11 research outputs found

    Running velocity dynamics in 100 m sprint: comparative analysis of the world top and Estonian top male sprinters

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    Estonian sprint runners have not achieved great success in international title competitions. This study was conducted to analyze their performance in 100m race. The aim of this study was to perform a comparative analysis of 100m sprint horizontal velocity dynamics in Estonian top level and world top-level male sprinters. We analyzed: 1) athletesʼ relative running velocity during different phases of the distance; 2) the loss of Estonian sprinters to the world best sprinters during different phases of the distance.The study compared Estonian Athletics Championships (2006) menʼs 100m sprint final results with Berlin World Athletics Championships (2009) menʼs 100m final results. In both competitions, interval times were measured for the following sections of the race: 0–30m, 30–60m, 60–80m and 80–100m. We found out that Estonian sprintersʼ acceleration ability is relatively better than the other physical abilities necessary for achieving good results in 100m. Estonian sprinters loose most to the world best sprinters during the last part of the distance, 80–100m. However, the difference in running velocity of Estonian sprinters compared to the world best runners is approximately the same in all three last sections of the distance (30–60m, 60–80 and 80–100m)

    Die Verminderung von relativer maximaler Sauerstoffaufnahme bei geschlechtsreifen Mädchen

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    The purpose of this study was to verify the previous results indicating reduced peak VO2 normalized to body mass in girls of advanced sexual maturation. 31 girls aged 11 to 15 years were divided by Tanner’s sexual maturation stages into groups of prepubertal (stage I), pubertal (stages II, III, IV) and postpubertal (stage V) girls. The peak VO2 and the ventilatory threshold were assessed with the aid of a cycloergometric incremental exercise test. Peak VO2 (l/min) was higher in pubertal than prepubertal girls (1.89±0.44 vs. 1.72±0.32, p<0.05). The difference between pubertal and postpubertal girls was insignificant. Relative maximum VO2 did not differ between prepubertal and pubertal girls. In postpubertal adolescents this value was 13% lower than in pubertal girls (p<0.05). An increase of the body mass index showed that in sexual maturation stage V the gain of body mass was relatively more pronounced than the increase in body height. The ventilatory threshold did not differ between the maturation groups.Uvod Neka su istraživanja pokazala da vrijednost relativnog VO2max ne ovisi o spolnom sazrijevanju dječaka. Mebutim, opažanja te pojave u djevojčica pokazala su da je vrijednost VO2max niža u kasnijim fazama spolnog sazrijevanja nego li u spolno manje zrelih djevojcica (Laaneots i sur., 1996). Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je provjeriti smanjuje li se relativni maksimalni primitak kisika s napredovanjem spolnog sazrijevanja u djevojčica. Metoda Uzorak ispitanica činila je 31 djevojčica u dobi od 11 do 15 godina. Uzorak je prema Tannerovoj ljestvici podijeljen na podgrupu predpubertetskih (faza I), pubertetskih (faza II,III, IV) i postpubertetskih djevojcica (faza V). Maksimalni VO2 i ventilacijski prag procjenjivani su progresivnim testom na biciklergometru. Rezultati Vrijednost maksimalnog VO2 (l/min) bila je viša u pubertetskih nego predpubertetskih djevojčica (1.89 ± 0.44 nasuprot 1.72 ± 0.32). Raz- lika izmebu pubertetskih i postpubertetskih djevojčica (1.88 ± 0.46) nije bila statistički značajna. Nije se pokazala statistički značajna razlika u vrijednosti relativnog maksimalnog primitka kisika između predpubertetskih (43 ± 7.3) i pubertetskih (39 ± 9.8) djevojčica. Međutim, ta vrijednost u postpubertetskih djevojcica (34 ± 0.46) bila je oko 13% niža nego u djevojčica u pubertetu (p<0.05). Povecanje indeksa tjelesne mase (sa 18.8 na 20.4 u prosjeku) pokazalo je da je u petoj (V) fazi spolnog sazrijevanja povećanje tjelesne mase relativno više istaknuto nego tjelesni rast u visinu. Tako je vidljivo da korelacija između veličine tijela i maksimalnog VO2 nakon ulaska u petu fazu spolnog sazrijevanja prestaje. Ne postoji statistički značajna razlika između grupa ispitanica s obzirom na vrijednost ventilacijskog praga. Dok je anaerobni prag prije svega određen oksidativnim kapacitetom mišića, smanjenje relativnog maksimalnog VO2 u djevojčica u kasnijoj fazi spolnog sazrijevanja nije bilo povezano s promjenama oksidativnog mišićnoga kapaciteta. Zaključak U djevojčica se spolno sazrijevanje povezuje sa smanjenjem relativnog maksimalnog primitka kisika, što se javlja paralelno s povećanjem tjelesne mase u odnosu na povećanje visine. Prema konstantnim vrijednostima anaerobnog praga, smanjenje relativnog VO2max u djevojčica u naprednoj fazi spolnog razvoja očigledno nije bilo povezano sa smanjenjem oksidativnog mišićnoga kapaciteta.Das Ziel dieser Studie war, die früheren Forschungsergebnisse, die die Verminderung von relativer maximaler Sauerstoffaufnahme bei geschlechtsreifen Mädchen zeigten, zu überprüfen. 31 Mädchen (im Alter 11-15 Jahre) wurden laut Tanners Stufen der Geschlechtsreife in drei Gruppen, nämlich, Vorpubertät (Stufe I), Pubertät (Stufen II, III, IV) und Nachpubertät (Stufe V), geteilt. Die maximale Sauerstoffaufnahme und die ventilatorische Schwelle wurden mit Hilfe des Fahrradergometer-Stufenübung-Testes bestimmt. Maximale Sauerstoffaufnahme (l/min) war bei den Mädchen, die in der Pubertätsgruppe waren, höher als bei Mädchen, die sich in der Vorpubertätsgruppe befanden (1,89±0,44 und 1,72±0,32). Der Unterschied zwischen den Mädchen, die in der Pubertätsphase waren, und Mädchen in der Nachpubertätsphase, war nicht bedeutend. Relative maximale Sauerstoffaufnahme ist kein Hriterium, das die Mädchen, die in der Vorpubertätsphase sind, und Mädchen in der Pubertätsphase, voneinander unterscheidet. Bei Mädchen, die sich in der Nachpubertätsphase befinden, war dieser Wert 13% niedriger als bei Mädchen in der Pubertätsphase (p<0,05). Der erhöhte Hörpermassenindex zeigte, dass in der fünften Stufe der Geschlechtsreife die Hörpermassenzunahme größer war als Hörperhöhenzunahme. Die ventilatorische Schwelle war kein Hriterium, das die verschiedenen Geschletsreifengruppen voneinander unterscheidet

