2 research outputs found

    Waste Water Reuse As A Mitigating Factor To The Effects Of Droughts In The State Of Bahia Semi-arid Viability Study

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    This paper intends to evaluate the feasibility of implementing wastewater reuse as a mitigating factor of the effects of periodical droughts in Bahia's Semi-Arid Region, considering small farmers and policy formulators views on f this practice. The research site was a small municipality of Bahia's semi-arid, São Domingos. The methodology consisted of semi-structured interviews and questionnaires. The obtained results partially confirmed the initial hypothesis, indicating that cultural based perceptions are an important factor: being either the spontaneous repulsive response or the belief that this practice poses a health risk. But the results also point these as obstacles that can be conquered. The research indicated that Economic factors were the most difficult problems to overcome. Nevertheless, the social importance of family agriculture to this region justifies the efforts to build the necessary institutional infra-structure to accomplish the implementation of a wastewater reuse policy.1721732Al-Nakshabandi, G.A., Et Al., Some environmental problems associated with the use of treated wastewater for irrigation in Jordan (1997) Agricultural Water Management, 34, pp. 81-94Asano, T., Water from (waste) water - the dependable water resource (2002) Water Science and Technology, 45, pp. 23-33. , IWA PublishingBaggett, S., Jeffrey, P., Jefferson, B., Risk perception in participatory planning for water reuse (2006) Desalination, 187, pp. 149-158Dillon, P., Water reuse in Australia: current status, projections and research (2000) Proc. Water Recycling, pp. 99-104. , Australia, AdelaideDurousset, E., Cohen, M., Exclusion sociale et gestion des ressources hydriques: ie double défi des politiques de dévelopement dans la zone semi-aride du Brésil (2000) Natures Sciences Societé, 8 (2), pp. 17-30. , [S.I.]Friedler, E., Water reuse an integral part of water resources management: Israel as a case study (2001) Water Policy, 3, pp. 29-39Haruvy, N., Agricultural reuse of wastewater: nation-wide cost-benefit analysis (1997) Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 66, pp. 119-133Hespanhol, I., Um novo paradigma para a gestão de recursos hídricos (2008) Estudos Avançados, 22 (63). , São PauloHurlimann, A., (2008) Community Attitudes to Recycled Water Use: an Urban Australian Case Study - Part 2., , The University of Melbourne, Cooperative Research Centre for Water Quality and TreatmentHurlimann, A., Et Al., Establishing components of community satisfaction with recycled water use through a structural equation model (2008) Journal of Environmental Management, 88, pp. 1221-1232(2011) Censo Demográfico 2010: Características da população e dos domicílios. Resultados do Universo, , IBGE INSTITUTO BRASILEIRO DE GEOGRAFIA E ESTATíSTICA. Rio de JaneiroMiller, G.W., Integrated concepts in water reuse: managing global water needs (2006) Desalination, 187, pp. 65-75Monte, M.H.M., Water Reuse in Europe (2007) E-Water Official Publication of the European Water Association (EWA)Oliveira, F., (2001) Aproximações ao enigma: o que quer dizer desenvolvimento local?, p. 40. , São Paulo, PólisPrograma Gestão Pública e Cidadania/EAESP/FGVRebouças, A.C., Braga, B., Tundisi, J.G., (1999) águas doces no Brasil capital ecológico, uso e conservação, , São Paulo, Escrituras EditoraSalgot, M., Et Al., Wastewater reuse and risk: definition of key objectives (2006) Desalination, 187, pp. 29-40Salgot, M., Water reclamation, recycling and reuse: implementation issues (2008) Desalination, 218, pp. 190-197Santos, M.E.P., Fadul, E., As Sociedades Contemporâneas e a Gestão Pública do Risco (2008) O&S. Organizações & Sociedade, 15, pp. 28-38(2011) Estatísticas dos Municípios Baianos, , SEI Superintendência de Estudos Econômicos e Socias da Bahia. Território de identidade SisalSUDENE. Ministério o Meio Ambiente, Banco do Nordeste, Brasilia, novembro de (2001) Agenda 21 brasileira: Encontro Regional do NordesteUrkiaga, A., Et Al., Development of analysis tools for social, economic and ecological effects of water reuse (2008) Desalination, 218, pp. 81-91(2004) Guidelines for Water Reuse, , USEPAWinpenny, J., Et Al., (2010) The wealth of waste: the economics of wastewater use in agriculture, , FAO Water Reports. Rom

    Mudanças climáticas e impactos na necessidade hídrica das culturas perenes na Bacia do Jaguaribe, no Estado do Ceará Climate change and impacts on water requirement of permanent crops in the Jaguaribe Basin, Ceará, Brazil

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os impactos das mudanças climáticas na demanda de água para irrigação de culturas perenes, na Bacia do Jaguaribe, no Estado do Ceará. Foi empregado o sistema integrado de modelagem regional PRECIS ("Providing Regional Climates for Impact Studies"), e aplicado o método de redução de escala de bacia hidrográfica, com as condições de contorno do modelo climático regional (HadRM3P). Foi utilizado um conjunto de climatologia de base do modelo de 1961 a 1990 e de projeções climáticas futuras. As coordenadas geográficas da região em estudo foram consideradas para interpolação num sistema de informação geográfica. A evapotranspiração de referência foi estimada por meio de dados da temperatura média mensal. As mudanças climáticas projetadas aumentaram a demanda projetada de água para irrigação, porque a evapotranspiração foi estimada para aumentos de 3,1 a 2,2% e a precipitação pluvial foi estimada para diminuições de 30,9 a 37,3%. O aumento da necessidade hídrica foi estimada em 32,9% a 43,9%, para o ano de 2040, conforme o cenário analisado.<br>The aim of this study was to estimate climate change impacts on irrigation water demand for permanent crops. The PRECIS (Providing Regional Climates for Impact Studies) system was applied, and downscaling techniques were used at the river basin level, with the boundary conditions of the regional climate model (HadRM3P). A climate data set was generated for 1961 to 1990 (baseline) and for future climate projections. The regional geographical coordinates were considered for interpolation in a georeferenced coordinated system. The reference evapotranspiration was estimated through data of monthly average temperature. Projected climate change increased projected irrigation water demand, because evapotranspiration was estimated to increase by 3.1 to 2.2% and rainfall was estimated to decrease by 30.9 to 37.3%. The 2040 water need was estimated to increase by 32.9% to 43.9%, according to the analyzed scenario