5,274 research outputs found

    Time and Organizational Improvisation

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    This paper argues that the apparent contradiction in current conceptualizations of time in organizations (e.g., Chronos vs. Kairos) is only apparent, and that a synthesis between these opposing poles is both possible and desirable. We propose improvisation (where time to plan converges with time to act) as a vehicle for articulating a dialectical view of time-based organizational phenomena, while focusing on the three major time-related problems organizations have to solve: scheduling, synchronization, and allocation. The paper discusses how improvisation helps to synthesize even time and event time in scheduling processes, internal pacing and external pacing in synchronization processes, and linear and cyclical time in allocation processes. Methodological and practical obstacles to synthesis are also discussed.Improvisation, Planning, Time

    Self and (m)other in Patrick White\u27s fiction : an object relations approach

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    This thesis offers a new interpretation of Patrick White\u27s novels, using Object Relations psychology. Object Relations psychology differs from Freudian psychology in that it shifts the focus of attention from notions of the Oedipal conflict and repression to issues of nurturing and relationships. This study charts the development of the Whitean protagonist across a selection of novels. The focus of my thesis is White\u27s developing protagonist, and no attempt is made to offer a psychological profile of Patrick White himself. The thesis first surveys a representative sampling of existing critical material. It then defines the theoretical framework of the study and, finally, it applies this framework to the novels

    Doubling, splitting and fragmentation in Bleak House

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    This thesis draws mainly on psychoanalytic theories, and explicates the doubling leitmotiv in Bleak House (1971), which portrays Victorian personality as split and its society as fragmented. This is seen as a suggestion of Dickens\u27 conception of human identity as fragile and vulnerable. Each autonomous character represents a single aspect of personality, so that conflict, when it occurs, is in fact intra-psychic, rather than inter-psychic. The study investigates the problem of the dual or split personality via the quest for identity, and addresses Dickens\u27 perceived need to reward self-effacing characters and punish the assertive. It explores the psychological ramifications of the fragmented personality based on the Object Relations principles of Splitting and Reintegration, and Separation and Individuation, and peruses the realistic development of the characters within psychological parameters. It examines the possibility that, despite Dickens\u27 overt criticism of class divisions and social evils, his ascribing of traits like sexuality and violence to the lower classes, reveals his own ambivalence to class stratifications within Victorian society. The pervasive fog is a metaphor for indifferentiation between various personalities and institutions, and represents both psychic fragmentation and the erosion of law and order and meaning within institutions. The analogous relationship between classes and institutions is discussed in terms of paradigmatic divisions and syntagmatic connections. Special attention is devoted to the submerged dialectic in the dual narrative, under the broad terms of Eros, for the first person feminine narrative and Psyche, for what is considered to be the masculine, omniscient narrator, in order to understand it more fully within the Victorian context of separate spheres for the feminine and masculine, private and public. In concluding, it discusses Dickens\u27 methods of plot and conflict resolution by drawing on his credo of childhood innocence, and the parable of the domestic haven, according to his own peculiar configuration of family

    Representações de aritmetica no livro de Georg Büchler

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    Disponível em: http://www.histemat.com.br/index.php/HISTEMAT/article/view/46Este artigo tem como foco central a análise da obra Arithmetica Elementar de Georg August Büchler, cujo primeiro volume foi publicado em 1919, pela editora Melhoramentos, em São Paulo. É objetivo do presente estudo identificar as representações de aritmética que esse autor inseriu nos livros de aritmética que redigiu para o ensino primário. Contempla dados biográficos do autor bem como apresenta um panorama sobre a cultura escolar no seminário de formação de professores em Bensheim, estado de Hessen (Alemanha), no início do século XX. A metodologia de pesquisa documental contempla os livros didáticos por ele escritos sobre a aritmética, em três volumes; Caderno Auxiliar do Arithmetica Elementar vol. I; os documentos originais do Arquivo de Blumenau, que auxiliaram a constituir notas biográficas do autor; artigos de pesquisadores brasileiros que já investigaram sobre esse autor e a obra de Fleck sobre a História dos Seminários de Formação de Professores em Darmstadt. A escolha do livro didático de Büchler, constante do acervo do Repositório da UFSC, representa exemplarmente uma transposição da pedagogia alemã para o Brasil, com ênfase no método intuitivo de Pestalozzi. Büchler é um dos agentes culturais, que faz uma transferência de saberes matemáticos elementares da Alemanha para o Brasil, no início do século XX