    Akute Anxiolytische und stimmungshebende Wirkung der Aerobic-gymnastik: die Beziehung zum alter, persönlichkeit und Anfangsbangigkeitsniveau

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    The purpose of the study was to establish the significance of personal traits, age, initial anxiety and affect levels in changes of state and trait anxiety and of any positive and negative affect during a 40- min session of aerobic gymnastics. Participants were 70 healthy women in age range from 17 to 57 years. The testing took place before and after the session with the aid of State and Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and Positive and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS). The examinees filled in the NEO- PI (Big Five Personality Inventory) and the Beck Depression Inventory on the next day. The session of aerobic gymnastics resulted in a reduced state anxiety and diminished negative affect level. The anxiolytic effect appeared to be promoted by high initial levels of state anxiety, pronounced negative affect before the session, and interaction of age with openness and conscientiousness. The dimi- nished negative affect level was related to the initial levels of state anxiety and negative affect level. Interaction of age, and initial levels of state anxiety and negative affect attributed 83% to the variance of the anxiolytic effect and 77% of the decrease in negative affect. In conclusion, the acute effects of aerobic gymnastics are reduced anxiety and a balancing mood. Both effects are promoted by initial high anxiety and mood imbalance.Svrha je ovoga istraživanja bila utvrditi kolika je važnost crta licnosti, životne dobi, inicijalnog stupnja anksioznosti i raznih afektivnih stanja za promjene anksioznosti i anksioznih stanja, kao i za pozitivne i negativne učinke 40-minutnog vježbanja aerobike. Uzorak ispitanica činilo je 70 zdravih žena u dobi od 17 do 57 godina. Za mjerenja, koja su provedena neposredno prije i poslije sata aerobike, korišteni su upitnici State and Trait Anxiety Inventory (STA) i Positive and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS). Ispitanice su idući dan popunile još dva upitnika – Big Five Personality Inventory (NEO-PI) i Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Ustanovljeno je sniženje anksioznoga stanja nakon četrdesetominutnog vježbanja aerobike. Dob nije korelirala ni sa jednom varijablom crta ličnosti, kao ni sa razinom anksioznosti i anksioznoga stanja prije i nakon treninga, ali je uspostavila korelaciju s redukcijom anksioznoga stanja tijekom vježbanja. Prema rezultatima multivarijatne analize varijance (MANOVA ), dob ne utječe znatnije na razine anksioznosti i anksioznih stanja niti na veličinu njihove promjene. Razine anksioznosti i anksioznih stanja korelirale su s neuroticizmom, ekstravertiranošću, savjesnošću i BDI-om, ali ne i sa stupnjem ugodnosti osobe. Eta-kvadrat je pokazao da se razina anksioznoga stanja prije vježbanja može pripisati ekstraverziji (29%). Varijanca anksioznoga stanja nakon vježbanja mogla se pripisati neuroticizmu (18%), ekstraverziji (27%), otvorenosti prema iskustvu (17%), savjesnosti (20%), stupnju ugodnosti osobe (21%) i BDI- u (33%). Veličina promjene anksioznosti nije korelirala s utvrđenim crtama licnosti. Samo je inicijalna razina anksioznoznog