3,852 research outputs found

    The Effect of Emotion on Verbal Recall in Traumatic Brain Injury

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    Individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI) have impairments in identifying emotion in social and pragmatic communication (Ben-David, van Lieshout, & Leszcz, 2011). These deficits include difficulty with correctly matching emotion in facial expressions (Watts & Douglas, 2006), interpreting prosody of speech (Dimoska, McDonald, Pell, Tate, & James, 2010), retrieving words (Hough, 2008) and determining the perspectives of other individuals using theory of mind (McDonald & Flanagan, 2004). However, little research has focused on the processing of emotional content in verbal recall. The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of stimulus emotional content on the ability of individuals with TBI to recall words from lists and content units from paragraphs. Results from the study have clinical significance because the tasks may serve as appraisal instruments for determining the level of emotional processing impairment associated with traumatic brain injury and document the importance of emotional content in selecting stimuli for treatment intervention

    Strong coupling of a mechanical oscillator and a single atom

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    We propose and analyze a setup to achieve strong coupling between a single trapped atom and a mechanical oscillator. The interaction between the motion of the atom and the mechanical oscillator is mediated by a quantized light field in a laser driven high-finesse cavity. In particular, we show that high fidelity transfer of quantum states between the atom and the mechanical oscillator is in reach for existing or near future experimental parameters. Our setup provides the basic toolbox for coherent manipulation, preparation and measurement of micro- and nanomechanical oscillators via the tools of atomic physics.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, minro changes, accepted by PR

    Deep-learning approach for large atomic structure calculations

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    High-precision atomic structure calculations require accurate modelling of electronic correlations involving large multiconfiguration wave function expansions. Here we develop a deep-learning approach which allows to preselect the most relevant configurations out of large basis sets until the targeted precision is achieved. Our method replaces a large multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock computation by a series of smaller ones performed on an iteratively expanding basis subset managed by a convolutional neural network. The results for several examples with many-electron atoms show that deep learning can significantly reduce the required computational memory and running time and renders possible large-scale computations on otherwise unaccessible basis sets

    Optomechanical cooling of levitated spheres with doubly-resonant fields

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    Optomechanical cooling of levitated dielectric particles represents a promising new approach in the quest to cool small mechanical resonators towards their quantum ground state. We investigate two-mode cooling of levitated nanospheres in a self-trapping regime. We identify a rich structure of split sidebands (by a mechanism unrelated to usual strong-coupling effects) and strong cooling even when one mode is blue detuned. We show the best regimes occur when both optical fields cooperatively cool and trap the nanosphere, where cooling rates are over an order of magnitude faster compared to corresponding single-sideband cooling rates.Comment: 8 Pages, 7 figure

    Controlled Dephasing of Electrons by Non-Gaussian Shot Noise

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    In a 'controlled dephasing' experiment [1-3], an interferometer loses its coherence due to entanglement with a controlled quantum system ('which path' detector). In experiments that were conducted thus far in mesoscopic systems only partial dephasing was achieved. This was due to weak interactions between many detector electrons and the interfering electron, resulting in a Gaussian phase randomizing process [4-10]. Here, we report the opposite extreme: a complete destruction of the interference via strong phase randomization only by a few electrons in the detector. The realization was based on interfering edge channels (in the integer quantum Hall effect regime, filling factor 2) in a Mach-Zehnder electronic interferometer, with an inner edge channel serving as a detector. Unexpectedly, the visibility quenched in a periodic lobe-type form as the detector current increased; namely, it periodically decreased as the detector current, and thus the detector's efficiency, increased. Moreover, the visibility had a V-shape dependence on the partitioning of the detector current, and not the expected dependence on the second moment of the shot noise, T(1-T), with T the partitioning. We ascribe these unexpected features to the strong detector-interferometer coupling, allowing only 1-3 electrons in the detector to fully dephase the interfering electron. Consequently, in this work we explored the non-Gaussian nature of noise [11], namely, the direct effect of the shot noise full counting statistics [12-15].Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Naturally-phasematched second harmonic generation in a whispering gallery mode resonator

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    We demonstrate for the first time natural phase matching for optical frequency doubling in a high-Q whispering gallery mode resonator made of Lithium Niobate. A conversion efficiency of 9% is achieved at 30 micro Watt in-coupled continuous wave pump power. The observed saturation pump power of 3.2 mW is almost two orders of magnitude lower than the state-of-the-art. This suggests an application of our frequency doubler as a source of non-classical light requiring only a low-power pump, which easily can be quantum noise limited. Our theoretical analysis of the three-wave mixing in a whispering gallery mode resonator provides the relative conversion efficiencies for frequency doubling in various modes
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