65 research outputs found

    Os interiores domésticos após a expansão da economia exportadora paulista

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    The present article aims at describing São Paulo city dwellings and at studying its trade and crafts production in the first half of the 19th Century. Our work is chiefly based on information collected from post-mortem inventories registered in São Paulo capital city. Memorialists have described São Paulo city and its market as insignificant until coffee cultivation took over as the main economic activity. However, our research has found out that, on the contrary, the domestic trade had been very active since the beginning of the 19th century.Este artigo se propõe a descrever os interiores domésticos dos paulistanos e a refletir sobre o comércio e a produção artesanal da cidade de São Paulo na primeira metade do Oitocentos. Baseamo-nos principalmente nas informações dos inventários post-mortem da capital. Os memorialistas descreveram a cidade e seu mercado acanhados até o advento do café. Nossa pesquisa, ao contrário, identificou-os muito ativo desde o início do século XIX

    Human-Mediated Emergence as a Weed and Invasive Radiation in the Wild of the CD Genome Allotetraploid Rice Species (Oryza, Poaceae) in the Neotropics

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    BACKGROUND: The genus Oryza is being used as a model in plant genomic studies although there are several issues still to be resolved regarding the spatio-temporal evolution of this ancient genus. Particularly contentious is whether undated transoceanic natural dispersal or recent human interference has been the principal agent determining its present distribution and differentiation. In this context, we studied the origin and distribution history of the allotetraploid CD rice genome. It is endemic to the Neotropics but the genus is thought to have originated in the Paleotropics, and there is relatively little genetic divergence between some orthologous sequences of the C genome component and their Old World counterparts. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Because of its allotetraploidy, there are several potential pitfalls in trying to date the formation of the CD genome using molecular data and this could lead to erroneous estimates. Therefore, we rather chose to rely on historical evidence to determine whether or not the CD genome was present in the Neotropics before the arrival of Columbus. We searched early collections of herbarium specimens and studied the reports of explorers of the tropical Americas for references to rice. In spite of numerous collectors traveling inland and collecting Oryza, plants determined as CD genome species were not observed away from cultivated rice fields until 1869. Various arguments suggest that they only consisted of weedy forms until that time. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The spatio-temporal distribution of herbarium collections fits a simple biogeographical scenario for the emergence in cultivated rice fields followed by radiation in the wild of the CD genome in the Neotropics during the last four centuries. This probably occurred from species introduced to the Americas by humans and we found no evidence that the CD genome pre-existed in the Old World. We therefore propose a new evolutionary hypothesis for such a recent origin of the CD genome. Moreover, we exemplify how an historical approach can provide potentially important information and help to disentangle the timing of evolutionary events in the history of the Oryza genomes

    Die Stoffwechselwirkungen der Schilddrüsenhormone

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    Bird-termite interactions in Brazil: A review with perspectives for future studies

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