2,435 research outputs found

    VerantwortungsĂŒbernahme und VerhaltensĂ€nderung

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    Problematische Lebenssituationen sind in der Regel das Ergebnis vieler Einflussfaktoren und Ursachen. Um zu einer nachhaltigen Verbesserung zu kommen, ist es nötig, sich auch mit den Verhaltensweisen der Klienten zu befassen, die zur Entstehung der problematischen Lebenssituation beigetragen haben und immer noch zu deren Aufrechterhaltung beitragen. Wenn maladaptive Verhaltensweisen nicht verĂ€ndert werden können, muss damit gerechnet werden, dass die betreffende Person ĂŒber kurz oder lang erneut mit Ă€hnlichen Problemen konfrontiert wird. Darum bedeutet eine nachhaltige Hilfe nicht zuletzt auch, die FĂ€higkeit der unterstĂŒtzten Person zu fördern, bestimmte herausfordernde Situationen in Zukunft möglichst selbststĂ€ndig bewĂ€ltigen zu können. Hilfe zur Problemlösung fĂŒhrt also auch ĂŒber UnterstĂŒtzung bei der VerĂ€nderung von problematischen Verhaltensweisen

    Modeling electricity spot prices - Combining mean-reversion, spikes and stochastic volatility

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    Starting with the liberalization of electricity trading, this market grew rapidly over the last decade. However, while spot and future markets are rather liquid nowadays, option trading is still limited. One of the potential reasons for this is that the spot price process of electricity is still puzzling researchers and practitioners. In this paper, we propose an approach to model spot prices that combines mean-reversion, spikes and stochastic volatility. Thereby we use different mean-reversion rates for 'normal' and 'extreme' (spike) periods. Another feature of the model is its ability to capture correlation structures of electricity price spikes. Furthermore, all model parameters can easily be estimated with help of historical data. Consequently, we argue that this model does not only extend academic literature on electricity spot price modeling, but is also suitable for practical purposes, e.g. as underlying price model for option pricing. --Electricity,Energy markets,LĂ©vy processes,Mean-reversion,Spikes,Stochastic volatility,GARCH

    Producer income instability and farmers' risk response: The case of major Kenyan export crops

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    The instability of export earnings in LDCs and its presumably harmful economic effects have been broadly discussed in the economic literature and among policy makers in international meetings. In analyzing these effects, the destabilization of producer incomes and farmers' risk response play a prominent role. Producer incomes may be destabilized by either domestic factors on the supply side (yield instability due to weather, crop diseases, etc.), or by fluctuating producer prices reflecting the instability of international primary commodity markets. If unstable producer incomes induce risk aversion among farmers, the sectoral factor input will be reduced and will be suboptimal from a welfare point of view, thus possibly hampering economic growth. The purpose of this paper is to quantify the effects of producer income instability on farmers' planting and long-run supply decisions in the coffee, tea, and sisal production of the Kenyan large farm sector. Coffee, tea, and sisal are the leading Kenyan export crops, the domestic consumption of which is negligible. About half of the Kenyan coffee and tea, and all the sisal are grown in the large farm sector, and nearly always on plantations. Coffee, tea, and sisal are permanent crops the planting of which requires long-run decisions. It is the long-run we shall focus on in this paper; hence the influence of income instability on short-term production planning will be neglected. The analysis will be based on a time series approach covering the period 1951-1975. In the following section we shall develop the methodological framework of how to measure the risk response of farmers. Next the estimation equations will be specified, and the estimation techniques will be demonstrated. Subsequently, the regression results are presented and interpreted. Some tentative conclusions are drawn in the final section.

