400 research outputs found

    A Case History of Raft Foundation Behavior for a Large-Scaled Building Complex

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    This paper describes the field observation of settlement of a raft foundation for a large scale building complex in Nagoya city in Japan. The complex consists of a 28 story hotel, a 15 story office building and a low-storied banquet hall in the middle all of which are supported on a single 80 m square basement on raft foundation. Since the load on the foundation is non-uniform, the differential settlement of the foundation was investigated analytically, taking into consideration the interaction between the ground and the raft. To confirm the validity of the design, measurements were conducted for about 2 years during the building construction. The results of the measurement are discussed below

    On Exceptional Vertex Operator (Super) Algebras

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    We consider exceptional vertex operator algebras and vertex operator superalgebras with the property that particular Casimir vectors constructed from the primary vectors of lowest conformal weight are Virasoro descendents of the vacuum. We show that the genus one partition function and characters for simple ordinary modules must satisfy modular linear differential equations. We show the rationality of the central charge and module lowest weights, modularity of solutions, the dimension of each graded space is a rational function of the central charge and that the lowest weight primaries generate the algebra. We also discuss conditions on the reducibility of the lowest weight primary vectors as a module for the automorphism group. Finally we analyse solutions for exceptional vertex operator algebras with primary vectors of lowest weight up to 9 and for vertex operator superalgebras with primary vectors of lowest weight up to 17/2. Most solutions can be identified with simple ordinary modules for known algebras but there are also four conjectured algebras generated by weight two primaries and three conjectured extremal vertex operator algebras generated by primaries of weight 3, 4 and 6 respectively.Comment: 37 page

    Validity of self-reported diagnoses of gynaecological and breast cancers in a prospective cohort study: the Japan Nurses' Health Study

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    Objectives To validate the self-reported diagnoses of gynaecological and breast cancers in a nationwide prospective cohort study of nursing professionals: the Japan Nurses’ Health Study (JNHS).Design and setting Retrospective analysis of the JNHS.Participants and measures Data were reviewed for 15 717 subjects. The mean age at baseline was 41.6±8.3 years (median: 41), and the mean follow-up period was 10.5±3.8 years (median: 12). Participants are regularly mailed a follow-up questionnaire once every 2 years. Respondents who self-reported a positive cancer diagnosis were sent an additional confirmation questionnaire and contacted the diagnosing facility to confirm the diagnosis based on medical records. A review panel of experts verified the disease status. Regular follow-up, confirmation questionnaires and expert review were validated for their positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV).Results New incidences were verified in 37, 47, 26 and 300 cervical, endometrial, ovarian and breast cancer cases, respectively. The estimated incidence rates were 22.0, 25.4, 13.8 and 160.4 per 100 000 person-years. These were comparable with those of national data from regional cancer registries in Japan. For regular follow-up, the corresponding PPVs for cervical, endometrial, ovarian and breast cancer were 16.9%, 54.2%, 45.1% and 81.4%, and the NPVs were 100%, 99.9%, 99.9% and 99.9%, respectively. Adding the confirmation questionnaire improved the PPVs to 31.5%, 88.9%, 76.7% and 99.9%; the NPVs were uniformly 99.9%. Expert review yielded PPVs and NPVs that were all ~100%.Conclusions Gynaecological cancer cannot be accurately assessed by self-reporting alone. Additionally, the external validity of cancer incidence in this cohort was confirmed

    Phase III Trial of Everolimus in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma: Subgroup Analysis of Japanese Patients from RECORD-1

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    Objective: To assess the efficacy and safety of everolimus in Japanese patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Methods: A subgroup analysis of the pivotal Phase III, randomized, double-blind, placebocontrolled trial of everolimus 10 mg/day in patients with disease progression after treatment with sorafenib, sunitinib or both assessed outcomes in Japanese participants. Results were compared with those for the overall study population. Results: The final trial analysis included 24 Japanese patients (everolimus, n 15; placebo, n 9). Median progression-free survival in the Japanese subpopulation was 5.75 months (95% confidence interval, 4.90 months to not reached) with everolimus and 3.61 months (95 % confidence interval, 1.91–9.03 months) with placebo (hazard ratio, 0.19; 95 % confidence interval, 0.05–0.83). Median overall survival was not reached with everolimus and was 14.9 month

    The effect of maternal anthropometric characteristics and social factors on gestational age and birth weight in Sudanese newborn infants

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In Africa low birth weight (LBW) (<2500 g), is the strongest determinant of infant morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study was to quantify the effect of maternal anthropometry, education and socio-economic status on gestational age and birth weight.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In 1000 Sudanese mothers with singleton births, anthropometric measurements (weight, height, mid-arm circumference) and newborn birth weight were taken within 24 hours of delivery. Furthermore, maternal education and socio-economic status were recorded. The effect of these maternal variables on gestational age and birth weight was investigated by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves and by multivariate logistic regression analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Although maternal height was significantly correlated (p = 0.002) with gestational age, we did not find maternal characteristics of value in determining the risk for preterm birth. Birth order was the strongest determinant of birth weight compared to other maternal characteristics. The LBW rate of first born babies of 12.2% was nearly twice that of infants of multiparous mothers. Maternal age and all maternal anthropometric measurements were positively correlated (p < 0.001) with birth weight. A maternal height of <156 cm, a maternal weight of <66 kg, a maternal mid arm circumference of <27 cm and years of education of ≤ 8 years were found to increase the relative risk of LBW but this was statistically significant only in the case of maternal height. Maternal age and BMI had no statistically significant effect on determining the risk for LBW. The social class did not affect the birth weight, while the number of years of education was positively correlated with birth weight (p = 0.01). The LBW rate decreased from 9.2% for ≤ 8 years of education to 6.0% for >12 years of education.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Birth order and maternal height were found to be the most important maternal parameters which influences birth weight and the risk for LBW. The duration of maternal education and not social class was found to significantly affect the risk for LBW.</p

