498 research outputs found

    Pediatria do Neurodesenvolvimento. Levantamento Nacional de Recursos e Necessidades

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    As perturbações do neurodesenvolvimento são das patologias crónicas mais frequentes da infância e com tendência a aumentar nas sociedades modernas. Têm na grande maioria dos casos um percurso crónico e com limitação da aprendizagem necessária para a integração na sociedade de um modo autónomo. A Sociedade de Pediatria do Neurodesenvolvimento da Sociedade Portuguesa de Pediatria procedeu em 2008 e 2009 ao levantamento de recursos, movimento e necessidades na área assistencial do neurodesenvolvimento no universo de 49 hospitais portugueses com Pediatria, referente a 31 de Dezembro de 2007. Responderam 42 (85.7%) hospitais. O número total de consultas de desenvolvimento representou 10.7% das de Pediatria, e foi- -lhe imputada uma mediana de tempo de 20 horas por semana. Dedicavam-se ao desenvolvimento 82 pediatras, mas mais de dois terços só o fazia a tempo parcial. Outros profissionais (fisiatras, psicólogos, terapeutas da fala, terapeutas ocupacionais, fisioterapeutas, docentes e técnicos de Serviço Social) faziam parte das equipas do desenvolvimento, mas em menor número que os pediatras, e de igual modo só raramente a tempo completo. Aguardava por consulta de desenvolvimento uma mediana de 185 crianças, e o tempo de espera variou entre um e 18 meses(mediana de seis). No seu conjunto os hospitais a curto prazo recrutariam 34 Pediatras para se dedicarem à área do neurodesenvolvimento,metade em regime de tempo completo. Dos outros profissionais requisitados [psicólogos (21), terapeutas da fala (20), docentes (20), terapeutas ocupacionais (14), fisioterapeutas (8) e técnicos do Serviço Social (6)], solicitavam-nos a tempo inteiro. Concluí-se que o movimento assistencial específico desta área no contexto global da Pediatria representa já um número significativo de consultas. Ainda assim, a resposta na área do neurodesenvolvimento revelou-se insuficiente e as equipas não funcionavam na generalidade em trabalho multidisciplinar. Contudo, os pedidos solicitados de recursos humanos médicos e não médicos e a preferência de que a dedicação ao neurodesenvolvimento fosse a tempo completo reflecte uma evolução positiva a curto prazo, caso estes recrutamentos se venham a concretizar

    A Randomized Double-Blind Study Comparing the Efficacy and Safety of Orlistat Versus Placebo in Obese Patients with Mild to Moderate Hypercholesterolemia

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    INTRODUCTION: Obesity is a chronic disease and a serious health problem that leads to increased prevalence of diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia and gallbladder disease. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of orlistat for weight loss and improved lipid profile compared to placebo in obese patients with hypercholesterolemia, treated over a period of 6 months. METHODOLOGY: In a 6-month, multicenter (10 centers in Portugal), double-blind, parallel, placebo-controlled study, 166 patients, aged 18-65 years, body mass index (BMI) > or = 27 kg/m2, LDL cholesterol > 155 mg/dl, were randomized to a reduced calorie diet (600 kcal/day deficit) plus orlistat three times a day or placebo. Exclusion criteria included triglycerides > 400 mg/dl, severe cardiovascular disease, uncontrolled hypertension, type 1 or 2 diabetes under pharmacological treatment, and gastrointestinal or pancreatic disease. RESULTS: The mean difference in weight from baseline was 5.9% (5.6 kg) in the orlistat group vs. 2.3% (2.2 kg) in the placebo group. In the orlistat group 49% of patients achieved 5-10% weight loss and 8.8% achieved > 10%. The orlistat group showed a significant reduction in total and LDL cholesterol, with similar changes for HDL in both treatment groups. The frequency of gastrointestinal adverse events was slightly higher in the orlistat group than in the placebo group, leading to discontinuation in 7 patients. CONCLUSION: Treatment with orlistat plus a reduced calorie diet for 6 months achieved significant reductions in weight, BMI and lipid parameters