    Phreatic eruptions and the influence of hydrothermal alteration on their processes

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    Phreatic eruptions are possibly the most drastic surface expressions of hydrothermal activity within active epithermal systems (geothermal fields), and they are still poorly understood. Various phenomena, such as fumaroles, hot springs, mud pools, and soil encrustations represent further obvious features of the interaction between outgassing hydrothermal fluids and the host rocks. Investigation of rocks outcropping in the proximity of such phenomena aimed to provide insights concerning the effects of hydrothermal alteration on phreatic eruption dynamics within volcanic systems. This dissertation presents the results of three individual case studies focusing on the influence of surficial hydrothermal alteration on petrophysical properties and in turn on phreatic eruption processes. Key question is, whether alteration increases the potential for such eruptions or not. Based on the findings of this study hydrothermal alteration changes the rock physical and mechanical properties and can have major effects on the permeability of surficial lithologies. The observed degradation processes were successfully related to the degree of alteration, which is represented by chemical weathering indices. The precipitation of secondary minerals and the formation of clay minerals can lead to the development of a mineralogical seal and a low permeable cap rock, respectively. Both processes might hinder the outgassing and favor the pressurization within the subsurface. Depending on the composition and temperature of fluids as well as on host rock composition and permeability, alteration can also be dominated by mineral dissolution resulting in an increased outgassing. The observed variability in alteration processes within very similar geological and hydrothermal settings highlights the complexity involved in the dynamics of hydrothermal systems. Furthermore the results showed that secondary mineralization induced by hydrothermal alteration might have a significant effect on the dynamics of phreatic eruptions and on the nature of phreatic ejecta. Surge deposits intensely affected by solfataric alteration generate abundant fine particles during fragmentation. Very fine ash, which possesses a silica- and alumina-rich composition due to alteration, may be a causative agent of respiratory diseases, and its dispersion could represent a serious health hazard on a local scale. In addition to the effects of hydrothermal alteration this study furthermore highlighted the influence of fluid type (liquid vs. gaseous) within the pore space on the phreatic eruption dynamics. Under identical pressure and temperature conditions, eruptions accompanied by the process of liquid water flashing to steam are significantly more violent than those driven simply by gas or steam expansion. Phase changes during decompression together with the type and degree of alteration are important fragmentation variables. Therefore they should be considered for hazard assessment and modeling of phreatic eruptions in hydrothermally active environments.Phreatische AusbrĂŒche zĂ€hlen zu den drastischsten Auswirkungen von hydrothermaler TĂ€tigkeit in aktiven, epithermalen Regionen (Geothermalfelder). Weitere offensichtliche Merkmale der Wechselwirkungen zwischen austretenden hydrothermalen Fluiden und dem Nebengestein sind Fumarolen, heiße Quellen, Schlammlöcher und Bodeninkrustationen. Um Einblicke in den Vulkanismus, vor allem in die wenig erforschten Prozesse der phreatischen AusbrĂŒche zu bekommen, wurden die Gesteine in der nahen Umgebung solcher Erscheinungsbilder untersucht. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation werden die Ergebnisse aus drei eigenstĂ€ndigen Fallstudien vorgestellt. Untersucht wurden die Auswirkungen oberflĂ€chlicher, hydrothermaler Alteration auf gesteinsphysikalische Eigenschaften und folglich auf die Prozesse phreatischer AusbrĂŒche. Dabei stellt sich die Kernfrage, ob Alteration die Wahrscheinlichkeit derartiger AusbrĂŒche erhöht, oder nicht. Als Ergebnis dieser Studie kann festgehalten werden, dass hydrothermale Alteration die gesteinsphysikalischen und mechanischen Eigenschaften verĂ€ndert sowie eine bedeutende Auswirkung auf die PermeabilitĂ€t oberflĂ€chennaher Gesteine haben kann. ZusĂ€tzlich ist es gelungen, die Verschlechterung der Gesteinseigenschaften mit dem Grad der Alteration in Zusammenhang zu bringen, welcher von chemischen Verwitterungsindizes abgeleitet werden konnte. Die AusfĂ€llung von SekundĂ€rmineralen sowie die Bildung von Tonmineralen kann zur Ausbildung eines dichten Gesteinsverbandes bzw. einer geringdurchlĂ€ssigen Deckschicht fĂŒhren. Diese beiden Prozesse können die Entgasung behindern und damit zu einer Druckerhöhung im Untergrund fĂŒhren. Alteration kann hingegen, abhĂ€ngig von der Zusammensetzung und der Temperatur der Fluide, sowie des Mineralbestands und der PermeabilitĂ€t des Nebengesteins, auch eine maßgebliche Lösung von Mineralen bewirken, was wiederum zu einer Erhöhung der DurchlĂ€ssigkeit fĂŒhren kann. Die VariabilitĂ€t der Alterationsprozesse innerhalb sehr Ă€hnlicher geologischer und hydrothermaler Umgebungen zeigt die KomplexitĂ€t hydrothermaler Systeme und deren AblĂ€ufe auf. Des Weiteren verdeutlichen die Resultate, dass die SekundĂ€rmineralisation signifikante Auswirkungen auf die Ausbruchsdynamik und die Eigenschaften phreatischer Auswurfmassen hat. Pyroklastische Dichtestromablagerungen, die intensiv von solfatarischer Alteration betroffen sind und fragmentiert werden, erzeugen eine immense Menge an Feinpartikeln. Sehr feine Aschepartikel, welche aufgrund der Alteration reich an Siliziumdioxid und/oder Aluminium sind, können Erkrankungen der Atemwege hervorrufen. Daher kann deren Freisetzung eine ernsthafte gesundheitliche GefĂ€hrdung im der Umgebung des Ausbruchs darstellen. ZusĂ€tzlich zu den Auswirkungen hydrothermaler Alteration wurden die EinflĂŒsse des Fluidtyps (flĂŒssig bzw. gasförmig) im Porenraum, auf die Dynamik phreatischer AusbrĂŒche untersucht. AusbrĂŒche bei denen es zu explosionsartigem Verdampfen von ĂŒberhitztem Wasser kommt, sind bedeutend energetischer als jene, die lediglich von Gas- oder Dampfausdehnung getrieben werden – Voraussetzung ist die Annahme identischer Druck- und Temperaturbedingungen. Sowohl der PhasenĂŒbergang von Fluiden bei der Dekompression, als auch der Typ und Grad der Alteration, sind wichtige Parameter der Fragmentation. Daher sollten sie bei der GefĂ€hrdungsbeurteilung sowie der Modellierung von phreatischen AusbrĂŒchen in hydrothermalen Gebieten, berĂŒcksichtigt werden