stanja značajno utjecala na ostale mjere anksioznosti. Udio inicijalne anksioznosti u varijanci anksioznoga stanja nakon vježbanja bio je 30%, a u promjeni anksioznoga stanja 39%. Interakcijom između dobi i inicijalnih razina anksioznoga stanja može se objasniti 37% varijance promjene anksioznoga stanja. Trening nije značajnije utjecao na razinu pozitivnih emocija, ali je znatno smanjio negativne emocije. Na temelju rezultata MANOVA-e, utvrđen je glavni utjecaj ekstraverzije. Ostale crte ličnosti i dob nisu imale utjecaja na parametre emocija. Ekstraverzija objašnjava 24% varijance inicijalnih pozitivnih emocija i 19% varijance negativnih emocija nakon vježbanja. Pokazalo se da je inicijalna razina anksioznoga stanja, ali ne i anksioznosti, najznačajnije utjecala na promjene i pozitivnih i negativnih emocija tijekom vježbanja – 22% varijance promjene pozitivnih emocija i 15% varijance promjene negativnih emocija objašnjeno je individualnim razlikama u inicijalnom stupnju anksioznog stanja. Iinicijalna razina pozitivnih emocija sudjelovala je u promjeni anksioznoga stanja sa 25%, a inicijalna razina negativnih emocija sa 29%. Zaključimo, na anksiolitički učinak aerobike utjecale su, prije svega, visoka inicijalna razina anksioznoga stanja, inicijalno jasno izražene negativne emocije te interakcija između životne dobi, s jedne strane, i otvorenosti prema iskustvu i savjesnosti, s druge. Sniženje razine negativnih emocija povezano je s inicijalnim razinama anksioznoga stanja i negativnih emocija. Interakcija životne dobi s inicijalnim razinama anksioznoga stanja i negativnih emocija objašnjava 83% varijance anksiolitičkog efekta aerobike i 77% sniženja negativnih emocija.Das Ziel dieser Studie war, die Bedeutung des Persönlichkeitseigenschaften, des Alters, des initialen Bangigkeitsniveaus und des Affektniveaus bei den Veränderungen der Bangigkeit und des Bangigkeits-zustands, sowie des positiven und negativen Affekts während einer 40-Minuten langen Stunde von Aerobic-Gymnastik festzustellen. 70 gesunden Frauen im Alter von 17 bis 57 Jahren nahmen an der Untersuchung teil. Sie wurden vor und nach der Aerobic-Gymnastik-Stunde mittels State and Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) und Positive and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS) geprüft. Am nächsten Tag füllten die Teilnehmerinnen die Fragebögen “NEO-PI (Big Five Personality Inventory)” und “Beck Depression Inventory” aus. Die Ergebnisse der Aerobic-Gymnastik-Stunde waren reduzierter Bangigkeitszustand und verminderter negativer Affekt. Die anxiolytische Wirkung scheint durch einen hohen Anfangsbangigkeitszustandniveau, den ausgeprägten vorherigen negativen Affekt, sowie durch die Wechselwirkung vom Alter und Unbefangenheit und Gewissenhaftigkeit verstärkt zu sein. Vermindertes negatives Affektniveau korrelierte mit dem Anfangsbangigkeitszustandniveau, sowie mit dem Niveau des negativen Affekts. Die Wechselwirkung vom Alter, Anfangs und negativem Affektniveau war für 83% der Varianz der anxiolytischen Wirkung, sowie für 77% der Verminderung des negativen Affekts verantwortlich. Es kann beschlossen werden, dass die akute Wirkungen von Aerobic-Gymnastik reduzierte Bangigkeit und bessere Stimmung seien. Beide Wirkungen werden durch eine hohe Anfangs- bangigkeit und Stimmungsstörung verstärkt

