34 research outputs found

    Accelerator mass spectrometry dating at Catalhoyuk

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    Several charred plant and charcoal samples from various stratigraphic levels of the Neolithic Site, 1 Catalhtoyuk - Turkey, were dated in the AMS facility of Purdue University (PRIME Lab). Radiocarbon dates reveal a complicated chronology, as was foreseen from archeological investigations. Our measurements suggest that this unique Neolithic town may have been initiated at the East mound around 8390 BP

    Die Meteoritenfunde in der Antarktis

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    Protest logics and the mediation opportunity structure

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    This article aims to bridge a gap between social movement studies and media and communication studies. A conceptual framework is presented that integrates the political opportunity structure approach and the logics of contentious action with the concept of mediation. The author argues that mediation opportunity structure is a fruitful concept to encompass a wide variety of ways in which media and communication are relevant to protest and social movements. It refers to mainstream media representations of protest and movements, to movements ‘becoming the media’ and counter-spinning, as well as to media and communication practices that constitute protest and resistance in their own right. The manifold articulations of mediation illustrate that media and communication are not merely relevant to the symbolic and discursive realms in which social movements operate, but that they are also instrumental and material to realizing their immediate goals. Activists are becoming more aware and conscious of the mediation opportunity structure, through their lay-knowledge of how the mainstream media and technologies operate, partially adapting to them or appropriating them. The nature and degree of mediation opportunities for activists and the structural constraints impeding the opportunities varies according to the type of protest logic that is being used