130 research outputs found

    生食糧品の貯藏中に於ける各種成分の消長に関する研究 : I. 甘藷の貯藏中に於ける各種成分の消長(其の 1) / II. 甘藷の貯藏中に於ける各種成分の消長(其の 2) / III. 里芋の貯藏中に於けるアスコルビン酸の消長

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    甘藷の護國種についてこれを7∿17℃に貯藏してゐる間に於ける水分, 糖類, ascorbic acidの消長を定量してその相互関係について考察した。(1) 農林2号種を10月25日, 11月10日, 11月27日收穫のA, B, C区に分つて15°内外で地窩貯藏庫に貯藏し, その間1ケ月毎に可食部の各種成分を定量して, その間に於ける諸成分の消長及び夫々の相関関係について考察した。(2) 1年貯藏した旧甘藷と新甘藷とにつきその成分を比較して貯藏法並に品質について考察した。(3) 農林2号種は護國種に比して耐貯藏性も含有成分も共に優れていることを認めた。(附記, 本実驗Iは1943年10月より1944年5月迄及び実驗IIは1944年10月より1945年9月迄の貯藏実驗結果であつて, 一部は1944年4月6日京都大学及び1946年4月5日果実及蔬菜貯藏の研究290頁に発表記載し1946年5月29日農藝化学会例会にて発表した)里芋5種について, その普通成分を定量比較し, これを12月上旬より約6ケ月室温に貯藏して1ケ月毎にascorbin酸を定量して貯藏中に著しく減少しないことを明にした。本実驗について御指導御鞭韃を賜つた恩師京都大学近藤金助教授に深甚の謝意を表し, 併せて実驗試料の入手に特別の御配慮を願つた京都大学松本熊市教授に深謝する次第である。I have investigated on the changing of the various component of Gokoku and Norinnigo species of sweet potato in its long period of storage, and on the correlative relation of each other between two years. I have compared the component of five species of taro and investigated on the changing of its ascorbic acid


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    牛乳キサンチン酸化酵素の活力測定には検圧法, 比色法何れも好都合であつた。検圧法によつて該酵素の至適温度, 至適pH, 及びミカエリス恒数を測定して, それぞれ35℃, pH7.5,0.6×(10)^Mの値を得た。同時にこの酵素は各種のpH, 温度に対して可成り安定であることを認めた。更に(A). CuSO_4,HgSO_4,CdSO_4,ZnSO_4,AgNO_3,cystine, CH_2ICOOH, PCMB, indophenol, K_3Fe(CN)_6; (B) KCN, KSCN, NaN_3,KF, ; (C) cysteine, Na_2S_2O_3,Na_2S_2O_4,ascorbic acid, FMN; (D) phenol, hydroquinone, catechole, resorcinol, phloroglucinol, pyrogallol, protocatechuic acid, gallic acid etcの各種の物質がそれぞれinvitroで牛乳キサンチン酸化酵素の阻害剤及至賦活剤となることを認め, その阻害度, 賦活度を表示した。CuSO_4,AgNO_3,PCMB, CH_2ICOOH, cystineなどによつて阻害された酸素はcysteineによつて恢復されるのであつて, このactivationの機作について考察した。以上の各種実験から牛乳キサンチン酸化酵素はsluggish-SH基をもつthiol enzymeと推定出来た。It has been demonstrated that the manometric oxygen consumptionmethod and the colorimetric method were very suitable for the determination of the xanthine oxidase in milk, and that the optimum pH-value, the temperature and the Michaelis constant of this oxidase were 7.5,35゜and 0.6×(10)^M respectively, and that this oxidase was stable against the various pH-values and the temperatures. It has been investigated that the various substances, such as (A) CuSO_4,HgSO_4,ZnSO_4,CdSO_4,AgNO_3,cystine, CH_2ICOOH, PCMB, indophenole and K_3Fe(CN)_6,(B) KCN, KSCN NaN_3 and KF, (C) cysteine, Na_2S_2O_3 Na_2S_2O_4,L-ascorbic acid and flavinmononucleotide, (D) phenol, hydroquinone, catechol, resorcine, phloroglucine, pyrogallol, protocatechuic acid, gallic acid, etc., could act as the inhibitors and the activators of the milk xanthine oxidase in vitro. The activity of the milk xanthine oxidase, which was inactivated by the inhibitors such as HgCl_2,CuSO_4,AgNO_3,PCMB, CH_2ICOOH and cysteine, has recovered its activity by the addition of cysteine and the mechanism of the activation has been discussed. It has been concluded that the milk xanthine oxidase was a thiolenzyme which contained the sluggish SH-radical

