31 research outputs found

    Environmental Influences On The Intrinsic Outturn Of Coffee [influências Ambientais No Rendimento Intrínseco Do Café]

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    It was studied the influence of several environmental factors on the intrinsic outturn (RI) of coffee, ratio between the weight of two flat beans and the respective fruit containing them. The RI decreased up to 18% in fruits from unripe (green) to overripe (raising) stage. In seven localities evaluated fruit RI's varied up to 12%. In two different sites of the same locality variation on RI up to 6% was observed. It was observed a difference of 2% among four experimental plots in the same site. Plants of the same cultivar grown in a single experimental plot displayed RI with differences up to 3,7%. In the same locality variations up to 330 meters in altitude were positively correlated with variations up to 4,4% in the RI. Regarding to the influence of the fruit position within the plant it was observed that RI decreased, up to 4,4% if the fruits are located farther from the orthotropic branch, 1,5% in the East side and 0,5% at the middle and upper parts of the plants. The results pointed out that there are considerable environmental influences on the intrinsic outturn of coffee. For breeding purposes, selection for higher RI's must be based on standard sampling as to ripening stage, position in the plant, and be representative of at least 10 plants of uniform progenies evaluated in the same experimental plot.6413950Cannell, M.G.R., Crop physiological aspects of coffee bean yield: A review (1975) Journal of Coffee Research, 5, pp. 7-20. , KarnatakaCannell, M.G.R., Physiology of the coffee crop (1985) Coffee: Botany, Biochemistry and Production of Beans and Beverage, pp. 108-134. , M.N. CLIFFORDK.C. WILSON (Ed.). London: Chapman and HillCarvalho, A., Antunes Filho, H., Melhoramento do cafeeiro. X. Seleção visando eliminar o defeito "lojas vazias do fruto" no café Mundo Novo (1955) Bragantia, 14 (6), pp. 51-62. , CampinasCarvalho, A., Krug, C.A., Menues, J.E.T., Antunes Filho, H., Junqueira, A.R., Aloisi Sobrinho, J., Rocha, T.R., Moraes, M.V., Melhoramento do cafeeiro. XXI. Comportamento regional de variedades, linhagens e progenies de café ao sol e à sombra (1961) Bragantia, 20, pp. 1045-1142. , CampinasConagin, A., Determinação do número de repetições no planejamento de experimentos (1959) Bagantia, 18 (2), pp. 1-31. , CampinasDecazy, F., Avelino, J., Guyot, B., Perriot, J.J., Pineda, C., Cilas, C., Quality of different Honduran coffees in relation to several environments (2003) Journal of Food Science, 68 (7), pp. 2356-2361. , ChicagoGaspari-Pezzopane, C., Medina Filho, H.P., Bordignon, R., Variabilidade genética do rendimento intrínseco de grãos em germoplasma de Coffea (2004) Bragantia, 63 (1), pp. 29-54. , CampinasHuxley, P.A., The effects of artificial shading on some growth characteristics of arabica and robusta coffee seedlings. I. the effects of shading on dry weight, leaf area and derived growth data (1967) Journal of Applied Ecology, (4), pp. 291-308. , LondonKrug, C.A., Carvalho, A., Genetical proof of the existence of coffee endosperm (1939) Nature, (144), p. 515. , LondonKrug, C.A., Malavolta, E., Moraes, F.R.P., Dias, R.A., Carvalho, A., Monaco, L.C., Franco, C.M., Fava, J.F.M., (1965) Cultura e Adubação do Cafeeiro, 277p. , São Paulo: Instituto Brasileiro de PotassaLopez, Y., Riano, N., Mosquera, P., Cadavid, A., Arcila, J., Activities of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and ribulose-1,5- biphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase in leaves and fruit pericarp tissue of different coffee (Coffea sp.) genotypes (2000) Photosynthetica, 38 (2), pp. 215-220. , DordrechtMazzafera, P., Guerreiro Filho, O., (1991) A Produtividade do Cafeeiro, 21p. , Campinas: Instituto Agronômico, (Documentos IAC, 24)Medina Filho, H.P., Bordignon, R., Rendimento Intrínseco: Um critério adicional para selecionar cafeeiros mais rentáveis (2003) O Agronômico, 55 (2), pp. 24-26. , CampinasMendes, A.J.T., Observações citológicas em Coffea. VI. Desenvolvimento do embrião e do endosperma em Coffea arabica L (1942) Bragantia, 2, pp. 115-128. , CampinasMendes, A.J.T., Medina, D.M., Conagin, C.H.T.M., Citologia da ocorrência de frutos sem sementes no café Mundo Novo (1954) Bragantia, 13, pp. 257-279. , Campinas(2000) Meet Minitab. Release 13 for Windows, , State College, PAMonaco, L.C., Efeito das lojas vazias, sobre o rendimento do café Mundo Novo (1960) Bragantia, 19 (1), pp. 1-12. , CampinasMuschler, R.G., Shade improves coffee quality in a suboptimal coffee-zone of Costa Rica (2001) Agroforestry Systems, (85), pp. 131-139. , DordrechtNunes, M.A., Bierhuizen, J.F., Ploegman, C., Studies on productivity of coffee. I. Effect of light, temperature, CO 2 on photosynthesis of Coffea arabica (1968) Acta Botanica Neerlandica, 17 (2), pp. 93-102. , AmsterdamPezzopane, J.R.M., Pedro Júnior, M.J., Thomaziello, R.A., Camargo, M.B.P., Escala para avaliação de estádios fenológicos do cafeeiro arábica (2003) Bragantia, 62 (3), pp. 499-505. , CampinasSilva, E.A., (2004) Influência do Local de Cultivo e do Manejo de Irrigaçã o no Florescimento, Uniformidade de Produção e Qualidade de Bebida do Café (Coffea Arabica L.), , 41f. Tese (Doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas UNICAMP, CampinasWormer, T.M., Shape of bean in Coffea arabica L. in Kenya (1966) Turrialba, 16 (3), pp. 221-236. , San Jos

