272 research outputs found

    Determination of the minimum integral entropy, water sorption and glass transition temperature to establishing critical storage conditions of beetroot juice microcapsules by spray drying

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    The aim of this work was to microencapsulate beetroot juice (BJ) (Beta vulgaris L.) by spray-drying using as protective colloid gum Arabic. The adsorption isotherms of the microcapsules and the minimum integral entropy (∆S int)T were determined at 25, 35 and 40 ◦C. The glass transition temperature (Tg) was measured by differential scanning calorimetry and modeled by GordonTaylor equation. The water contents-water activity (M-aW ) sets obtained from (∆S int)T , and critical water content (CWC) and critical water activity (CWA) from the Tg were similar, being in the range of water content of 5.11-7.5 kg H2O/100 kg d.s. and in the water activity range of 0.532-0.590. These critical storage conditions were considered as the best conditions for increase the stability of the microcapsules, where the percentage of retention Betanin in the microcapsules was higher compared with other storage conditions in the temperature and aw range studied. Keywords: beetroot juice, microcapsules, minimum integral entropy, glass transition temperature, critical water content, critical water activity

    Efectos de las variables de proceso en la microencapsulación del aceite de ajonjolí (Sesamum indica L.) mediante secado por aspersión

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    Artículo científico en revista indizada en SCOPUS, JCR, CONACyTThe aim of this study was to investigate the effects of the process variables of microencapsulation sesame oil (SO) by spray drying to generate the desired powder quality with the highest efficiency encapsulation and maximum linoleic acid content microencapsulated using a full factorial design of experiments. Thirty two tests were made, and five replicates were conducted on the central points. Independent variables were volumetric dispersed phase (O/W) (0.05, 0.10 and 0.15), wall material to core ratios (Wa:Co) (1:1, 2:1 and 3:1) and drying air inlet temperature (Ti) (120, 140 and160 °C). Surface oil (SOM%), encapsulation efficiency (EE%), linoleic acid content (LAC%), and moisture content (MC%) were analyzed as responses. Under maximum process conditions Wa:Co=2.59:1, O/W=0.05 and Ti=154.04 °C, the response variables including, EE and LAC were predicted as 88.20% and 50.02% respectively. It was concluded that these microcapsules containing high content of linoleic acid can be used as functional food.CONACy

    Photo-Fenton Treatment of a Pharmaceutical Industrial Ef!uent Under Safe pH Conditions

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    This chapter aims to present the effect of treating a pharmaceutical industrial effluent by photo-Fenton catalyzed with a Fe-pillared bentonite. XRD proved the pillaring process successful, and by N2 physisorption, it was established that the specific surface area of bentonite (34 m2 /g) increased to 277 m2 /g and pore volume increased from 0.058 to 0.106 cm3 /g. Active Fe species were identified by Mössbauer spectroscopy. The effect of reaction variables such as catalyst loading, pH, H2O2 concentration, and initial concentration of total organic carbon (TOC) is also presented. It was concluded that to reach near 100% mineralization, an acidic pH (2.7) should be observed. A high mineralization under these conditions, how- ever, does not directly correlate with a low toxicity. Actually, the oxidative stress biomarkers only decreased when pH was not modified (pH 1⁄4 8) albeit the attained mineralization was only 51%. It is worth noticing that the use of pillared clays allows carrying out photo-Fenton treatment under pH conditions other than acidic. The synthesized catalyst exhibited magnetism and this can be used for an easier recovery

    Actions for the confirmation of the continuous improvement plan for the Educational Program in Chemical Engineering at UAEMéx

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    The strategic plan for continuous improvement, through analysis, informs whichever adjustment that should be carried out in the monitoring and contrast by academic year, integrating and monitoring the performance indicators. In this way, the performance of graduates in society can be identified qualitatively and quantitatively as a function of the performance of different processes that impact the training of the student. Additionally, it guarantees to interested groups that the educational program of the Chemical Engineering Degree, and its curricular committee, add value to their graduated students, whose social responsibility impacts societyThe objective of this work was to reflect on the responsibility that the educational program in Chemical Engineering at UAEMex has in translating its intentions into actions, as well as establishing an organised process for continuous planning and systemic evaluation which is reflected in a continuous improvement plan. This process entails the inclusion of tools that permit the evaluation or self-evaluation of the measurements and forms in which the educational program is improving its actions in achieving the criteria established by the acreditory organisation Consejo de Acreditación de la Enseñanza de la Ingeniería (CACEI) (Accreditation Board for the Teaching of Engineering) in their Marco de Referencia (Frame of Reference) 2018 in the international contex

    Incidencia de padres y madres adolescentes en la primera infancia a partir de la consolidación del proyecto de vida.

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    Determinar la incidencia de padres y madres adolescentes en el desarrollo integral de sus hijos durante la primera infancia, a partir de la consolidación de su proyecto de vida, en la localidad de Bosa UPZ 86 porvenir.Este proyecto se presenta como una propuesta de investigación descriptiva con un enfoque cualitativo para determinar la incidencia de padres y madres adolescentes en el desarrollo integral de la primera infancia a partir de la consolidación de su proyecto de vida en la localidad de Bosa UPZ 86 Porvenir. El tema de la investigación es relevante frente a la labor como docentes, ya que el elevado número de jóvenes adolescentes que son padres influyen directamente en el desarrollo integral de los niños y niñas, puesto que se evidencia la falta de elementos que les permiten desarrollar un proyecto de vida, y a la vez establecer pautas de crianza claras que les ayuden a formar sus hijos. Teniendo en cuenta que “al año nacen cerca de 159.000 bebes de madres adolescentes, el ICBF alerto sobre esta situación y pidió esfuerzos conjuntos para trabajar en la prevención”.This project reports a descriptive qualitative research proposal to determine the incidence of teenager parents in the comprehensive development of first infancy from their life project consolidation in Bosa UPZ 86 Porvenir locality. The results show that teenager parent can confuse life project with short time goals; to prevent teenagers pregnancy is not sufficient to offer them information about contraceptive methods when they are parents then tend to repeat raising patterns that influent directly in the harmonic children development. Taking into account the information obtained during the research process, a Web page is going to be design as a tool that gather and spread clear, practical resources to guide the adolescent