    Random Bit Multilevel Algorithms for Stochastic Differential Equations

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    We study the approximation of expectations \E(f(X)) for solutions XX of SDEs and functionals f ⁣:C([0,1],Rr)→Rf \colon C([0,1],\R^r) \to \R by means of restricted Monte Carlo algorithms that may only use random bits instead of random numbers. We consider the worst case setting for functionals ff from the Lipschitz class w.r.t.\ the supremum norm. We construct a random bit multilevel Euler algorithm and establish upper bounds for its error and cost. Furthermore, we derive matching lower bounds, up to a logarithmic factor, that are valid for all random bit Monte Carlo algorithms, and we show that, for the given quadrature problem, random bit Monte Carlo algorithms are at least almost as powerful as general randomized algorithms

    Random Bit Quadrature and Approximation of Distributions on Hilbert Spaces

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    We study the approximation of expectations \E(f(X)) for Gaussian random elements XX with values in a separable Hilbert space HH and Lipschitz continuous functionals f ⁣:H→Rf \colon H \to \R. We consider restricted Monte Carlo algorithms, which may only use random bits instead of random numbers. We determine the asymptotics (in some cases sharp up to multiplicative constants, in the other cases sharp up to logarithmic factors) of the corresponding nn-th minimal error in terms of the decay of the eigenvalues of the covariance operator of XX. It turns out that, within the margins from above, restricted Monte Carlo algorithms are not inferior to arbitrary Monte Carlo algorithms, and suitable random bit multilevel algorithms are optimal. The analysis of this problem leads to a variant of the quantization problem, namely, the optimal approximation of probability measures on HH by uniform distributions supported by a given, finite number of points. We determine the asymptotics (up to multiplicative constants) of the error of the best approximation for the one-dimensional standard normal distribution, for Gaussian measures as above, and for scalar autonomous SDEs
