role of etiology and comorbidities

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    Background: To identify differences in clinical characteristics between patients with out-of-hospital and in-hospital status epilepticus (SE) onset, and to evaluate the influence of SE onset setting on 30-day mortality and SE cessation. Methods: We included consecutive patients with SE admitted from 2013 to 2021 at Modena Academic Hospital. A propensity score was performed with clinical variables unevenly distributed between the two groups. Results: 711 patients were included; 55.8% (397/711) with an out-of-hospital and 44.2% (314/711) with an in-hospital onset. Patients with in-hospital SE onset were older, had a higher frequency of comorbidities, acute and/or potentially fatal etiologies, impaired consciousness before treatment, and nonconvulsive or myoclonic SE. No difference was found in SE cessation between the groups. Patients with in-hospital SE had higher 30-day mortality (127/314, 62.9% versus 75/397, 37.1; p <0.001). In-hospital onset was an independent risk factor for 30-day mortality (adjusted OR of 1.720; 95% CI: 1.107-2.674; p = 0.016). In the propensity group (n = 244), no difference was found in 30-day mortality and SE cessation between out-of-hospital and in-hospital SE onset groups (36/122, 29.5% versus 34/122, 27.9%; p=0.888; and 47/122, 38.5% versus 39/122; 32%; p = 0.347, respectively). Conclusion: In-hospital SE is associated with higher 30-day mortality without difference in SE cessation. The two groups differ considerably for age, acute and possibly fatal etiologies, comorbidities, and SE semiology. The patient location at SE onset is an important prognostic predictor. However, the increased mortality is probably unrelated to the setting of SE onset and reflects intrinsic prognostic predictors

    The Brain Correlates of Laugh and Cataplexy in Childhood Narcolepsy

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    The brain suprapontine mechanisms associated with human cataplexy have not been clarified. Animal data suggest that the amygdala and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex are key regions in promoting emotion-induced cataplectic attacks. Twenty-one drug-naive children/adolescent (13 males, mean age 11 years) with recent onset of narcolepsy type 1 (NT1) were studied with fMRI while viewing funny videos using a "naturalistic" paradigm. fMRI data were acquired synchronously with EEG, mylohyoid muscle activity, and the video of the patient's face. Whole-brain hemodynamic correlates of (1) a sign of fun and amusement (laughter) and of (2) cataplexy were analyzed and compared. Correlations analyses between these contrasts and disease-related variables and behavioral findings were performed

    Needs and Perceptions of Patients With Dystonia During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Framework Analysis of Survey Responses From Italy

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    Introduction:The COVID-19 pandemic and its countermeasures have created changes in both life and healthcare. With the prioritization of COVID-19-related management, the risks and experiences of patients suffering from rare conditions, such as dystonia, during the pandemic remain understudied. Materials and MethodsUsing a framework analysis of a nationwide qualitative online survey, we sought to explore the perspectives of patients with dystonia on their clinical assistance and possible unmet needs during the first pandemic wave. An online survey consisting of 37 items (such as demographic characteristics, dystonia-related features, neurological service provision, therapeutic relationship with the neurologist, perceptions related to virus infection, perceptions about healthcare-related needs, work-related questions, requesting information, and seeking support during the pandemic) was carried out using both close and open-ended questions. ResultsResponses from 62 participants were collected, with most of them from the red zones in Italy, where they were confined indoors. Social isolation was a relevant stressor. Motor and non-motor symptoms increased with detrimental consequences for patients' job and daily functionality. Outpatient clinics and rehabilitation sessions were temporarily shut down, and even telephone/mail support was sparse. Despite efforts, patients felt alone in dealing with dystonia. ConclusionThe first wave of the pandemic and its related restrictions had detrimental consequences for people living with dystonia, and their relevant needs remained unmet. These findings may contribute to implementing remedial healthcare provisions in this pandemic or in future pandemics

    Spatial patterns of gray and white matter compromise relate to age of seizure onset in temporal lobe epilepsy

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    Objective: Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (TLE) is frequently a neurodevelopmental disorder, involving subcortical volume loss, cortical atrophy, and white matter (WM) disruption. However, few studies have addressed how these pathological changes in TLE relate to one another. In this study, we investigate spatial patterns of gray and white matter degeneration in TLE and evaluate the hypothesis that the relationship among these patterns varies as a function of the age at which seizures begin.Methods: Eighty-two patients with TLE and 59 healthy controls were enrolled. T1-weighted images were used to obtain hippocampal volumes and cortical thickness estimates. Diffusion-weighted imaging was used to obtain fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) of the superficial WM (SWM) and deep WM tracts. Analysis of covariance was used to examine patterns of WM and gray matter alterations in TLE relative to controls, controlling for age and sex. Sliding window correlations were then performed to examine the relationships between SWM degeneration, cortical thinning, and hippocampal atrophy across ages of seizure onset.Results: Cortical thinning in TLE followed a widespread, bilateral pattern that was pronounced in posterior centroparietal regions, whereas SWM and deep WM loss occurred mostly in ipsilateral, temporolimbic regions compared to controls. Window correlations revealed a relationship between hippocampal volume loss and whole brain SWM disruption in patients who developed epilepsy during childhood. On the other hand, in patients with adult-onset TLE, co-occurring cortical and SWM alterations were observed in the medial temporal lobe ipsilateral to the seizure focus.Significance: Our results suggest that although cortical, hippocampal and WM alterations appear spatially discordant at the group level, the relationship among these features depends on the age at which seizures begin. Whereas neurodevelopmental aspects of TLE may result in co-occurring WM and hippocampal degeneration near the epileptogenic zone, the onset of seizures in adulthood may set off a cascade of SWM microstructural loss and cortical atrophy of a neurodegenerative nature

    Brain correlates of spike and wave discharges in GLUT1 deficiency syndrome

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    Purpose To provide imaging biomarkers of generalized spike-and-wave discharges (GSWD) in patients with GLUT1 deficiency syndrome (GLUT1DS). Methods Eighteen GLUT1DS patients with pathogenetic mutation in SLC2A1 gene were studied by means of Video-EEG simultaneously recorded with functional MRI (VideoEEG-fMRI). A control group of sex and age-matched patients affected by Genetic Generalized Epilepsy (GGE) with GSWD were investigated with the same protocol. Within and between groups comparison was performed as appropriated. For GLUT1DS, correlations analyses between the contrast of interest and the main clinical measurements were provided. Results EEG during fMRI revealed interictal GSWD in 10 GLUT1DS patients. Group-level analysis showed BOLD signal increases at the premotor cortex and putamen. With respect to GGE, GLUT1DS patients demonstrated increased neuronal activity in the putamen, precuneus, cingulate cortex, SMA and paracentral lobule. Whole-brain correlation analyses disclosed a linear relationship between the GSWD-related BOLD changes and the levels of glycorrhachia at diagnosis over the sensory-motor cortex and superior parietal lobuli. Conclusion The BOLD dynamics related to GSWD in GLUT1DS are substantially different from typical GGE showing the former an increased activity in the premotor-striatal network and a decrease in the thalamus. The revealed hemodynamic maps might represent imaging biomarkers of GLUT1DS, being potentially useful for a precocious diagnosis of this genetic disorder
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