    (第 1 報)定量法並に植物界に於ける分布について(生体内の鉄及び含鉄成分に関する研究)

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    (1) 鉄の既知比色定量法を吟味した後, thioglycollic acid methodを改良した本法が, 簡單, 鋭敏, 而も正確であることを確認した。(2) hemin-Fe, non-hemin-Feは直接法, 間接法即ちNa_4P_2O_7法, HCl法, Methanol法を改良した本法で定量可能であり, 而もよく一致することを認めた。(3) ferric, ferrous-Feはthioglycollic acid method及びαα′-Dipyridyl methodを併用した著者の方法によつて充分正確に定量し得ることを認めた。(4) 各種植物の各部位に於ける鉄含量を定量した結果, 種実では檜, 花ではアサガホ, エノコログサ, 根では水稻, 莖ではアカザ, キノコヅチ, 檜等に特異的に多く, 其他は略100∿300γ. per. lg. of dry matter程度含有されており, 而も葉, 莖, 根を比較すれば, より多く葉に含まれてゐることを認めた。(1) I have testified various colorimetric determination of iron and realized thioglycollic acid method was simple, sharp and correct, and in this improvement I could determined the quantity of iron in various vegetable tissue. (2) I have realized that by direct method or indirect method, the determination of hemin-iron and non-hemin-iron is possible and the value of direct method is pararell to the value of indirect method. (3) I have realized that the determination of frric and ferrous iron is possible by my method which is the combination of thioglycollic acid method and αα′-dipyridyl method. (4) I have realized that by the determination of iron in every part of various vegetable, seed, flower, stem and root of the Chamaecy paris obtusa Endl, Ipomoea Nil Roth, Setaria Viridis Beauw Chemodium album L. var. centrorubrum Makino, Achyranthus jap nica Nakai, Oryza sativa L. contains remarkably quantity of iron but other vegetable contains abont 100∿300γ of iron per, lg. of fresh matter and leaf contains much more iron than stem and root


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    1. 卵白蛋白を硫安分別法によつて分別して, その電気泳動分析を行つて, Albertonの方法で調製したコンアルブミンは電気泳動的に均一の泳動図を示すが, これを3日間酸性側で透析すると2成分に変化することをみとめた。2. 単離コンアルブミンは無色で, 卵白中の黄色色素(フラビン, FMN, FAD)とは結合しない。3. 卵白中の黄色色素蛋白は卵白の硫安2.6mol飽和溶液中に集中して存在し, その黄色色素はpH4.0以下の酸性側で蛋白から容易にはなれ, アルカリ側で蛋白と堅く結合している。4. 卵白の黄色色素蛋白の黄色色素はリボフラビンであり, その蛋白部分はオボムコイドである。5.純粋にした卵白の黄色色素蛋白はオボムコイドとリボフラビンとを1mol : 1molの比で含み, 黄色色素蛋白の蛋白部分即ちオボムコイドはリボフラビンと最高1mol : 4molの比で結合する。1. The author studied that the electrophoretic analysis of whole egg white protein by the ammonium sulphate fractionation procedure, and recognized that the conalbumin, which is prepared by the Alderton\u27s method gave electrophoretic homogeneous pattern, but after dialysis for 3 days at acid pH values it was modified to two components electrophoretically. 2. The isolated conalbumin was colorelss and did not combine with yellow color (riboflavin, flavinmononucleotide and flavinadeninedinucleotide) of egg white. 3. The yellow protein of egg white was concentrated into the portion which was precipitated by 2.6 mol saturation of ammonium sulphate and yellow color was released easily from the yellow protein at acid pH values (below pH 4.0) and combined tightly with its protein portion at alkalline pH value. 4. The yellow color of yellow protein in egg white was mainly riboflavin, and its protein moiety was ovomucoid. 5. The purified yellow fraction contained ovomucoid and riboflavin in a ratio 1 mol : 1 mol and the protein moiety of yellow fraction (ovomucoid) had a capability of combination with riboflavin in a maxima ratio of 1 mol : 4 mol

    (第 3 報)葉緑体中の鉄について(生体内の鉄及び含鉄成分に関する研究)