    Current distribution of Achatina fulica, in the State of São Paulo including records of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus (Nematoda) larvae infestation

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    The currently known distribution range of Achatina fulica Bowdich, 1822, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, is presented. The record of A. fulica naturally infested with Aelurostrongylus abstrusus larvae (Railliet, 1898) (Nematoda: Metastrongylidae) can be found in the city of Guaratinguetá. It was found A. fulica with Metastrongylidae larvae without known medical and veterinary importance in the cities of Carapicuíba, Embu-Guaçu, Itapevi, São Caetano do Sul, São Paulo and Taboão da Serra.É apresentada a distribuição de Achatina fulica Bowdich, 1822 no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. É fornecido o registro de A. fulica naturalmente infestada por larvas de Aelurostrongylus abstrusus (Railliet, 1898) (Nematoda: Metastrongylidae) no município de Guaratinguetá. Foi encontrada A. fulica portando larvas de Metastrongylidae sem importância médica e veterinária conhecida nos municípios de Carapicuíba, Embu Guaçu, Itapevi, São Caetano do Sul, São Paulo e Taboão da Serra

    The Temporal Pattern of Mating Behavior of the Fruit Fly, Anastrepha zenildae in the Laboratory

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    The state of Rio Grande do Norte is an important fruit-producing and exporting area in northeastern Brazil. The success of this industry depends on fruit fly population control, especially in fly-free exporting zones. However, many fruits are not exported because of quarantine restrictions imposed by importing countries. A survey in the state has detected a considerable increase of the fruit fly, Anastrepha zenildae Zucchi (Diptera: Tephritidae), probably a result of the introduction of irrigated guava orchards that make fruit available all year. Knowledge of the sexual behavior of Tephritidae has great importance to pest control programs, particularly those that employ the Sterile Insect Technique. In order to characterize the reproductive behavior of A. zenildae, 32 individuals (16 males; 16 females) in each of six generations were submitted to an artificial 12:12 L:D cycle (750: < 1 lux, lights on 07:00–19:00) and observed over their lifetimes. The courtship and copulation occurred in leks and the episodes varied with the time of day, courtship being most frequent between Zeitgeber time (ZT) 3 and ZT 7, peaking at ZT 5–6. Copulations occurred between ZT 2 and ZT 8, with a higher frequency between ZT 5–7 and a peak at ZT 6. Mean duration was 0.28 ± 0.03 min/male (range: 5–163 min). Males in the leks attempted to copulate mainly between ZT 3 and ZT 7 with a peak at ZT 6, and males outside leks peaked at ZT 7. The different timing of sexual behaviors among related sympatric species, including A. zenildae, may contribute to species isolation

    Advanced maturation of human cardiac tissue grown from pluripotent stem cells

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    Cardiac tissues generated from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) can serve as platforms for patient-specific studies of physiology and disease1-6. However, the predictive power of these models is presently limited by the immature state of the cells1, 2, 5, 6. Here we show that this fundamental limitation can be overcome if cardiac tissues are formed from early-stage iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes soon after the initiation of spontaneous contractions and are subjected to physical conditioning with increasing intensity over time. After only four weeks of culture, for all iPSC lines studied, such tissues displayed adult-like gene expression profiles, remarkably organized ultrastructure, physiological sarcomere length (2.2 µm) and density of mitochondria (30%), the presence of transverse tubules, oxidative metabolism, a positive force-frequency relationship and functional calcium handling. Electromechanical properties developed more slowly and did not achieve the stage of maturity seen in adult human myocardium. Tissue maturity was necessary for achieving physiological responses to isoproterenol and recapitulating pathological hypertrophy, supporting the utility of this tissue model for studies of cardiac development and disease.The authors acknowledge funding support from the National Institutes of Health of the USA (NIBIB and NCATS grant EB17103 (G.V.-N.); NIBIB, NCATS, NIAMS, NIDCR and NIEHS grant EB025765 (G.V.-N.); NHLBI grants HL076485 (G.V.-N.) and HL138486 (M.Y.); Columbia University MD/PhD program (S.P.M., T.C.); University of Minho MD/PhD program (D.T.); Japan Society for the Promotion of Science fellowship (K.M.); and Columbia University Stem Cell Initiative (D.S., L.S., M.Y.). We thank S. Duncan and B. Conklin for providing human iPSCs, M.B. Bouchard for assistance with image and video analysis, and L. Cohen-Gould for transmission electron microscopy services.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Correlation Network Analysis Applied to Complex Biofilm Communities

