8 research outputs found

    Comparison in Application of Active Learning Model the Power of Two and Everyone is Teacher Here to Improve Student Study Results on System of Human Motion Subject in SMP Negeri 17 Banda Aceh

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    This research purpose is to comprehend comparison in application of active learning model the power of two and everyone is teacher here to improve student study results on system of human motion subject in SMP Negeri 17 Banda Aceh. The approach in this research is a quantitative approach. Shape design of experiments in this research is a Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. The data collection was held on June 9 to August 20, 2016. The sample in this study were students of class VIII-1 and VIII-2 , 29 students total for each class. VIII-1 using The Power Of Two model and VIII-2 using Everyone Is Teacher Here model. The data collection is done by giving the 25 items objective test with four alternative answers. Data collection was performed twice, before using one of the active learning model (pre-test) and after using one of the active learning model (post-test) in both experimental class.Test result of t N-Gain to α 0.05 in both classes obtained tcalculateis 2,46 while ttableis 1,68 which indicate that there are differences in student study result on System Of Human Motion subject that taught using active learning model The Power Of Two and active learning model Everyone Is Teacher Here.The conclusions of this research is that there is a difference of study result between students who are taught by active learning model The Power Of Two and students who are taught by active learning model Everyone Is Teacher Here on System Of Human Motion subject in class VIII SMP Negeri 17 Banda Aceh

    Toxicity Test of Kirinyuh (Eupatorium Odoratum L.) Leaf Extract Against Mortality of Golden Snail (Pomacea Canaliculata)

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    Golden snail (Pomacea canaliculata) is a freshwater snail that has potential as a pest. Golden snail are very dangerous because it can attack the immature rice, so it need to find the right way to control it. One of the right way to control golden snail is by giving plant molluscicide. Plant molluscicide is molluscicide that derived from plants that can be used to control pests and plant diseases, one of them is kirinyuh (Eupatorium odoratum L.). The aim of this research was to determine the effect of kirinyuh (Eupatorium odoratum L.) leaf extract against mortality of golden snail (Pomacea canaliculata). The hypothesis of this research was the giving of kirinyuh (Eupatorium odoratum L.) leaf extract effected againts mortality golden snail (Pomacea canaliculata). This research used experimental method by using pattern completely randomized design (CRD) with 6 treatments and 4 replicates that were concentration P0 (control), P1 10.000 ppm extract, P2 20.000 ppm, P3 30.000 ppm, P4 40.000 ppm and P5 50.000 ppm. The parameter measured was the number of mortality golden snail after 24 hours. Data was analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and test Significant Difference (LSD). The result showed that the giving of every different concentrations of kirinyuh leaf extract had significant (P <0.05) for mortality of golden snail (Pomacea canaliculata). This research also showed that the concentration kirinyuh leaf extract that could kill 100% of pest golden snail is the highest concentration that was 50.000 ppm. The conclusion of this research was the giving of kirinyuh leaf extract for 24 hours significantly affected againts mortality of golden snail, the higher concentration of extract increased mortality rate of golden snail

    Customer Delight Measurement in Halal Cosmetics Industry in Malaysia: The Relationship between Functional Values, Epistemic Values and Customer Emotions towards Customer Delight

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    Providing and maintaining customer emotion experience and satisfaction are the biggest contemporary challenges of management in Halal cosmetics industry. While customer satisfaction measures the perception of the customers, customer delight is the measure to success. Delighted customers are loyal and more valuable as they will help the organisation to compete with the competitors. The objective of this article is to present a conceptual framework to examine the role of functional values (Halal product attributes and reference price), epistemic values (Halal visual packaging design) in establishing positive customer emotion experience in the customers mind for Halal cosmetics products and ultimately achieving customer delight. The well-established Holbrook consumer value model was applied to test its validity and robustness in the Halal cosmetics products context. A self-administered, 5-points Likert scale questionnaire was distributed to selected retail outlets throughout the states in Malaysia. The findings indicated that functional values and epistemic values are insignificant in creating positive customer emotion experience, but customer emotion experience shows significant relationship with customer delight for Halal cosmetics products. In view of the relationship between these variables can assist the providers to improve their product offerings and competitive strategies

    Congruence patterns of aquatic communities in a tropical river basin, Malaysia

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    The loss of aquatic biodiversity in tropical streams of SE Asia is evident due to increasing anthropogenic activities. Therefore, there is a necessity for immediate and feasible conservation plans. Effective conservation planning depends on successful application of surrogate groups. However, progress of this approach is hindered by the paucity of relevant reports based on cross-taxon congruence analysis. In this study, we investigated congruence patterns among aquatic groups (Plecoptera, Trichoptera, Ephemeroptera, Odonata and fish) in six rivers located in the Kerian River Basin (KRB), Malaysia. Species richness was significantly correlated among aquatic groups (except for Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera where r = 0.040 and P = 0.202). The strongest relationship in species richness was reported between Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera. The Mantel's r coefficient of similarity matrices (based on the Bray-Curtis distance measure) showed a positive correlation between the matrices of Ephemeroptera-Trichoptera and Plecoptera-Trichoptera. However, a negative relationship was reported between Odonata-fish matrices. The relationships between average Trichoptera-Odonata distance to the centroid (i.e. beta diversity) among the aquatic groups were also investigated. The strongest relationship in the average to the centroids was reported between Ephemeroptera and Odonata (R2 = 0.424, P < 0.05). However, the weakest relationship was reported between Trichoptera and fish with R2 value of 0.024. It is concluded that richness of Plecoptera, Odonata and fish showed correlations patterns, and these can be used as surrogates for each other with some restrictions