7 research outputs found

    Definição de eutrofia mamária para mulheres na menacma

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    The definition of normal breasts is not well established yet. This study aimed to identify this condition using anthropometric measures, correlating them with the subjective evaluation of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Normal breasts are assumed to be breasts of women who consider themselves satisfied with their breasts. Data were collected through interviews with 255 women who had anthropometric measures taken from their breasts. Subjects were divided into two groups, 146 (57%) women were satisfied and 109 (42.7%) dissatisfied. Of these, 66% had a negative nipple-to-inframammary fold distance (AM section) and, in 73% of patients, the distance from the sternal manubrium to the nipple (FM section) was greater than 24 cm. Among satisfied subjects, 84% had angles (arm-thorax opening) of less than or equal to 90Ú. It was concluded that the best parameters to define breast normality, based on the degree of satisfaction, is FM measure shorter than 25cm, positive AM measure and a maximum 90Ú arm angle.La definición de senos normales todavía no está bien establecida; este presente estudio tuvo como objetivo definirla a partir de medidas antropométricas, correlacionando esas medidas con la evaluación subjetiva de la satisfacción de las mujeres; así, los senos normales serían de aquellas mujeres que se consideran satisfechas. Se utilizó un cuestionario construido por las autoras para entrevistar a 255 mujeres. Se formaron dos grupos: uno de 146 (57%) satisfechas y otro de 109 (42.7%) insatisfechas. Entre estas, (66%) la distancia del pezón al pliegue inframamario (segmento AM) tenía un valor negativo y la distancia de la fúrcula esternal al pezón (segmento FM) fue superior a 24 centímetros. El ángulo (abertura del brazo en relación al tórax) era inferior o igual a 90Ú, y correspondió a 84% de las mujeres satisfechas. Se concluyó que los mejores parámetros para definir la normalidad del seno, basados en el grado de satisfacción, son: la medida FM menor que 25 cm., la medida AM positiva y el ángulo del brazo con un máximo de 900.A definição de mamas normais ainda não está bem estabelecida e este estudo teve como objetivo defini-las como tal, a partir de medidas antropométricas, correlacionando-as com a avaliação subjetiva de satisfação ou insatisfação; sendo que mamas normais seriam aquelas de mulheres que se consideram satisfeitas. Foram entrevistadas 225 mulheres que tiveram medidas antropométricas realizadas em suas mamas. Formou-se dois grupos: 146 (57%) de satisfeitas e 109 (42,7%) de insatisfeitas. Dessas, 66% tinham a distância do mamilo à prega inframamária (segmento AM) com valor negativo e a distância da fúrcula esternal ao mamilo (segmento FM) foi superior a 24cm em 73%. O ângulo (abertura do braço em relação ao tórax) inferior ou igual a 90Ú correspondeu a 84% das satisfeitas. Concluiu-se que os melhores parâmetros para definir normalidade da mama, baseados no grau de satisfação, é a medida FM menor que 25cm, medida AM positiva e o ângulo do braço no máximo de 900

    Definition of mammary eutrophy for women in the menacme

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    The definition of normal breasts is not well established yet. This study aimed to identify this condition using anthropometric measures, correlating them with the subjective evaluation of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Normal breasts are assumed to be breasts of women who consider themselves satisfied with their breasts. Data were collected through interviews with 255 women who had anthropometric measures taken from their breasts. Subjects were divided into two groups, 146 (57%) women were satisfied and 109 (42.7%) dissatisfied. Of these, 66% had a negative nipple-to-inframammary fold distance (AM section) and, in 73% of patients, the distance from the sternal manubrium to the nipple (FM section) was greater than 24 cm. Among satisfied subjects, 84% had angles (arm-thorax opening) of less than or equal to 90Ú. It was concluded that the best parameters to define breast normality, based on the degree of satisfaction, is FM measure shorter than 25cm, positive AM measure and a maximum 90Ú arm angle

    The evolution of mastectomies in the oncoplastic breast surgery era

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    Over time, surgical techniques have advanced to the point where oncological safety and aesthetic outcomes are the pillars of contemporary breast surgery. Variations of mastectomy came up and started allowing the oncological safety and the possibility of an immediate breast reconstruction. Nowadays the association between plastic surgical techniques and mastectomy with immediate breast reconstruction is one of the best alternatives to treat breast cancer and also improved overall aesthetic outcomes and favors the achievement of contralateral breast symmetry. Oncoplastic mastectomy is a feasible term and can be routinely used