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    The complexity of the human microbiome makes it difficult to reveal organizational principles of the community and even more challenging to generate testable hypotheses. It has been suggested that in the gut microbiome species such as Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron are keystone in maintaining the stability and functional adaptability of the microbial community. In this study, we investigate the interspecies associations in a complex microbial biofilm applying systems biology principles. Using correlation network analysis we identified bacterial modules that represent important microbial associations within the oral community. We used dental plaque as a model community because of its high diversity and the well known species-species interactions that are common in the oral biofilm. We analyzed samples from healthy individuals as well as from patients with periodontitis, a polymicrobial disease. Using results obtained by checkerboard hybridization on cultivable bacteria we identified modules that correlated well with microbial complexes previously described. Furthermore, we extended our analysis using the Human Oral Microbe Identification Microarray (HOMIM), which includes a large number of bacterial species, among them uncultivated organisms present in the mouth. Two distinct microbial communities appeared in healthy individuals while there was one major type in disease. Bacterial modules in all communities did not overlap, indicating that bacteria were able to effectively re-associate with new partners depending on the environmental conditions. We then identified hubs that could act as keystone species in the bacterial modules. Based on those results we then cultured a not-yet-cultivated microorganism, Tannerella sp. OT286 (clone BU063). After two rounds of enrichment by a selected helper (Prevotella oris OT311) we obtained colonies of Tannerella sp. OT286 growing on blood agar plates. This system-level approach would open the possibility of manipulating microbial communities in a targeted fashion as well as associating certain bacterial modules to clinical traits (e.g.: obesity, Crohn's disease, periodontal disease, etc)

    Costs Associated with Low Birth Weight in a Rural Area of Southern Mozambique

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    BACKGROUND: Low Birth Weight (LBW) is prevalent in low-income countries. Even though the economic evaluation of interventions to reduce this burden is essential to guide health policies, data on costs associated with LBW are scarce. This study aims to estimate the costs to the health system and to the household and the Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) arising from infant deaths associated with LBW in Southern Mozambique. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Costs incurred by the households were collected through exit surveys. Health system costs were gathered from data obtained onsite and from published information. DALYs due to death of LBW babies were based on local estimates of prevalence of LBW (12%), very low birth weight (VLBW) (1%) and of case fatality rates compared to non-LBW weight babies [for LBW (12%) and VLBW (80%)]. Costs associated with LBW excess morbidity were calculated on the incremental number of hospital admissions in LBW babies compared to non-LBW weight babies. Direct and indirect household costs for routine health care were 24.12 US(CI95 (CI 95% 21.51; 26.26). An increase in birth weight of 100 grams would lead to a 53% decrease in these costs. Direct and indirect household costs for hospital admissions were 8.50 US (CI 95% 6.33; 10.72). Of the 3,322 live births that occurred in one year in the study area, health system costs associated to LBW (routine health care and excess morbidity) and DALYs were 169,957.61 US$ (CI 95% 144,900.00; 195,500.00) and 2,746.06, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: This first cost evaluation of LBW in a low-income country shows that reducing the prevalence of LBW would translate into important cost savings to the health system and the household. These results are of relevance for similar settings and should serve to promote interventions aimed at improving maternal care