6 research outputs found

    Zygomatic-palpebral flap: an optional technique for lower eyelid reconstruction

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    Introduction: Lower eyelid reconstruction represents a unique challenge to plastic surgeons, since it involves a facial region of aesthetic and functional importance. The objective is to present an optional technique for the reconstruction of lower eyelid defects using zygomatic-palpebral skin flap. This technique represents an alternative in cases of scleroatrophic skin in older patients, and for young people who do not have an upper eyelid skin redundancy, which prevents, for example, the use of upper eyelid grafts or flaps such as those of Fricke or Tripier. Methods: The authors describe the flap used in cases of cicatricial ectropion and reconstruction after resection of neoplasms and association with other flaps, such as those of Hughes, or for coverage of cartilage grafts. The flap consisted of a transposition flap made up of skin and underlying subcutaneous tissues, randomized . The technique was based on the use of a local flap with highly similar characteristics to the defect area, which allowed it to mimic functions, while being safe and feasible. Results: The immediate and late results in terms of aesthetics and function were satisfactory and well accepted by patients and the surgical team, with adequate eyelid occlusion and preserved ocular lubrication. Conclusion: The advantages of the zygomatic-palpebral flap are its ease of execution, minimal bleeding, low morbidity of the donor area, and the use of local anesthesia. The reconstruction of eyelid defects aims to restore anatomy and function. This can be a challenging task, especially in cases with larger defects that may be present after oncologic procedures both in young and old patients presenting with scleroatrophic skin and minimal tissue laxity

    Digital organization of Plastic Surgery Service

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    The attention and enthusiasm of doctors in the pre- and postoperative period is of extreme importance in maintaining good doctor/patient relationships. An adequate organization and documentary record contributes to achieving a good relationship and ensures an important legal tool for physicians. With current technological advances, the electronic medical record is a secure and democratic way to deal with this information. The government has sought to implement this system in public institutions; however, results are still modest, perhaps mainly due to the lack of resources for investment in this area. In light of this, and given the relevance of practical, informative, and dynamic medical records, we aim to present our experience with the use of a complementary digital resource that is commonly associated with medical records and uses a free of cost digital platform for storing data in the "cloud". This system can provide additional information about each patient, including outpatient follow-up, as well as photographic records of the pre-, intra-, and post-operative periods, and also facilitates quick, synchronized, and remote access through the internet. The system generates optimization of resources, surgical planning, and improvement in patient/ doctor relationships. It also leads to greater integration of the medical team, particularly in the discussion of cases and distribution of surgeries by preceptors and residents. Thus, it is an alternative resource to improve medical charts with important data regarding the performance of medical teams, paying special attention to the peculiarities of plastic surgery


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    RESUMO O inventário qualitativo e quantitativo do bairro Centro do Município de Itaguaí, RJ, foi executado através de 30 pontos amostrais, cada um representando perto de 800 metros de calçadas. Ficou constatado a existência de uma porcentagem (0,03%) muito pequena de vegetação arbórea urbana quando comparada com as recomendações da literatura; as espécies mais encontradas foram Delonix regia, Mangifera indica e Eugenia jambolana

    Prevalence of symptoms of COVID-19 in the state of Rio Grande do Sul: results of a population-based study with 18,000 participants

