31 research outputs found

    Influence of the N/K ratio on the production and quality of cucumber in hydroponic system

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the quality of fruits and the nutritional status of cucumber CV. Aodai cultivated in nutrient solutions with different N:K ratios. The hydroponic cultivation was initially performed, during the vegetative growth, in nutrient solution with 1:2.0 mmol L-1 N:K, and, later, during fruit setting, in four different nutrient solutions with N:K (w/w) at the ratios 1:1.4, 1:1.7, 1:2.0 and 1:2.5. An additional treatment with a nutrient solution containing the ratio 1:2.2 (w/w) N:K during the vegetative growth and N:K 1:1.4 (w/w) during fruit setting, both with 10% ammonium (NH4+) was included. The treatments were arranged in a randomized design with six replicates. Irrigation was carried out with deionized water until seed germination, and then with nutrient solution until 30 days after germination, when plants were transplanted. Plants in the hydroponic growing beds were irrigated with the solutions for vegetative growth, and, after 21 days, the solutions were replaced by solutions for fruit setting. At 45 and 60 days after transplanting, the fresh weight, length, diameter, volume and firmness of the fruit were evaluated, and, at 45 days after transplanting, the macronutrient concentrations in the leaves were determined. The use of different N:K ratios during fruit setting influenced the cucumber production. The ratio of 1.0:1.7 N: K (w/w), with 10% of N in the form of ammonia, is recommended for the whole cycle

    Growth and production of nasturtium flowers in three hydroponic solutions Crescimento e produção de flores de nastúrcio cultivado em hidroponia com três soluções nutritivas

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    This experiment was carried out during April to August 2003 in a greenhouse at the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. The growth and production of nasturtium flowers (Tropaeolum majus) in hydroponics NFT system was typified. Treatments were displayed in a 3x11 factorial, with six replications, in entirely randomized experimental design, and were composed of three nutrition solutions and 11 assessment dates. Each plant was separated between aerial part and root for the evaluation of dry mass. The blossoming started 49 days after the transplant (DAT). The plants presented good development in hydroponics, as well as growing dry mass, stature, leaf area and IAF, during the cycle. The culture's growth rate presented larger accumulation of leaf mass from 49 DAT on, in linear relation. Biological productivity was adjusted to a 2nd degree equation. Nutrition solutions did not show statistical differences, however, Furlani (1997) solution was the most reasonably priced.<br>Com o objetivo de caracterizar o crescimento e produção de flores de nastúrcio (Tropaeolum majus) em hidroponia, no sistema NFT, conduziu-se um experimento em casa de vegetação da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, de abril a agosto de 2003. O experimento foi um fatorial 3x11 com seis repetições, em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, sendo os tratamentos constituídos de três soluções nutritivas e 11 datas de avaliação. Dividiu-se cada planta em parte aérea e raiz para avaliação da fitomassa seca. A floração iniciou aos 49 dias após o transplante (DAT). A planta apresentou bom desenvolvimento em hidroponia sendo a produção de fitomassa seca crescente durante o ciclo, bem como a estatura, a área foliar e o IAF. A taxa de crescimento da cultura apresentou maior acúmulo de fitomassa a partir dos 49 DAT com relação linear. A produtividade biológica ajustou-se a uma equação do 2º grau. As soluções nutritivas não apresentaram diferença estatística entre si, porém na análise de custo a solução Furlani (1997) foi a mais econômica