    Chemistry Teaching and Environment: the dialogues present in the Revista Química Nova na Escola – QNEsc

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    The purpose of the present research is to identify on “Revista Química Nova na Escola (QNEsc)”, since implementation of PCN until present date, how “Chemistry and Environment Education” has been articulated. The content analysis was used for identification of actual concepts and meanings. The results bring forward that, just ten years after the incorporation of environmental education into official documents, the publication advances to overcome a technical and preservationist view about environment issues, whose production is product and producer of practices in classroom, where the main discussions are: garbage, water and atmosphere. Indicates the need of a larger criticism about environment issues on the magazine publications, seeking provide a chemistry education that incorporates environmental complexity and that has the intention to greater the society understanding of science and scientific knowledge

    Estimation of chronic dietary intake of pesticide residues

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    OBJETIVO Estimar a ingestão diária máxima teórica dos agrotóxicos potencialmente consumidos, de forma crônica, pela população brasileira. MÉTODO Utilizando os dados do bloco de consumo alimentar da Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares de 2008–2009 para caracterização da dieta da população, foi construído um banco de dados agrupando os alimentos com base na classificação NOVA. Considerando os valores de limite máximo de resíduos de cada agrotóxico autorizado no país até o ano de 2016, foram somados os limites de todos os alimentos consumidos, multiplicados pela quantidade consumida, gerando o índice de ingestão teórica máxima, que foi comparado com a ingestão diária aceitável. RESULTADOS Os resultados mostram que dos 283 agrotóxicos considerados no banco de dados, 71 compostos tiveram estimativas de ingestão zero (25%), 144 compostos (50,8%) atingiram aos valores de ingestão diária aceitável e 68 compostos (24%) apresentaram mediana de ingestão que excedeu o valor diário aceitável. Quando realizada a estimativa de ingestão de agrotóxicos discriminando as distintas regiões do país, houve variação (entre 48 e 69 substâncias) na quantidade de compostos que excederam a ingestão diária aceitável devido aos diferentes padrões de consumo da população. As categorias dos produtos que mais excederam as estimativas são inseticidas, herbicidas e fungicidas. CONCLUSÃO A aplicação dessa metodologia é válida para o primeiro passo na avaliação de risco, porém os valores resultantes podem ser diferentes da exposição real por não englobar outros fatores, como o uso combinado de agrotóxicos ou de produtos de uso não autorizado. É ressaltada a importância do desenvolvimento de pesquisas de dados específicos de consumo de alimentos nacionais de forma sistemática, gerando dados e análises que viabilizem uma avaliação pormenorizada sobre riscos.OBJECTIVE To estimate the maximum theoretical daily intake of pesticides potentially consumed, chronically, by the Brazilian population. METHOD By using data from the food consumption section of the 2008–2009 Household Budget Survey to characterize the population diet, a database was built to group the foods based on the NOVA classification. Considering the maximum residue limit values of each pesticide authorized in the country until 2016, the limits of all consumed foods were added and multiplied by the amount consumed, resulting in the maximum theoretical intake index, which was compared with the acceptable daily intake. RESULTS The results show that, of the 283 pesticides considered in the database, 71 (25%) compounds had estimates of zero intake, 144 compounds (50.8%) reached acceptable daily intake values and 68 compounds (24%) showed median intake that exceeded the acceptable daily value. The pesticide intake estimation according to the different regions of the country showed a variation in the amount of compounds that exceeded the acceptable daily intake (48 to 69 substances) due to the different consumption patterns. The categories of products that most exceeded the limits were the insecticides, herbicides and fungicides. CONCLUSION The application of this methodology is valid for the first step in risk assessment, but the resulting values may be different from the actual exposure since they do not include other factors, such as the combined use of pesticides or unauthorized products. The importance of developing research on specific national food consumption data in a systematic way is emphasized, which generates data and analyses that allow a detailed risk assessment