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar prevalência de relato de sintomas característicos de covid-19 entre indivíduos com e sem anticorpos e identificar aqueles com maior capacidade de predição da presença de anticorpos contra o Sars-CoV-2. MÉTODOS: O presente estudo usa dados coletados nas fases de 5 a 8 do Epicovid-19-RS. A presença de anticorpos contra o Sars-CoV-2 foi avaliada por um teste rápido. Avaliou-se também a ocorrência dos sintomas tosse, febre, palpitações, dor de garganta, dificuldade para respirar, alterações no paladar e olfato, vômito, diarreia, dor no corpo, tremedeira e dor de cabeça, desde março de 2020. Então, calculou-se a capacidade de predição dos sintomas avaliados em relação a presença de anticorpos. RESULTADOS: Nas fases de 5 a 8, 18 mil indivíduos foram entrevistados e 181 apresentaram anticorpos contra covid-19. A proporção de indivíduos assintomáticos foi de 19,9% entre participantes com anticorpos e 49,7% entre aqueles sem anticorpos. Todos os sintomas foram relatados com maior frequência por indivíduos com presença de anticorpos. A divisão da prevalência de sintomas entre indivíduos com anticorpos pela prevalência entre indivíduos sem anticorpos evidenciou as seguintes razões de prevalência: para alterações de olfato ou paladar (9,1), febre (4,2), tremedeira (3,9), dificuldade respiratória (3,2) e tosse (2,8 vezes). Anosmia e febre foram os sintomas com maior capacidade de predizer a presença de anticorpos. CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de sintomas foi maior entre indivíduos com anticorpos contra Sars-CoV-2. A proporção de indivíduos assintomáticos foi baixa. Alteração de olfato ou paladar e febre foram os sintomas que mais predizem a presença de anticorpos. Esses resultados podem auxiliar a identificação de casos prováveis, contribuindo para o diagnóstico clínico e triagem de pacientes para testagem e orientação de isolamento em casos positivos, especialmente em cenários de escassez de testes diagnósticos de covid-19.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prevalence of reports of symptoms of COVID-19 among individuals with and without antibodies and identify those with greater capability to predict the presence of antibodies against Sars-CoV-2. METHODS: The study uses data collected in phases 5 to 8 of Epicovid-19-RS. The presence of antibodies against Sars-CoV-2 was evaluated by a rapid test. The occurrence of cough, fever, palpitations, sore throat, difficulty breathing, changes in taste and smell, vomiting, diarrhea, body pain, shaking, and headache since March 2020 was also evaluated. Then, the capability to predict the evaluated symptoms concerning the presence of antibodies was calculated. RESULTS: A total of 18,000 individuals were interviewed and 181 had antibodies against COVID-19 in phases 5 to 8. The proportion of asymptomatic individuals was 19.9% among participants with antibodies and 49.7% among those without antibodies. All symptoms were reported more frequently by individuals with antibodies. The division of the prevalence of symptoms among individuals with antibodies by the prevalence among individuals without antibodies showed the following prevalence ratios: for changes in smell or taste (9.1), fever (4.2), tremors (3.9), breathing difficulty (3.2) and cough (2.8 times). Anosmia and fever were the symptoms with a greater capability to predict the presence of antibodies. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of symptoms was higher among individuals with antibodies against Sars-CoV-2. The proportion of asymptomatic individuals was low. Altered smell or taste and fever were the symptoms that most predict the presence of antibodies. These results can help to identify probable cases, contributing to the clinical diagnosis and screening of patients for testing and isolation guidance in positive cases, especially in scenarios of the scarcity of diagnostic COVID-19 tests

    Mothers and their pregnancies: a comparison of three population-based cohorts in Southern Brazil Mães e suas gestações: uma comparação de três coortes de base populacional no Sul do Brasil

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    Mothers from the 1982, 1993 and 2004 Pelotas birth cohorts were compared across biological, socioeconomic, demographic and reproductive characteristics. Women in the 2004 cohort had higher levels of education, gained more weight during pregnancy, and were heavier at the beginning and end of their pregnancy than mothers who gave birth in 1993 and 1982. There was an important increase in obesity rates (body mass index > 30kg/m²) over the 22 years of the study. Mean parity decreased from 1.3 in 1982 to 1.1 in 2004, with a growing proportion of primiparas and a decline in the proportion of women with > 4 children. The mean birth interval increased from 33.5 months in 1982 to 65.7 in 2004. Smoking during pregnancy decreased from 35.6% in 1982 to 25.1% in 2004. As with other characteristics, the change in smoking status differed according to income, with higher reductions among the wealthiest (from 24.9% to 8.7%) than among the poorest mothers (from 43.7% to 33.6%). In general terms, between 1993 and 2004 there was a decrease in the prevalence of maternal risk factors for unfavorable perinatal outcomes.<br>As mães das coortes de nascimentos de Pelotas de 1982, 1993 e 2004 foram comparadas em relação a características biológicas, sócio-econômicas, demográficas e reprodutivas. As mães da coorte de 2004 tinham escolaridade mais alta, ganharam mais peso durante a gestação e pesavam mais no início e final da gestação, comparadas com as mães de 1993 e 1982. Houve um aumento importante nas taxas de obesidade (índice de massa corporal >30kg/m²) ao longo dos 22 anos do estudo. A paridade média diminuiu de 1,3 em 1982 para 1,1 in 2004, com um aumento na proporção de mulheres primíparas e um declínio na proporção de mulheres com > 4 crianças. O intervalo médio entre nascimentos aumentou de 33,5 meses em 1982 para 65,7 em 2004. O hábito de fumar durante a gravidez diminuiu de 35,6% em 1982 para 25,1% m 2004. Assim como outras características, a mudança no tabagismo mostrou diferenças de acordo com renda familiar, com uma redução menor nas mães de maior renda (de 24,9% para 8,7%), comparadas com as mais pobres (de 43,7% para 33,6%). Em termos gerais, entre 1993 e 2004 houve uma diminuição na prevalência de fatores de risco maternos para desfechos perinatais desfavoráveis

    “TERRAS ADUBADAS COM SANGUE” O coronelismo de Terras do sem fim

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