14 research outputs found

    A qualitative study of community pharmacists' opinions on the provision of osteoporosis disease state management services in Malaysia

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    Background: Osteoporosis has significant impact on healthcare costs and quality of life. Amongst the models for collaborative disease state management services published internationally, there is sparse evidence regarding the role of community pharmacists in the provision of osteoporosis care. Hence, the aim of our study was to explore community pharmacists' opinions (including the barriers and facilitators) and scope of osteoporosis disease state management services by community pharmacists in Malaysia, informing a vision for developing these services. Methods: Semi-structured individual interviews and focus groups discussions were conducted with community pharmacists from October 2013 to July 2014. Three trained researchers interviewed the participants. Interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim. Data were analyzed thematically using an interpretative description approach. Results: Nineteen community pharmacists with 1-23 years of experience were recruited (in depth interviews: n = 9; focus group discussions: n = 10). These participants reflected on their experience with osteoporosis-related enquiries, which included medication counseling, bone density screening and referral of at-risk patients. Key barriers were the lack of numerous factors: public awareness of osteoporosis, accurate osteoporosis screening tools for community pharmacists, pharmacists' knowledge on osteoporosis disease and medications, time to counsel patients about bone health, collaboration between pharmacists and doctors, and support from the government and professional body. The pharmacists wanted more continuing education on osteoporosis, osteoporosis awareness campaigns, a simple, unbiased osteoporosis education material, and inter-professional collaboration practices with doctors, and pharmacists' reimbursement for osteoporosis care. Conclusions: The involvement of community pharmacists in the provision of osteoporosis disease state management was minimal. Only ad-hoc counseling on osteoporosis prevention was performed by community pharmacists. Development and trial of collaborative osteoporosis disease state management services in community pharmacy could be facilitated by training, support and remuneration

    Acompanhamento do desenvolvimento da linguagem de lactentes de risco para surdez Follow-up of language development in infants with risk factors for hearing loss

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    OBJETIVO: Comparar o desenvolvimento da linguagem, de acordo com o gênero, idade gestacional e peso ao nascimento, aos quatro, oito e 12 meses, de lactentes que permaneceram em UTI Neonatal e que apresentaram um ou mais indicadores de risco para perda auditiva de aparecimento tardio. MÉTODOS: Estudo longitudinal de lactentes nascidos entre agosto de 2007 e julho de 2008 que, na UTI, apresentaram resultado normal no Potencial Evocado Auditivo de Tronco Encefálico, e que necessitaram de monitoramento audiológico e de linguagem, por apresentarem indicadores de risco para perda auditiva. Os lactentes foram avaliados no 4º, 8º e 12° meses de vida por meio da Escala de Aquisições Iniciais de Linguagem. RESULTADOS: Compareceram a todas as avaliações 87 lactentes e 60 (69%) apresentaram como indicador de risco a permanência na UTI associada à hipertensão pulmonar. Na Escala de Aquisições Iniciais de Linguagem, nove lactentes apresentaram alterações aos quatro meses e 11 lactentes aos oito meses de idade. Aos 12 meses, 18 (20,6%) lactentes apresentaram alteração e desses, cinco tiveram atraso nos meses anteriores. Os dados estatísticos demonstraram que resultados alterados aos quatro e oito meses podem predizer dificuldades nas respostas dos lactentes aos 12 meses. Houve o aparecimento de desvios transitórios no desenvolvimento da linguagem oral, normalizados na maioria dos casos. CONCLUSÃO: Deve-se realizar a avaliação de linguagem no primeiro ano de vida a fim de monitorar possíveis atrasos em lactentes com indicador de risco para surdez.<br>PURPOSE: To compare language development, according to gender, gestational age and birth weight, at four, eight and 12 months of life, of infants who remained in the Neonate Intensive Care Unit, who presented at least one risk factor for hearing loss with delayed onset. METHODS: Longitudinal study of infants born between August 2007 and July 2008, who, in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), showed normal results in the Automated Auditory Brainstem Evoked Potential test, and required audiological and language monitoring for presenting risk factors for hearing loss. The infants were assessed at four, eight and 12 months, using the Early Language Milestone Scale. RESULTS: Eighty-seven infants were evaluated, and 60 (69%) of them presented, as a risk factor, the permanence at the ICU associated with pulmonary hypertension. In the Early Language Milestone Scale, nine infants showed alterations at four months, and 11 at eight months of age. At 12 months, 18 (20.6%) infants showed alterations, and five of these had showed delays in the previous evaluations. Statistical analyses demonstrated that altered results at four and eight months can predict difficulties in the infant's responses at 12 months. The infants showed transitory alterations in oral language development, which were overcome in most cases. CONCLUSION: The first language evaluation of children with risk factors for hearing loss should be carried during the first year of life, allowing early detection of language development issues

    Dor crônica em pacientes esquizofrênicos: prevalência e características Chronic pain in schizophrenic patients: prevalence and characteristics

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    A prevalência de dor crônica entre pacientes com transtornos psiquiátricos é, possivelmente, no mínimo igual à encontrada entre a população geral. Para estimar a prevalência de dor crônica em pacientes com esquizofrenia, comparar os grupos com e sem dor crônica e caracterizar a dor foi realizado um estudo transversal, com uma amostra probabilística de 205 pacientes adultos, com diagnóstico de esquizofrenia (idade média 37 anos; 65% homens; média de escolaridade de nove anos; 87% sem companheiro(a); 65% residentes com os pais), atendidos em hospital público do Município de São Paulo, Brasil. A prevalência de dor foi de 36,6%; a dor foi mais presente no abdômen (30,7%), seguida da dor de cabeça, face e boca (24%) e região lombar, sacra e cóccix (14,7%). Com relação à freqüência, 24% dos entrevistados referiram ter dor todos os dias. O tempo médio de dor foi de 41 meses, com intensidade moderada. A prevalência de dor crônica em pacientes esquizofrênicos foi semelhante à encontrada para a população geral, e o quadro álgico foi significativo em termos de duração, intensidade e freqüência dos episódios dolorosos.<br>Chronic pain may be at least as prevalent in psychiatric patients as in the general population. To estimate the prevalence of chronic pain in schizophrenic patients, compare the groups with and without chronic pain, and characterize the pain, a cross-sectional study was performed on a probabilistic sample of 205 adult patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia (mean age 37 years; 65% men; mean schooling nine years; 87% single; 65% living with parents), treated at a public hospital in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Prevalence of pain was 36.6%, and the most frequent sites were abdomen (30.7%), head, face, and mouth (24%), and lower back (14.7%). Twenty-four percent of patients reported feeling pain every day. Mean duration of pain was 41 months, with moderate intensity. Prevalence of chronic pain in schizophrenic patients was similar to that in the general population, and the clinical course was significant in terms of duration, intensity, and frequency