    Heterochronic Shift in Hox-Mediated Activation of Sonic hedgehog Leads to Morphological Changes during Fin Development

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    We explored the molecular mechanisms of morphological transformations of vertebrate paired fin/limb evolution by comparative gene expression profiling and functional analyses. In this study, we focused on the temporal differences of the onset of Sonic hedgehog (Shh) expression in paired appendages among different vertebrates. In limb buds of chick and mouse, Shh expression is activated as soon as there is a morphological bud, concomitant with Hoxd10 expression. In dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula), however, we found that Shh was transcribed late in fin development, concomitant with Hoxd13 expression. We utilized zebrafish as a model to determine whether quantitative changes in hox expression alter the timing of shh expression in pectoral fins of zebrafish embryos. We found that the temporal shift of Shh activity altered the size of endoskeletal elements in paired fins of zebrafish and dogfish. Thus, a threshold level of hox expression determines the onset of shh expression, and the subsequent heterochronic shift of Shh activity can affect the size of the fin endoskeleton. This process may have facilitated major morphological changes in paired appendages during vertebrate limb evolution

    Is Sustained Virological Response a Marker of Treatment Efficacy in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Viral Infection with No Response or Relapse to Previous Antiviral Intervention?

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    Background: Randomised clinical trials (RCTs) of antiviral interventions in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection use sustained virological response (SVR) as the main outcome. There is sparse information on long-term mortality from RCTs.  Methods: We created a decision tree model based on a Cochrane systematic review on interferon retreatment for patients who did not respond to initial therapy or who relapsed following SVR. Extrapolating data to 20 years, we modelled the outcome from three scenarios: (1) observed medium-term (5 year) annual mortality rates continue to the long term (20 years); (2) long-term annual mortality in retreatment responders falls to that of the general population while retreatment non-responders continue at the medium-term mortality; (3) long-term annual mortality in retreatment non-responders is the same as control group non-responders (i.e., the increased treatment-related medium mortality “wears off”).  Results: The mean differences in life expectancy over 20 years with interferon versus control in the first, second, and third scenarios were -0.34 years (95% confidence interval (CI) -0.71 to 0.03), -0.23 years (95% CI -0.69 to 0.24), and -0.01 (95% CI -0.3 to 0.27), respectively. The life expectancy was always lower in the interferon group than in the control group in scenario 1. In scenario 3, the interferon group had a longer life expectancy than the control group only when more than 7% in the interferon group achieved SVR.  Conclusions: SVR may be a good prognostic marker but does not seem to be a valid surrogate marker for assessing HCV treatment efficacy of interferon retreatment. The SVR threshold at which retreatment increases life expectancy may be different for different drugs depending upon the adverse event profile and treatment efficacy. This has to be determined for each drug by RCTs and appropriate modelling before SVR can be accepted as a surrogate marker

    Protective Effect of Ginseng Polysaccharides on Influenza Viral Infection

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    Ginseng polysaccharide has been known to have multiple immunomodulatory effects. In this study, we investigated whether Panax ginseng polysaccharide (GP) would have a preventive effect on influenza infection. Administration of mice with GP prior to infection was found to confer a survival benefit against infection with H1N1 (A/PR/8/34) and H3N2 (A/Philippines/82) influenza viruses. Mice infected with the 2009 H1N1 virus suspended in GP solution showed moderately enhanced survival rates and lower levels of lung viral titers and the inflammatory cytokine (IL-6). Daily treatment of vaccinated mice with GP improved their survival against heterosubtypic lethal challenge. This study demonstrates the first evidence that GP can be used as a remedy against influenza viral infection

    The effect of electrical neurostimulation on collateral perfusion during acute coronary occlusion

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Electrical neurostimulation can be used to treat patients with refractory angina, it reduces angina and ischemia. Previous data have suggested that electrical neurostimulation may alleviate myocardial ischaemia through increased collateral perfusion. We investigated the effect of electrical neurostimulation on functional collateral perfusion, assessed by distal coronary pressure measurement during acute coronary occlusion. We sought to study the effect of electrical neurostimulation on collateral perfusion.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Sixty patients with stable angina and significant coronary artery disease planned for elective percutaneous coronary intervention were split in two groups. In all patients two balloon inflations of 60 seconds were performed, the first for balloon dilatation of the lesion (first episode), the second for stent delivery (second episode). The Pw/Pa ratio (wedge pressure/aortic pressure) was measured during both ischaemic episodes. Group 1 received 5 minutes of active neurostimulation before plus 1 minute during the first episode, group 2 received 5 minutes of active neurostimulation before plus 1 minute during the second episode.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In group 1 the Pw/Pa ratio decreased by 10 ± 22% from 0.20 ± 0.09 to 0.19 ± 0.09 (p = 0.004) when electrical neurostimulation was deactivated. In group 2 the Pw/Pa ratio increased by 9 ± 15% from 0.22 ± 0.09 to 0.24 ± 0.10 (p = 0.001) when electrical neurostimulation was activated.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Electrical neurostimulation induces a significant improvement in the Pw/Pa ratio during acute coronary occlusion.</p