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    (1) 大阪白菜からchloroplastを単離し, その化学組成, 並びに鉄の形態を明にした。(2) 葉部の鉄はchloroplastに集中して存在することを認めた。(3) chloroplast protein中のFe : Nの比は略1 : 100であつた。(4) chloroplast protein中, 電気透析によつて, 半透膜外に出る鉄はwater soluble NaCl soluble, NaOH soluble proteinの順に多く, 膜内に残る鉄は, この順に少かつた。(5) chloroplastは全鉄の約25%のhemin-Feを含有していた。(6) chloroplastのamino-acid分布から, mono-amino acid-Nが多くarginine. cystine-Nが多くarginine. cystine-Nの含量が高いことを認めた。(1) I have isolated chloroplast from Osakasirona and proved chemical com osition and form of iron in it. (2) I have realized the iron in leaf is concentrate in it\u27s chloroplast. (3) I have realized ratio of Fe : N in the chloroplast protein is 1 : 100. (4) I have realized the iron produce from membrane by electrodialysis increases in order water-soluble NaCl-soluble and NaOH-soluble protein and the iron remains in membrane decreases in order water-soluble NaCl-soluble and NaOHsoluble protein. (5) I have realized hemin-iron of about 25% of total iron is contain in its chloroplast. (6) I have realized monoamino acid-N is much quantity and content of arginine, cystin-N is high by distribution on amino acid of chloroplast

    (第 2 報)葉部に於ける鉄の形態並に水稻の生育各期に於ける鉄の消長について(生体内の鉄及び含鉄成分に関する研究)

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    (1) 小松葉, 菠薐草の各部位の鉄の含量を定量し, 葉部に多いことを認めた。(2) 小松葉の葉部から水及びアルカリで抽出される鉄は, 約45%であつて, その中25%はアルカリ可溶部に含まれ, 流水透析によつて, 膜外に出る鉄は, 約53%であつたが, CCl_3COOH処理によつて有機形態と考へられる鉄は, 約78%存在した。(3) chloroplastと考へられる部分に約20%の鉄を含有してるた。(4) 穗孕初期より枯熟期に至る迄の, 水稻各部の鉄及びchlorophyllを定量した結果, chlorophyllは漸減し, 葉, 莖, 根の鉄は開花時に順次穂に移動して行くことを認めた。(1) I have determined the quantity of iron in the every part of Komatsuna and Spinach, and realized those lieves contains much quantity of iron. (2) I have realized the iron which is extract from leaf of Komatsuna is 45%, and 25% of them is contains in alkali soluble portion and 53%-iron produce from membrane by mean of dialysis and 78%-iron is seem organic form by the treatment of CCl_3COOH. (3) I have realized 20%-iron is contains in the portion of chloroplast (to be think so). (4) I have realized by determination of iron and chlorophyll of the Or za Sativa L. on various kinds of period of growing chlorophyll is gradually decrease and the iron of leaf, stem and root moves to ear by degrees at the time of blossom


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    Subunit structures were examined for proteinaceous α-amylase inhibitors, TAI, UAI, DAI, OAI-2, MAI-2, and SAI-2, from respective Phaseolus beans of Toramame, Uzuramame, Daifuku, Otebou, Murasakihanamame, and Shirohanamame. Firstly, TAI was denatured by heating at 50℃ for 30 min in 50 mM imidazol-HCl buffer(pH 7.2)containing 6M guanidine HCl. The denatured protein was chromatographed on DEAE-Sephacel in the presence of 8M urea, resulting in a separation of two protein components, α and β. Size-exclusion HPLC also separated the denatured inhibitor into two protein peaks, I and II. N-Terminal 20 amino acid sequences showed that the protein components, α and β, corresponded to II and I, respectively. The other inhibitors denatured by the above procedure were also analyzed for their subunit structures by HPLC, and found to be composed of two subunits, α and β like that TAI consisted of α and β. Comparison of N-terminal 20 amino acid sequences of subunits indicated the presence of a few amino acid substitutions among the inhibitors


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    The identity of α-amylase inhibitors (TAI and UAI) from Toramame (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and Uzuramame (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) was examined by comparing peptide maps and sugar chain compositions of both inhibitors. The amino acid compositions of α and β subunits of UAI were very similar to those of TAI, respectively. The peptide maps in the Staphylococcus protease digestion of α-subunit and in the lysylendopeptidase digestion of β-subunit of UAI were identical with those of TAI, respectively. These results showed that both inhibitors had the same amino acid sequence. The comparison of sugar chain compositions of both inhibitors suggested that the major glycoforms of UAI and TAI were the same and even glycoform compositions of UAI and TAI were very similar