48 research outputs found

    M-CSF Signals through the MAPK/ERK Pathway via Sp1 to Induce VEGF Production and Induces Angiogenesis In Vivo

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    BACKGROUND: M-CSF recruits mononuclear phagocytes which regulate processes such as angiogenesis and metastases in tumors. VEGF is a potent activator of angiogenesis as it promotes endothelial cell proliferation and new blood vessel formation. Previously, we reported that in vitro M-CSF induces the expression of biologically-active VEGF from human monocytes. METHODOLOGY AND RESULTS: In this study, we demonstrate the molecular mechanism of M-CSF-induced VEGF production. Using a construct containing the VEGF promoter linked to a luciferase reporter, we found that a mutation reducing HIF binding to the VEGF promoter had no significant effect on luciferase production induced by M-CSF stimulation. Further analysis revealed that M-CSF induced VEGF through the MAPK/ERK signaling pathway via the transcription factor, Sp1. Thus, inhibition of either ERK or Sp1 suppressed M-CSF-induced VEGF at the mRNA and protein level. M-CSF also induced the nuclear localization of Sp1, which was blocked by ERK inhibition. Finally, mutating the Sp1 binding sites within the VEGF promoter or inhibiting ERK decreased VEGF promoter activity in M-CSF-treated human monocytes. To evaluate the biological significance of M-CSF induced VEGF production, we used an in vivo angiogenesis model to illustrate the ability of M-CSF to recruit mononuclear phagocytes, increase VEGF levels, and enhance angiogenesis. Importantly, the addition of a neutralizing VEGF antibody abolished M-CSF-induced blood vessel formation. CONCLUSION: These data delineate an ERK- and Sp1-dependent mechanism of M-CSF induced VEGF production and demonstrate for the first time the ability of M-CSF to induce angiogenesis via VEGF in vivo

    Current challenges facing the assessment of the allergenic capacity of food allergens in animal models

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    Food allergy is a major health problem of increasing concern. The insufficiency of protein sources for human nutrition in a world with a growing population is also a significant problem. The introduction of new protein sources into the diet, such as newly developed innovative foods or foods produced using new technologies and production processes, insects, algae, duckweed, or agricultural products from third countries, creates the opportunity for development of new food allergies, and this in turn has driven the need to develop test methods capable of characterizing the allergenic potential of novel food proteins. There is no doubt that robust and reliable animal models for the identification and characterization of food allergens would be valuable tools for safety assessment. However, although various animal models have been proposed for this purpose, to date, none have been formally validated as predictive and none are currently suitable to test the allergenic potential of new foods. Here, the design of various animal models are reviewed, including among others considerations of species and strain, diet, route of administration, dose and formulation of the test protein, relevant controls and endpoints measured

    PCT-233, a novel modulator of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine production

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    Plant extracts have been implicated in various immunoregulatory effects that are poorly understood. Thus, we investigated the modulatory activity of PureCell Complex (PCT)-233, an active molecular complex from mesophyll tissue of Spinacia oleacea on the inflammatory process. Alveolar macrophages (AM) were treated with PCT-233 and/or budesonide, a well-known anti-inflammatory agent, before or after being stimulated with lipopolysaccharides (LPS). Pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine production, tumour necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin (IL)-10, respectively, were measured in cell-free supernatants at different times after the treatment. PCT-233 increased unstimulated AM release of both TNF and IL-10, whereas heat- and light-inactivated PCT-233 stimulated only the release of TNF without affecting IL-10 production, suggesting that different mechanisms are involved in the modulation of TNF and IL-10 release by PCT-233. The presence of LPS did not modify PCT-233-stimulated TNF production, but the ratio TNF/IL-10 production by LPS-stimulated AM was reduced significantly in the presence of PCT-233. Pretreatment of AM with PCT-233 and budesonide before LPS stimulation reduced TNF production at both protein and mRNA levels, whereas IL-10 production was increased. Moreover, TNF/IL-10 ratio was reduced further with the combination PCT-233/budesonide. Interestingly, AM treatment with PCT-233 and budesonide 18 h after LPS stimulation did not modulate TNF release significantly but it did increase IL-10 production, and a synergistic effect was observed with the combination PCT-233/budesonide. These exciting data suggest that PCT-233 possesses some anti-inflammatory properties, even when added during the inflammatory process, and could potentiate the effect of other anti-inflammatory agents