    A mosaic of personal ethical decision making in learning organizations

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    According to the Free Dictionary (2010), “a mosaic is a picture or decorative design made by setting small coloured pieces, as of stone or tile, into a surface, or a composite picture made of overlapping, usually aerial or photographs”. Using the mosaic metaphor is the authors’ intention to discuss four levels of arguing: 1. personal ethical decision making in learning organizations; 2. construct the mosaic for each organizational group (top management, middle management and workers); 3. if it is possible to draw a behavioural pattern of the mosaic by organizational group (top management, middle management and workers); 4. to acknowledge the truthiness about organizational culture in knowledge environments not be a “spherical” concept (metaphorical symbolism for perfect and constant) (Costa, Prior & Rogerson, 2009a), which will reflect a comparison among groups behavioural patterns

    Análisis discursivo de asignaciones de causalidad y responsabilidad de la ocurrencia de leptospirosis

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    Las personas se posicionan discursivamente en la atribución de causas y responsabilidad para un problema de salud pública. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar las declaraciones de estas atribuciones con respecto a una enfermedad descuidada en Brasil: la leptospirosis humana. Se adoptó el método cualitativo, con entrevistas semiestandarizadas, y se hizo el análisis discursivo con mapas dialógicos. Participaron en el estudio nueve interlocutores designados por gerentes y profesionales de la salud por su competencia para hablar sobre las prácticas y experiencias relacionadas con el control de esta enfermedad. Los resultados mostraron cinco tipos de atribución que ocurrieron simultáneamente en las declaraciones, lo que indica una variabilidad de atribución. Aunque existe la variabilidad, también es posible identificar signos de patrones discursivos relacionados con las posiciones ocupadas por los interlocutores en la red de salud. Se reflexiona críticamente sobre el potencial de los efectos de estos patrones. Se sugieren estudios complementarios sobre la relación entre las atribuciones y las acciones para reducir los casos de la enfermedad.As pessoas se posicionam discursivamente ao atribuir causas e responsáveis por um problema de saúde pública. Este estudo teve por objetivo analisar enunciados sobre essas atribuições no que se refere a uma doença negligenciada no Brasil: a leptospirose humana. O método adotado é qualitativo, faz uso de entrevistas semipadronizadas e análise discursiva com mapas dialógicos. Participaram do estudo nove interlocutores, indicados por gestores e profissionais da área de saúde por sua competência para falar das práticas e experiências relacionadas ao controle da enfermidade. Os resultados mostraram a emergência de cinco tipos de atribuição que ocorriam simultaneamente nos enunciados, o que indica uma variabilidade atributiva. Embora haja variabilidade, é possível identificar também indícios de padrões discursivos relacionados às posições ocupadas pelos interlocutores na rede de saúde. Uma reflexão crítica sobre os efeitos potenciais desses padrões é realizada. Estudos complementares sobre a relação entre atribuições e ações para reduzir casos da doença são sugeridos.When attributing the causes and agents responsible for a public health problem, people position themselves discursively. This study aimed to analyze utterances attributing causality and responsibility for a neglected disease in Brazil: human leptospirosis. A qualitative method was adopted, using semi-structured interviews and discourse analysis by dialogical maps. Nine interlocutors participated in the study. They were indicated by managers and health professionals, considering their competence to talk about practices and experiences related to the control of the disease. Our results show five simultaneous types of attribution in the utterances, indicating variability. However, we also identified traces of discursive patterns associated with the positions occupied by interlocutors within the healthcare network. Then, we articulated a critical reflection on the potential effects of these patterns. We suggest complementary studies to be performed, associating attributions with actions aiming to reduce leptospirosis cases

    Individual ethics and knowledge management: Arising conflicts

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    Knowledge management engages a strong personal dimension that enables a possible success or not regarding an organizational knowledge management project. Plus, it engages unforeseen ethical and moral dilemmas at an individual level. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to link philosophical systems and the knowledge management process allowing a comparison between Eastern and Western, regarding the ethical and moral dilemmas that arise at an individual level concerning knowledge workers. Moreover, we will demonstrate that such challenges are similar, and that Floridi’s information theory may provide important answers to that personal dimension of knowledge management