3,587 research outputs found

    Abundant cyanopolyynes as a probe of infall in the Serpens South cluster-forming region

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    We have detected bright HC7N J = 21-20 emission toward multiple locations in the Serpens South cluster-forming region using the K-Band Focal Plane Array at the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope. HC7N is seen primarily toward cold filamentary structures that have yet to form stars, largely avoiding the dense gas associated with small protostellar groups and the main central cluster of Serpens South. Where detected, the HC7N abundances are similar to those found in other nearby star forming regions. Toward some HC7N `clumps', we find consistent variations in the line centroids relative to NH3 (1,1) emission, as well as systematic increases in the HC7N non-thermal line widths, which we argue reveal infall motions onto dense filaments within Serpens South with minimum mass accretion rates of M ~ 2-5 M_sun Myr^-1. The relative abundance of NH3 to HC7N suggests that the HC7N is tracing gas that has been at densities n ~ 10^4 cm^-3, for timescales t < 1-2 x 10^5 yr. Since HC7N emission peaks are rarely co-located with those of either NH3 or continuum, it is likely that Serpens South is not particularly remarkable in its abundance of HC7N, but instead the serendipitous mapping of HC7N simultaneously with NH3 has allowed us to detect HC7N at low abundances in regions where it otherwise may not have been looked for. This result extends the known star-forming regions containing significant HC7N emission from typically quiescent regions, like the Taurus molecular cloud, to more complex, active environments.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, accepted to MNRAS. Version with full resolution figures available at http://www.dunlap.utoronto.ca/~friesen/Friesen_HC7N.pd

    Distribuicao e frequencia mensal do estro de caprinos SRD e anglo-nubiano no municipio de Oeiras-Piaui.

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    Informações sobre polinizadores em mangueira no Vale do São Francisco,

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    Caracterização da Região; A Cultura da Mangueira; Socioeconomia; Floração, Morfologia e Biologia Floral; Formação e Desenvolvimento dos Frutos; Polinização da Mangueira ; Visitantes Florais na Região do Vale do São Francisco; Polinizadores Potenciais Recomendações de Manejo; Incremento da População de Polinizadores na Área oferta de Fonte Alimentar Alternativa;Sensibilização de Produtores e Técnicos; Criação de Abelhas Nativas em Ninhos Racionais.bitstream/CPATSA-2009-09/40159/1/SDC213.pd

    Verminose em ovinos e seu controle.

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    Helmintos identificados - principais espécies; Época de ocorrência; Ciclo de vida do Haemonchus contortus; Sintomas; Controle; Anti-helmínticos recomendados; Práticas de manejo recomendadas.bitstream/item/35646/1/CIT19.pd

    Avaliacao de diferentes esquemas de tratamento anti-helmintico em caprinos no Piaui.

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    One-loop unitarity of scalar field theories on Poincare invariant commutative nonassociative spacetimes

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    We study scalar field theories on Poincare invariant commutative nonassociative spacetimes. We compute the one-loop self-energy diagrams in the ordinary path integral quantization scheme with Feynman's prescription, and find that the Cutkosky rule is satisfied. This property is in contrast with that of noncommutative field theory, since it is known that noncommutative field theory with space/time noncommutativity violates unitarity in the above standard scheme, and the quantization procedure will necessarily become complicated to obtain a sensible Poincare invariant noncommutative field theory. We point out a peculiar feature of the non-locality in our nonassociative field theories, which may explain the property of the unitarity distinct from noncommutative field theories. Thus commutative nonassociative field theories seem to contain physically interesting field theories on deformed spacetimes.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures ; appendix and references adde

    Nutrient solution for mint production in hydroponic solution

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    A menta (Mentha arvensis L.) é uma planta aromática e que produz um óleo essencial rico em mentol. Para o cultivo hidropônico de hortaliças folhosas e de frutos existe um grande número de soluções nutritivas recomendadas pela pesquisa; no entanto, existem poucas informações sobre soluções nutritivas para menta. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar uma solução nutritiva para o cultivo de menta em hidroponia. Conduziram-se dois experimentos de outubro a dezembro de 2004 em Santa Maria, RS. Para o experimento a campo, as mudas foram obtidas por estacas e produzidas em substrato organo-mineral (plantmax®), posteriormente transplantadas para canteiros de 5,00 m de comprimento e 1,00 de largura, no espaçamento 0,60 x 0,30 m. No sistema hidropônico "NFT", as mudas foram propagadas por estaquia em espuma fenólica, onde permaceram 18 dias no berçário, quando foram transferidas para as bancadas de produção final. O delineamento experimental foi blocos ao acaso em esquema fatorial 2x2 com os fatores: concentração da solução nutritiva e espaçamentos. Determinou-se a fitomassa seca, o teor de óleo essencial e o mentol. Os melhores resultados de teor de óleo essencial (0,60 ml 100 g-1 de folhas frescas), mentol (82,4%) e fitomassa seca (45 g planta-1) foram obtidos com 100% da concentração da solução nutritiva no transplante e reposição de 50% quando a condutividade elétrica reduziu 50% do valor inicial e no espaçamento de 0,50 m x 0,25 m nos canais de cultivo. Constatou-se que o teor e rendimento de óleo essencial e fitomassa seca no cultivo hidropônico com a solução nutritiva proposta foram superiores aos encontrados em cultivo a campo de 27 g planta-1de fitomassa seca, 0,53 Ml 100 g-1 de folhas frescas de óleo essencial e 64,43% de mentol. A solução nutritiva com concentração de 100% no transplante e reposição de 50% dos nutrientes quando a condutividade elétrica reduzir 50% do valor inicial e o espaçamento 0,50 x 0,25 m pode ser recomendada para o cultivo hidropônico de Mentha arvensis.The mint (Mentha arvensis L.) is an aromatic plant that produces essential oil with high menthol concentration. For the hydroponic cultivation of vegetables and fruits, a great number of recommended formulas exist; however, little information exists about hydroponic solutions for mint. The goal of this work was to evaluate a nutrient solution for the mint cultivation in hydroponic system. Two experiments were carried out from October to December, 2004. For the field experiment, transplants were obtained from cuttings and produced in organic mineral substrates (plantmax®). Later they were transplanted in seed beds of 5.00 m length and 1.00 m width, spacings of 0.60 x 0.30 m. For the hydroponic system NFT, seedlings were obtained from cuttings and planted in phenolic foam where they stayed during 18 days. After that, they were transplanted to a production canal. The experimental design was a 2x2 factorial (nutrient solution concentrations x spacings). The hydroponic solution with 100% concentration in transplant and 50% replacement when the electric condutivity decreased 50% of the initial value and 0.5 x 0.25 m spacings resulted in the highest concentration of essential oil (0.60 mL 100 g-1 fresh leaves), menthol (82,4%) and total dry matter (45 g plant-1). In hydroponic system the yield of dry matter and content of essential oil was higher than under soil conditions 27 g planta-1 of dry matter, concentration oil 0.53 mL 100 g-1 and 64,43% of menthol. The hydroponic solution with 100% concentration in transplant and 50% replacement when the electric condutivity decreased 50% of the initial value and 0.5 x 0.25 m spacing can be recommended for the cultivation of mint in hydroponic solution