604 research outputs found

    Advertizing, concentration and profitability in Malaysian manufacturing revisited: A simultaneous equation approach

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    The original Structure-Conduct-Performance (SCP) paradigm that postulates a unidirectional relationship between concentration, advertizing and profitability had been used as the theoretical framework for many empirical works in industrial organizations before the mid seventies. Thereafter, doubts had begun to surface over the unidirectional postulate and there is new theory suggesting simultaneous interdependence. Unfortunately, not only are Malaysian studies in this area few and far between (exhaustive literature review yields only three published studies namely, Gan and Tham, 1977; Gan, 1978; and Rugayah, 1992), they also failed to incorporate the more recent theoretical development on the simultaneity of effects. This paper revisits the SCP paradigm as applied to the relationship among concentration, advertizing and profitability by conducting an empirical test that allows for simultaneous interdependence among variables. A set of three equations was estimated using three stage least squares (3SLS). The results provide considerable support to the feed forward and feedback effects between the three variables. Advertizing intensity exerts a significant influence on profit and concentration in the industry and there exists a feedback effect running from concentration to advertizing intensity. This finding suggests that advertizing does have an anti-competitive impact on the industry and therefore has a direct bearing on competition policy analysis

    The influence of safety management practices on safety behavior: a study among manufacturing SMES in Malaysia

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    Safety at work is one of the key issues in many organizations.This is because accidents and injuries in the workplace can cost the organization financially and non-financially. Although workplace safety has been widely investigated, less attention is given to the small and medium enterprises.Such neglect is unfortunate because many accidents and injuries around the world, including Malaysia, happen in this organizational milieu.A survey of 74 employees of SMEs in the northern region of Peninsular Malaysia was carried out.Self-reported measures were used to obtain data on workplace safety dimensions and safety behavior.The Partial Least Square (PLS) structural model analysis was used to ascertain the proposed relationships.The present study found that only three dimensions of safety management practices (management commitment, safety training, and safety rules and procedures) were significantly related to safety behavior. Implications for managers and practitioners are discussed

    Image-based Deep Learning for Smart Digital Twins: a Review

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    Smart Digital twins (SDTs) are being increasingly used to virtually replicate and predict the behaviors of complex physical systems through continual data assimilation enabling the optimization of the performance of these systems by controlling the actions of systems. Recently, deep learning (DL) models have significantly enhanced the capabilities of SDTs, particularly for tasks such as predictive maintenance, anomaly detection, and optimization. In many domains, including medicine, engineering, and education, SDTs use image data (image-based SDTs) to observe and learn system behaviors and control their behaviors. This paper focuses on various approaches and associated challenges in developing image-based SDTs by continually assimilating image data from physical systems. The paper also discusses the challenges involved in designing and implementing DL models for SDTs, including data acquisition, processing, and interpretation. In addition, insights into the future directions and opportunities for developing new image-based DL approaches to develop robust SDTs are provided. This includes the potential for using generative models for data augmentation, developing multi-modal DL models, and exploring the integration of DL with other technologies, including 5G, edge computing, and IoT. In this paper, we describe the image-based SDTs, which enable broader adoption of the digital twin DT paradigms across a broad spectrum of areas and the development of new methods to improve the abilities of SDTs in replicating, predicting, and optimizing the behavior of complex systems.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, and 3 table

    A new fair marker algorithm for DiffServ networks

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    Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has proposed many new technologies to cover the new real time applications which have become very important in today's Internet demands. One such technology is Differentiated Services (DiffServ). DiffServ routers provide Per Hop Behaviors (PHBs) to aggregate traffic for different level of services. There is an unfairness problem that occur in a DiffServ networks. In this paper an improved version of the time sliding window three color marker is proposed and analyzed. The proposed algorithm is based on the adaptability concept of changing the constant value in the previous version of the algorithm (ItswTCM), in other words, changing the limit for the constant value without affecting the simplicity of the algorithm. The paper design and implement the algorithm with extensive simulations using NS-2 simulator to compare the proposed algorithm with previous algorithms. Results show that our new marker performs better than previous algorithms such as srTCM, trTCM, tswWTCM and ItswTCM in terms of fairness and number of yellow packets injected to the network in proportion to the committed rate

    Pro-active QoS resource management schemes for future integrated packet-switched networks

