88 research outputs found

    Казка як текст (до проблеми структурально-семіотичної інтерпретації)

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    У статті розглянуто структурально - семіотичну модель інтерпретації казки. Казка представлена як специфічний культурний текст, спрямований на формування наративної й автонаративної репрезентації.The structural-semiotic model in interpre tation of fairy-tale is considered in the article. The fairy-tale is presented as an specific cultural text tends to form the narrative and autonarrative representations

    Довгостроковий часовий прогноз розвитку карсту на Передкарпатті

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    Здійснено довгостроковий часовий прогноз активізації сульфатного карсту в Передкарпатті. В якості факторів активізації розглянуті сонячна і сейсмічна активність, метеорологічні та гідрогеологічні дані. Основою часового прогнозу, здійсненого до 2020 року, служить теорія про ритмічність природних явищ, їх взаємозв’язок і взаємообумовленість.Осуществлен временной прогноз активизации сульфатного карста в Предкарпатье. В качестве факторов активизации рассмотрены солнечная и сейсмическая активность, метеорологические и гидрогеологические данные. Основой временного прогноза, осуществленного до 2020 года является теория о ритмичности природных явлений, их взаимосвязи и взаимообусловленности.The long-term time forecast of sulfate cockpit activation throughout the Piedmont Carpathians has been accomplished. The leading factors-activators include: solar and seismic activity as well as meteorological and hydro-geological data. The backbone of this prognosis for the period up to 2020 is represented by the theory of rhythm among natural phenomena, their interconnection and stipulation

    The species-specific regenerative effects of notochordal cell-conditioned medium on chondrocyte-like cells derived from degenerated human intervertebral discs

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    During intervertebral disc (IVD) maturation, the main cell type shifts from notochordal cells (NCs) to chondrocytelike cells (CLCs). NCs secrete factors with regenerative potential, making them an interesting focus for regenerative treatments. During initial development, these strategies preferably employ non-human donors due to easy availability of their NC-rich nucleus pulposus (NP) tissue. To increase the success of translating these strategies for clinical application, this study aimed to delineate whether NC-secreted factors of different species have a regenerative effect on human CLCs. Human, canine and porcine NC-rich NP tissue and NC-conditioned medium (NCCM) were analysed biochemically and histologically. Human CLC micro-aggregates from degenerated IVDs were cultured in human, canine or porcine NCCM. Collagen, glycosaminoglycan (GAG) and DNA content was determined and histology was performed. Canine and porcine NPs were richer in NCs than human NPs. Human NPs contained the highest collagen content, whereas the DNA and GAG content of canine NPs was significantly higher than that of human or porcine NPs. NCCM from all species significantly increased the DNA and GAG content of the human CLC micro-aggregates. Porcine and canine NCCM were significantly more potent than human NCCM in inducing GAG deposition, whereas only human NCCM induced collagen type II production. Secreted factors from human, canine and porcine NC-rich NPs exerted regenerative effects on human CLCs, indicating a cross-species effect. Bioactive compound(s) are present in NCCM of different species that may reverse human IVD degeneration, supporting further research into strategies based on NC-technology employing canine or porcine models for their translation into humans.</p

    Soluble and pelletable factors in porcine, canine and human notochordal cell-conditioned medium: implications for IVD regeneration

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    During intervertebral disc (IVD) maturation, notochordal cells (NCs) are replaced by chondrocyte-like cells (CLCs) in the nucleus pulposus, suggesting that NCs play a role in maintaining tissue health. Affirmatively, NC-conditioned medium (NCCM) exerts regenerative effects on CLC proliferation and extracellular matrix (ECM) production. The aim of this study was to identify NC-secreted substances that stimulate IVD regeneration. By mass spectrometry of porcine, canine and human NCCM, 149, 170 and 217 proteins were identified, respectively, with 66 proteins in common. Mainly ECM-related proteins were identified, but also organelle-derived and membrane-bound vesicle proteins. To determine whether the effect of NCCM was mediated by soluble and/or pelletable factors, porcine and canine NCCM were separated into a soluble (NCCM-S; peptides and proteins) and pelletable (NCCM-P; protein aggregates and extracellular vesicles) fraction by ultracentrifugation, and tested on bovine and canine CLCs in vitro, respectively. In each model, NCCM-S exerted a more pronounced anabolic effect than NCCM-P. However, glycosaminoglycan (GAG) uptake from the medium into the carrier gel prevented more definite conclusions. While the effect of porcine NCCM-P on bovine CLCs was negligible, canine NCCM-P appeared to enhance GAG and collagen type II deposition by canine CLCs. In conclusion, porcine and canine NCCM exerted their anabolic effects mainly through soluble factors, but also the pelletable NCCM factors showed moderate regenerative potential. Although the regenerative potential of NCCM-P should not be overlooked, future studies should focus on unraveling the protein-based regenerative mechanism from NCCM produced from isolated NCs, e.g. by NCCM fractionation and pathway blocking studies

    The catabolic-to-anabolic shift seen in the canine osteoarthritic cartilage treated with knee joint distraction occurs after the distraction period

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    Background Cartilage regenerative mechanisms initiated by knee joint distraction (KJD) remain elusive. Animal experiments that are representative for the human osteoarthritic situation and investigate the effects of KJD at consecutive time points could be helpful in this respect but are lacking. This study investigated the effects of KJD on the osteoarthritic joint of dogs on two consecutive timepoints. Methods Osteoarthritis was bilaterally induced for 10 weeks in 12 dogs using the groove model. Subsequently, KJD was applied to the right hindlimb for 8 weeks. The cartilage, subchondral bone and synovial membrane were investigated directly after KJD treatment, and after 10 weeks of follow-up after KJD treatment. Macroscopic and microscopic joint tissue alterations were investigated using the OARSI grading system. Additionally, proteoglycan content and synthesis of the cartilage were assessed biochemically. RT-qPCR analysis was used to explore involved signaling pathways. Results Directly after KJD proteoglycan and collagen type II content were reduced accompanied by decreased proteoglycan synthesis. After 10 weeks of follow-up, proteoglycan and collagen type II content were partly restored and proteoglycan synthesis increased. RT-qPCR analysis of the cartilage suggests involvement of the TGF-β and Notch signalling pathways. Additionally, increased subchondral bone remodelling was found at 10 weeks of follow-up. Conclusion While the catabolic environment in the cartilage is still present directly after KJD, at 10 weeks of follow-up a switch towards a more anabolic joint environment was observed. Further investigation of this timepoint and the pathways involved might elucidate the regenerative mechanisms behind KJD. The Translational Potential of this Article Further elucidation of the regenerative mechanisms behind KJD could improve the existing KJD treatment. Furthermore, these findings could provide input for the discovery or improvement of other joint regenerative treatment strategies