161 research outputs found


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    Relation between religion and nation state is a term that often be a topic discuss in terms of political Islam, there is an opinion that the relationship between religion and the state are integrated as an entity, and the other say there is a mention that religion and the state it is only a mutualistic-symbiotic, in another context mentioned implementers. And the other side, the relationship between religion and the state is not at all related to each other that called secularist-liberalis. Religion should not intervene against the state, and vice versa. However, globalization makes politic loses its meaning as a tool in the struggle for the establishment of an ideal society. Thus, this paper is more emphasis on the relation between religion and the state in politic


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    Now days, many who define politics as a conflict maker and the maker of split-causing differences, so that such an assumption makes politics as a taboo thing, and should be shunned. In fact, as we  know, that human beings are social creatures and cannot be separated from politics, therefore the philosophers, especially Muslim philosopher as Al-Ghozali, Ibn Khaldun, Ibn Taymiyya, Imam Al-Mawardi, as well as Hobes, Aristotle, Plato have provided definitions on politic as the dream of an ideal society formation, to repair a bad state to be a good one.Education, as one of the social institutions, cannot be separated from politics, especially when it comes to state policy, it will be known how the State's commitment to empower its community through education. Because how this country see education, especially in terms of budget policy becomes one of the nation's attention evidence on education. Indonesia, the history of its education budget has experienced ups and downs, and the last provision has been stated that the allocation of the education budget is 20% (twenty percent). However, how is the budget allocation commitment in practice? Is there a political nuances behind the education budget


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    The purpose of this study is to describe the values of religious character education, planning for inculcation of religious character education, implementation of religious character education, and models for implementing religious character education. This study uses a qualitative research approach and uses case study research and data collection using observation, interviews and documentation, the population of this study is the students of TPQ Al-Aziz Jabung. Based on the research results obtained by the research findings are: 1). The values of religious character education instilled in TPQ are implemented by imitating the example of the prophet namely shidiq, amanah, tabligt and fathonah. 2). planning the planting of religious character education values in the TPQ includes preparing learning materials on the TPQ by using the book of taufik's embroidery book, the book of Sholawat, the Qur'an. In using learning, Ustadzah also prepared carefully, among others, the analysis of the media / visual aids used. With planning it is expected that everything that has been programmed within a certain time can be achieved to the maximum. 3). the implementation of planning to plant the values of religious character in the TPQ that is carrying out the implementation process in the classroom by reading the prayer before starting the lesson, with the aim that students to pray first before carrying out activities, then reading the book, and reading the Qur'an so that the length can be short in read it. Other activities such as the reading of the Rotibul Hadad, the reading of Sholawat of the Prophet SAW. 4). the model of implementation of religious character education in TPQ is implementation in the classroom, both in terms of approaches, strategies and methods. Which is adjusted to the needs of students


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    The purpose of this study is to describe the planning, activity process and extension model carried out by Islamic extension workers in Pujon District. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods Data collection techniques use in-depth interviews, observations, forum group discussions (FGDs), and field notes. The data analysis used was Auerbach & Silverstein analysis.  Checking the validity of the findings was carried out using the technique of extending the presence of researchers, in-depth obseration and trianggulation techniquesThe results showed that the role of Islamic religious extension workers in helping the understanding of Islamic religious teachings in the community environment that not everyone understands about the teachings of the Islamic religion properly and correctly. Most just follow one another. For this reason, through the taklim assembly, Islamic religious extension workers can carry out their duties and roles, namely helping to provide an understanding of the teachings of the Islamic religion not being uprooted from the grassroots, namely in accordance with the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Still respect the customs and culture of the community environment, so that then the Prophet's proselytizing can be accepted in most communities. The role of Islamic extension workers who are in the guard of the Islamic ministry is challenged to be able to face various characters of society with their various functions, namely informative functions, educational functions, consultative functions, and advocative functions can be carried out properly. In order to serve the public who need information or knowledge from and to the government, especially the ministry of religion, it can be conveyed, and not become misinformation, and to help understand the teachings of the Islamic religion in a kaffah (comprehensive) manner. In the path of tawasuth (middle), tawazun (balanced), i 'tidal (fair or perpendicular) and tasamuh (tolerance), so as to create a harmonious relationship in terms of hablummninallah and hablumminannas


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    Among memorizers, many obstacles are experienced namely, poor memorization in the short term, lack of effective memorization time, wrong application of methods, lack of preparation, and lack of teaching staff who are proficient in memorizing the Koran. From this problem, the post modern generation should have awareness in memorizing the Qur’an.How is the consideration of the Darul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School teacher Sabilul Muttaqin in using the Wahdah method as an effort to improve the quality of rote memorization of students, how to plan the use of the Wahdah method in improving the quality of memorizing the Qur'an on the students of the Islamic Boarding School Darul Qur'an Sabilul Muttaqin, how to implement the method wahdah in improving the quality of memorization of Al-Qur'an at the Darul Qur'an Sabilul Islamic Boarding School students, Sabilul Muttaqin, how does the Wahdah Method Model in improving the quality of Al-Qur'an recitation at students of the Darul Qur'an Sabilul Muttaqin Islamic boarding school. The method used by researchers namely, observation, tests, interviews and documentation. In the research process, researchers use several cycles to refine the research process namely, pre cycle, cycle 1 and cycle