    Fontes de resistência ao bicho-mineiro, Perileucoptera coffeella, em Coffea spp. Sources of resistance to leaf miner, Perileucoptera coffeella, in Coffea spp.

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    Procurou-se determinar, em nível de laboratório, por meio de infestações artificiais uniformes, fontes de resistência ao bicho-mineiro Perileucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Mèneville, 1842), entre as espécies Coffea stenophyila, C. salvatríx, C. racemosa, C. liberíca, C. eugenioides, C. kapakata, C. dewevrei, C. brevípes, C. congensis e C, canephora e os cultivares Catuaí Vermelho e Mundo Novo de C. arábica. Utilizaram-se testes de livre escolha e de confinamento, sendo avaliados os seguintes parâmetros: oviposição, número de discos lesionados por parcela, nota visual, área foliar danificada por parcela e área foliar danificada por lagarta. De acordo com os parâmetros analisados, pode-se, com relação ao número de pontos atribuídos na avaliação visual e quanto à porcentagem de discos lesionados, agrupar as espécies C. stenophyila, C. brevipes, C. liberíca e C. salvatrix, como altamente resistentes; C. racemosa, C. kapakata, C. dewevrei e C. eugenioides, como moderadamente resistentes, e C. congensis, C. canephora e C. arabica, como suscetíveis. Considerando os parâmetros área foliar danificada por parcela e área foliar danificada por lagarta, C. arabica pode ser classificada como altamente suscetível, mantendo-se C. congensis e C. canephora como suscetíveis.<br>The species C. stenophyila, C. salvatrix, C. racemosa, C. liberíca, C. eugenioides, C. kapakata, C. dewevrei, C. brevipes, C. congensis and C. canephora and cvs Catuaí Vermelho and Mundo Novo of C. arabica were evaluated for resistance to leaf miner (Períleucoptera coffeeila (Guérin-Mèneville, 1842) under lab conditions with artificial infestations of leaf discs. There was no preference of P. coffeella for oviposition on any of the afore mentioned species. According to subjective visual ratings, number of discs with lesions, damaged foliar area and caterpillar consumption, C. stenophylla, C. salvatrix, C. Ilberica and C. brevipescan be considered as highly resistant to the insect showing small or no lesions at all. C. kapakata, C. eugenioides, C. racemosa and C. dewevreican be classified as moderately resistant, C. canephora and C. congensis as susceptible and C. arabica cvs Catuai and Mundo Novo as very susceptible