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    In this research two pro-active dynamic QoS resource management schemes are designed, namely the dynamic QoS control scheme with delay estimation, and the hybrid dynamic QoS control scheme. In both schemes, every new packet arrival is compared against the computed estimated delay it will experience, prior to being admitted into the buffer. If the computed estimated delay expires the requested delay bound, then the packet is dropped. In the hybrid scheme, every packet is first assessed for the estimated delay prior to being admitted into the buffer, subsequently the packets which have been successfully admitted into the buffer are evaluated on the actual delay experienced before being transmitted to the receiver. The paper studies the performance of the two proposed schemes with a dynamic resource management scheme, known as the OCcuPancy_Adjusting (OCP_A). The results obtained through the simulation models show that the proposed schemes have significantly improved the average delay for different traffic patterns. In addition to improving the average delay in delay sensitive traffic, improvement is seen in the average packet loss ratio, and subsequently increasing the throughput of delay sensitive traffic

    Motion Vector Estimation Search using Hexagon-Diamond Pattern for Video Sequences, Grid Point and Block-Based

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    Grid and block-based motion vector estimation techniques are proposed for motion tracking in video sequences. The grid technique is referred to the hexagon-diamond pattern. While, block-based technique is referred to 16 × 16 pixels of blocks in a single frame in video sequences. The hexagon and diamond pattern is applied onto the 16 × 16 pixels blocks in a single frame for motion tracking purposes in video sequences. The hexagon grid pattern will conduct a search to capture the motion in a particular block of the hexagon region before the diamond grid pattern takes place for the fine search. The diamond grid pattern provides accuracy to obtain the best grid vector coordinate for motion tracking purposes. The hexagon-diamond grid vector coordinate can be used to determine whether the object is moving toward the horizontal or vertical plane. The information determined at grid vector coordinate can be used as a reference when referring to the previous frame in video sequence processing. The grid vector coordinate will help to determine the area of interest to be examined based on the coordinate obtained. Besides the grid vector estimation, the Point Signal Noise-to-Ratio (PSNR) is also applied to measure the quality of the video

    In vitro propagation of Gladiolus dalenii from the callus through the culture of corm slices

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    Production of sufficient numbers of plants of a unique genotype is possible using in vitro culture system. In this study, the effects of various concentrations and combinations of plant growth regulators for in vitro regeneration of gladiolus were used with corm fractions as explants. Thus, an efficient in vitro propagation method was developed for Gladiolus dalenii using corm slices as explants. The highest rate of 90% explants for callus induction was observed on MS medium supplemented with 7.5 mg/L NAA after culture initiation of 90 days. Calli responded to form well developed shoots on transferring to medium containing MS + 0.5 mg/L BA + 0.5 mg/L Kin, in which 70% of the cultured calli responded to produce shoots. The average number of shoot per culture calli was 20 ± 2.40 and the average shoot lengths of 4.50 ± 0.45 cm were achieved in this medium after culture of 60 days. Recurrent callus induction and continuous plant regeneration were also observed in the same medium during the passage of shoot induction period. Shoots rooted well when they were excised individually and implanted on half-strength MS medium supplemented with 2.5 mg/L IBA, which resulted 90% shoot induced roots after culture of 30 days. The average number of root per shoot was 10 ± 1.20 and the average root length of 5.5 ± 0.70 cm was observed in this medium. Eighty percent (80) of the in vitro raised plantlets were survived in the natural environment

    Introduction of the composite materials and applications for manufacturing technology

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    A composite material can be defined as a combination of two materials resulting in better properties than those of the individual's compound used. The two constituents form a matrix and reinforcement. the main advantages of composite materials are their high strength and rigidity, combined with low density compared with bulk materials, which allows a reduction in weight in the finished part..

    Management commitment and safety training as antecedent of workers safety behavior

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    The manufacturing sector in Malaysia is categorized as one of the dangerous work sectors with a high accident record. The use of heavy machinery, unsafe working conditions, and hazardous materials handling is among the causes of many work-related accidents recorded among factory workers. In addition, the lack of safety training and low safety management commitment towards worker safety also contributed to the increasing number in this statistic. The goal of this investigation is to determine the link between management commitment and safety training on safety behavior among workers. This study involved small and medium factory workers operating in the northern states of peninsular Malaysia. The data for this study was obtained using a questionnaire, while the Statistical Packages for Social Science (SPSS) application was used to perform the data analysis process. The results of the data analysis show that employers' commitment to safety and safety training has a positive relationship with safety behavior among study respondents. Suggestions and improvements to the study are presented at the end of this writing

    Unemployment and job vacancy dynamics in Malaysia: ARDL approach to co-integration analysis

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    This paper examines the long-run co-integration relationship between unemployment and macroeconomic variables in the Malaysian labour market. Econometric methods of Auto-regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Method is employed. This study found that there is a stationary long-run co-integration relationship between unemployment and macroeconomic variables in Malaysia. Unemployment in Malaysia does not suffer due to mismatch in the labour market. Economic growth and foreign direct investment are found to be crucial in reducing unemployment in Malaysia