    Comparison of the hormonal responses to exhaustive incremental exercise in adolescent and young adult males

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    OBJECTIVE: Evaluate hormonal responses to incremental-stage exercise (EX) test to exhaustion in adolescents. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Adolescents were tested at 16 years of age in Tanner Stage 4 (TS4) and at 17 years of age in Tanner Stage 5 (TS5) (n = 6). Adults were tested at 21 ± 1 y. (X ± SD) (n = 4) and served as controls. Blood samples were taken at rest, at the end of each EX stage. RESULTS: Main effects for EX in cortisol (p < 0.01, increasing with each EX stage) and for subject group for testosterone (T) occurred (p < 0.01; TS4 < TS5, adults). Interaction effect of group by EX stage occurred for GH (p < 0.05). GH increased in response to EX in all groups, however, the magnitude of increase was significantly less for TS5 and adults than TS4. CONCLUSIONS: Differences in T and GH responses for TS4 than those for TS5 and adults reflect the differing maturation levels of the endocrine system between Tanner Stages. TS5 adolescents are more similar to young adults in hormonal responses to EX than are TS4 adolescents

    On anthropometric data of the male student candidates of the Institute of Sport Sciences and Physiotherapy at the University of Tartu in 2017

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate some anthropometric variables of student candidates of the Institute of Sport Sciences and Physiotherapy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tartu in 2017. All anthropometric measurements were made according to the recommendations of R. Martin [7]. Comparison of the height and weight data of the studied subjects with the height and weight norms of Estonia provided by Kaarma et al. [9] revealed that the entrants were taller in height but with the same average weight. In our study, the somatotypes recommended by Kaarma et al. [9] were used for the first time on entrants to the university. Our study found that male student candidates’ body somatotypes were divided into SD classes as follows: small 8.6%, medium 22.9%, large 18.6%; subtypes of pycnomorphic somatotypes: 7.1% in class I, 1.4% in class II, and 8.6% in class III; leptomorphic somatotypes were divided: 11.4% in class I, none in class II and 31.4% in class III. Based on the recommendations of several authors, we calculated the ideal body weight for all the entrants enrolled in the study. Comparison of the average body weight of entrants with the average weight calculated using the ideal weight method revealed an interesting situation. Namely, the mean values calculated using the Devine (1974) formula did not differ statistically significantly from the mean of the measured weights (t=0.101, p&gt; 0.05). Neither did Devine’s (1974) ideal weight and BMI, Rohrer’s index and ponderal index calculated from it, and the body surface calculated according to the formulas of Dubois and Dubois and Mosteller differ from the actual figures

    Monitoring of training

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