118 research outputs found

    Chemical and biological evaluation of rejects from the wood industry.

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    Este estudo visa a caracterização química e a avaliação da atividade antimicrobiana de extratos obtidos a partir de rejeitos resultantes do beneficiamento de madeiras nobres comercializadas no Paraná: Peroba-Rosa (Aspidosperma sp.), Roxinho (Peltogyne sp.), Jatobá (Hymenaea sp.), Curupixá (Micropholis sp.), Itaúba (Mezilaurus sp.), Cedrilho (Erisma sp.) e Imbúia-do-Norte (Licaria sp.), cujas identificações botânicas basearam-se em estudos anatômicos. Os extratos foram preparados com diversos solventes, analisados por CCD e espectrometria UV/VIS, testando-se contra: Proteus mirabilis ATCC15290, Escherichia coli ATCC25922, Enterobacter aerogenes ATCC13048, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC25923, Micrococcus luteus ATCC9341, Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC13883, Pseudomonas aeroginosa ATCC27853, e Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans e Bacillus cereus isolados da clínica. O extrato etanólico de Peroba-Rosa, contendo alcalóides, apresentou atividade contra P. mirabilis. Os extratos metanólicos do Jatobá, Itaúba e Imbúia, contendo fenóis, e o extrato de Roxinho obtido com acetato de etila contendo fenóis e terpenóides, foram ativos contra K. pneumoniae, M. luteus, E. coli, S. aureus e P. mirabilis. Nenhum dos extratos foi ativo contra P. aeroginosa, S. mutans e E. aerogenes

    PETROGRAFIA, GEOQUÍMICA E GEOCRONOLOGIA DAS ROCHAS GRANÍTICAS DA OROGENIA SAN IGNÁCIO (BOLÍVIA): Geology, geochemistry and geocronology of the granitic rocks of San Ignácio Orogeny (BOLÍVIA)

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    This contribution aims to characterize the Proterozoic granites of San Ignacio orogeny, western Bolivia, describing their chemical composition, U-Pb and Sm/Nd isotopic to identify sources and process of the crustal formation. The results of chemical and isotopic granitoids of Cachuela, Motacusal and Talcoso, present U/Pb age in zircon between 1307 and 1333 Ma, suggesting an important epoch of generation of granitoids in the Bolivian pre-Cambrian. Chemistry (A-Type granites) and Nd isotopes (εNd(1330) between -0.77 and -3.86) signatures here reported suggest an anorogenic environment and the spider diagram indicate the within-plates tectonic setting for the formation of these granites, instead of arc-related environment is suggested in the literature for these rocks. The data here reported suggest a geological evolution for the Bolivian pre-Cambrian composed of the San Ignacio event is represented by magmatic arc with participation of continental crust previously formed representing an important collisional period in the SW Amazonian craton.Esta contribuição visa caracterizar os granitos do Proterozóico de San Ignacio orogenia, ocidental da Bolívia, descrevendo sua composição química e isótopos de U-Pb e Sm / Nd para identificar fontes e processos de formação desyas rochas. Os resultados de granitoides químicos e isotópicos de Cachuela, Motacusal e Talcoso, apresentam idade U / Pb em zircão entre 1307 e 1333 Ma, sugerindo uma época importante de geração de granitoides no pré-Cambriano boliviano. Química (granitos de tipo A) e isótopos de Nd (εNd (1330) entre -0,77 e -3,86) aqui relatados para o pré-Cambriano boliviano indica que o evento San Ignacio, é representado por um arco magmático com participação de crosta continental previamente formada, representando um importante período colional no craton Amazônico da Amazônia

    Effect of temperature on embryonic development and first exogenous feeding of goldfish Carassius auratus (Linnaeus, 1758)

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    Abstract Goldfish or Kinguio is a widely marketed species worldwide due to the ornamental market. There is some lack of acknowledgment of the production of the species under specific climatic conditions. To evaluate the effect of temperature on embryonic development and the first exogenous feeding of goldfish, an experiment was proposed. Fifteen incubators, organized in five treatments (18, 22, 26, 30, and 34 °C) with three replications each, were used to keep the fertilized goldfish eggs until the first exogenous feeding of the larvae. The main development events were observed to understand the possible effects of these temperatures on embryos and larvae of the species. Temperature influences embryo development and the time of first exogenous feeding of goldfish. The temperature of 34 °C was lethal to the species causing 100% of anomalies in the embryos and larvae. The experiment data allow us to conclude that the species presents a maximum thermal limit during embryogenesis, and these data are important to the aquaculture industry and to understand the effect of climate changes on goldfish. The data obtained in this experiment will assist in the management of invasive species and production of the species (aquaculture)

    Neonatal outcomes associated with tobacco, alcohol, and crack use during pregnancy in three Neonatal Intensive Care Units

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    Abstract Despite the prevalence of substance use during pregnancy, studies focusing exclusively on Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU) admissions remain limited. This study investigates the impact of maternal use of tobacco, alcohol, and/or crack, on neonatal outcomes among infants admitted to three Brazilian NICUs. Additionally, the investigation explores the impact of substance use on DNA damage in newborns. Over a one-year period, data from 254 newborns were collected through medical records, accompanied by blood samples. Findings revealed that 16.1% of newborns had mothers reporting substance use during pregnancy. Significant associations were found between maternal substance use and adverse neonatal outcomes, including low birth weight, preterm birth, and sexually transmitted infections. Maternal variables linked to substance use encompassed non-white skin color, low education, non-masonry housing, lower income, diseases in other children, and fewer prenatal consultations. Notably, neonatal DNA damage showed no significant association with substance use. Our results underscore the substantial impact of maternal substance use on NICU-admitted infants, emphasizing the necessity for targeted interventions that address both neonatal health and maternal well-being, thereby underscoring the crucial role of comprehensive care in NICU settings