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    Objective: to determine a possible correlation between the tumor response in patients suffering from breast cancer, initially treated with tamoxifen, and plasma concentration of this drug.Methods: we studied 27 elderly patients (age range: 62 to 82 y) with advanced breast carcinoma who were treated with a daily dose of 20 mg of oral tamoxifen, for 3 mo. Responders were followed-up for 19 mo, and nonresponders for 21 mo. We measured plasma tamoxifen citrate levels in order to determine their possible correlation with objective remission of the disease.Results: the correlation was found to be significant among responders (37%), whose median plasma tamoxifen level was 187.40ng. ml-1, when comparing to non-responders, whose median plasma tamoxifen level was 99.52ng. ml-1. The frequency distribution of patients in both groups with concentration of tamoxifen lower and higher than 182.60ng. ml-1 was significant (fisher's test p-value<0,0011).Conclusion: considering the results herein, we suggest that patients whose plasma tamoxifen levels reach 182.60ng. ml-1 after 3 mo of treatment, with no tumor response, may not benefit from this treatment, and an alternative therapy should be regarded

    Determination of Cyclophosphamide Enantiomers in Plasma by LC-MS/MS: Application to Pharmacokinetics in Breast Cancer and Lupus Nephritis Patients

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    This article describes the enantioseleclive analysis of cyclophosphamide (CPA) in human plasma using LC-MS/MS. CPA enantiomers were extracted from plasma using a mixture of ethyl acetate and chloroform (75:25, v/v). The enantiomers were separated on a Chiralcel(R) OD-R column, with the mobile phase consisting of a mixture of acetonitrile and water (75:25, v/v) plus 0.2% formic acid. The protonaled ions and their respective product ions were monitored using two functions, 261 > 141 for CPA enantiomers and 189 > 104 for the internal standard (antipyrine). Recovery rates were higher than 95% and the quantification limit was 2.5-ng/ml plasma for both enantiomers. The coefficients of variation and the relative errors obtained for the validation of intra- and interassay precision and accuracy were less than 10%. The method was applied for the investigation of the enantioselective pharmacokinetics of CPA in a lupus nephritis patient treated with 1 g CPA infused over 2 h and in a breast cancer patient treated with 0.9 g infused over 1 h. No stereoselectivity in the pharmacokinetic parameters was observed for either patient. Clearance values of 2.63 and 2.93 l/h and of 3.36 and 3.61 l/h for (-)-(S) and (+)-(R)-CPA were obtained for the breast cancer and lupus nephritis patient., respectively. Chirality 21:383-389, 2009. (C) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico and Tecnologico (CNPq

    Correlação entre Estadiamento Clínico e Cirúrgico de Pacientes com Carcinoma Invasor da Vulva

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    Objetivos: avaliar a correlação entre o estadiamento clínico do câncer de vulva e o estadiamento cirúrgico, conforme a recomendação da Federação Internacional de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia (FIGO 95). Pacientes e Métodos: foram estudados 66 casos de carcinoma invasor de vulva atendidos consecutivamente entre 1977 e 1997, em nosso Serviço. Todas as pacientes foram inicialmente estadiadas clinicamente, verificando-se o tamanho e a localização da lesão vulvar e o envolvimento ganglionar inguinal, bem como a extensão da lesão para outros órgãos. Destas 66 pacientes, 44 submeteram-se a tratamento cirúrgico, sendo que 34 puderam ser estadiadas conforme recomendação da FIGO 95. Resultados: entre as 34 pacientes nas quais se realizou o estadiamento clínico e o cirúrgico, verificou-se 50% (17 casos) de concordância e 50% (17 casos) de discordância. Nos casos discordantes, o estádio cirúrgico foi superior em 13 (76,5%) e inferior em 4 (23,5%). O estádio clínico I foi reestadiado como estádio cirúrgico II em 2 casos (22,2%) e III em 1 caso (11,1%). O estádio clínico III tornou-se estádio cirúrgico I em 1 caso (12,5%) e II em 3 casos (37,5%). Conclusão: o estadiamento cirúrgico foi capaz de detectar casos de invasão ganglionar não- verificados pelo exame clínico, assim como excluir casos falso-positivos. A concordância em apenas 50% dos casos mostra que o estadiamento clínico é insuficiente para pacientes com câncer da vulva