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    Abstract: Implementation of the boarding school from time to time to experience the dynamics of considerable interest to continue to be studied and explored. All schools in Indonesia continues to perform remediation efforts according to the times and the demands of society. It's time to make a breakthrough boarding innovative and creative in responding to the advancement of science and technology. As a user of the service organization of schools, the public has a "right" to provide corrections and contribute ideas for the development of quality schools. Because good and the quality of schools is closely related to public perception. In the context of understanding the dynamics of the development of schools to meet the needs of the service quality in order to produce good quality graduates, Boarding School in conjunction with the momentum Salafiyah Shafi'ites unification of universities in boarding schools, formed an organization that serves to accelerate the implementation of the quality of schools. The new institution called the Quality Assurance Agency Boarding School (Pesantren LPM) which is responsible to the Pesantren. Duties and functions are giving consideration to the development of quality caregivers for boarding. To know and understand how the LPM performance Pesantren, we perform community service through Pesantren LPM. Purpose and tujuannnya is providing assistance for the implementation of the vision and mission of the LPM, LPM know the planning and work, measures and follow-up activities, and how LPM involved in the process of quality development organization of schools. The new institution called the Quality Assurance Agency Boarding School (Pesantren LPM) which is responsible to the Pesantren. Duties and functions are giving consideration to the development of quality caregivers for boarding. To know and understand how the LPM performance Pesantren, we perform community service through Pesantren LPM. Purpose and tujuannnya is providing assistance for the implementation of the vision and mission of the LPM, LPM know the planning and work, measures and follow-up activities, and how LPM involved in the process of quality development organization of schools. The new institution called the Quality Assurance Agency Boarding School (Pesantren LPM) which is responsible to the Pesantren. Duties and functions are giving consideration to the development of quality caregivers for boarding. To know and understand how the LPM performance Pesantren, we perform community service through Pesantren LPM. Purpose and tujuannnya is providing assistance

    Pengaruh Rekrutmen Dan Pelatihan Terhadap Kompetensi Calon Pekerja Migran Indonesia Di BLK-LN Hanako Wira Sukses Dengan Motivasi Sebagai Variabel Intervening

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan di BLK-LN Hanako Wira Sukses dan responden merupakan Calon Pekerja Migran Indonesia yang berada di di BLK-LN Hanako Wira Sukses dengan menggunakan metode sampel jenuh yaitu teknik pengambilan sampel berdasarkan jumlah populasi yaitu sebanyak 70 responden. Penelitian bertujuan 1) untuk mengetahui pengaruh rekrtumen dan pelatihan terhadap motivasi, 2) untuk mengetahui pengaruh rekrtumen, pelatihan dan motivasi terhadap kompetensi 3) untuk mengetahui pengaruh rekrutmen dan pelatihan terhadap kompetensi melalui dengan motivasi sebagai intervening. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan dua cara yaitu metode observasi dan kuesioner dengan lima skala penilaian yaitu, sangat tidak setuju sampai dengan sangat setuju. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara kuantitatif, yaitu dengan cara mendeskripsikan data-data penelitian dan melakukan analisis regresi berganda dan koefisien determinasi sebagai alat analisis sedangkan untuk pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan analisis jalur atau part analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 1) Ada pengaruh rekrutmen terhadap motivasi secara langsung 2) Ada pengaruh pelatihan terhadap motivasi secara langsung, 3) Ada pengaruh rekrutmen terhadap kompetensi secara langsung, 4) Ada pengaruh pelatihan terhadap kompetensi secara langsung, 5) Ada pengaruh motivasi terhadap kinerja secara langsung, 6) Tidak Ada pengaruh rekrutmen terhadap kompetensi melalui motivasi secara tidak langsung, 7) Tidak Ada pengaruh pelatihan terhadap kompetensi melalui motivasi secara tidak langsung

    Kebijakan Pendidikan Sebagai Kebijakan Publik dalam Sistem Politik di Indonesia

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    In the history of Indonesian, education policy has always been dynamic. Before independence until the reform era of education policy can not be separated from the political system. We know that education policy as part of education policy is a political product. Political configuration in every era of state political leadership has always changed according to the political wind and the configuration of political rulers. However, forces outside the governance system, such as educational community groups, will give color to the education system. When the political system demands the centralization of power, the education system will also concentrate on a centralized government. With the flow of reforms, it has spawned many changes in the education system. Several articles, even the law which, according to the public, lack attention to the aspect of education itself, are sued to the Constitutional Court. Along with the policy of regional autonomy, education policy must be able to adjust to the development of society in autonomous regions. This necessarily requires the creativity of leaders in the region in terms of promoting education in the region in accordance with the aspirations of the community
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