123 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Ruminal Strains of Butyrivibrio Fibrisolvens

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    Marounek M., O. G. Savka: Antimicrobial Susceptibility ojRuminalStrains ojButyrivibrio fibrisolvens. Acta vet. Bmo, 63,1994: 129-132. The susceptibility of five ruminal strains of Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens to 23 antimicrobial com-pounds was examined to evaluate effects of antimicrobials on this bacterium. All strains were very sensitive to ionophores and inhibitors of protein synthesis, except for aureomycin. On the contrary, butyrivibrios were relatively insensitive to inhibitors of carbohydrate metabolism and uncouplers. The strains studied displayed considerable variation in sensitivity to salinomycin, aureomycin and bacitracin. The substrate used to support the bacterial growth (glucose or xylose) influenced the sus-ceptibility of isolates to antimicrobial agents. In one third of the measurements inhibitory concentra-tions of antimicrobial compoonds were lower with xylose-grown than with glucose-grown cells. Dif-ferent response of xylose-grown cultures to antimicrobials may reflect lower energy supply from fer-mentation of xylose which was metabolized more slowly and with lower biosynthetic efficiency. Rumen, Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens, antimicrobial susceptibility Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens is a butyrate-forming anaerobic bacterium, which stains gram-negatively. but which ha

    Batch-cultures of Rumen Microorganisms in Vitro

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    Каротиноїди – це синтезовані рослинами і мікроорганізмами жовті, оранжеві і червоні пігменти, які є попередниками вітаміну А та можуть виконувати імуномодулюючі функції. Зазвичай у птахівництві каротиноїди вносять у раціон курей-несучок для отримання оптимальної пігментації яєчного жовтка і збільшення окисної стабільності його ліпідів. З метою оцінки ефекту синтетичних і натуральних каротиноїдів на денну продукцію яєць і деяких інших параметрів їх якості були проведені два досліди. Курей утримували на раціонах, а саме: контрольному і дослідних з добавками синтетичних каротиноїдів - червоного і жовтого Carrophyl®, лютеїну, водоростей хлорели і гірчичної муки. Каротиноїди не мали ніякого впливу на денну продукцію яєць курки. Достовірно посилювали інтенсивність кольору жовтка як і синтетичні, так і природні каротиноїди. Carophylls, лютеїн і Chlorella достовірно збільшили окисну стабільність ліпідів жовтка. Звідси можна зробити висновки, що, по-перше, лютеїн і Chlorella – це альтернатива синтетичним каротиноїдам, а, по-друге, використання хлорели є більш вигідним з економічної точки зору, ніж лютеїну. Каротиноиды – это синтезированные растениями и микроорганизмами желтые, оранжевые и красные пигменты, которые являются предшественниками витамина А и могут выполнять иммуномодулирующие функции. Обычно в птицеводстве каротиноиды вносят в рацион кур-несушек для получения оптимальной пигментации яичного желтка и увеличение окислительной стабильности его липидов. С целью оценки эффекта синтетических и натуральных каротиноидов на дневную продукцию яиц и некоторых других параметров их качества были проведены два опыта. Кур содержали на рационах, а именно: контрольном и опытных с добавками синтетических каротиноидов - красного и желтого Carrophyl®, лютеина, водорослей хлореллы и горчичной муки. Каротиноиды не имели никакого влияния на дневную продукцию яиц курицы. Интенсивность цвета желтка достоверно усиливали, как и синтетические, так и природные каротиноиды. Carophylls, лютеин и Chlorella достоверно увеличили окислительную стабильность липидов желтка. Отсюда можно сделать выводы, что, во-первых, лютеин и Chlorella – это альтернатива синтетическим каротиноидам, а, во-вторых, использование хлореллы является более выгодным с экономической точки зрения, чем лютеина.Carotenoids are yellow, orange and red pigments, synthesized by plants and microorganisms. They are precursors of vitamin A and can perform immunomodulatory functions. Usually, in poultry, carotenoids are included in the diet oflaying hens to obtain the optimal pigmentation of egg yolk and increase oxidative stability of yolk lipids. In order to evaluate the effect of synthetic and natural carotenoids on daily production of eggs and other quality parameters, two experiments were performed. Chickens were on control diet and experimental one supplemented synthetic carotenoids – red and yellow Carrophyl®, lutein, algae Chlorella and mustard meal. Carotenoids have had no impact on daily production of chicken eggs. Yolk colour intensity significantly strengthened under influence synthetic and natural carotenoids. Carophylls, lutein and Chlorella significantly increased oxidative stability of yolk lipids. It can be concluded that, firstly, lutein and Chlorella are an alternative to synthetic carotenoids, and, secondly, the use of chlorella is more advantageous from an economic point of view than lutein

    Sensitivity of Anaerobic Rumen Fungi to Pentachlorphenol and Pentachlorbiphenyl

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    Effects of Caprylic Acid on Performance and Mortality of Growing Rabbits

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    Lipolytic Activity of Potential Probiotic Enterococci and Additive Staphylococci

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    The ability to produce lipolytic enzymes by enterococci and staphylococci isolated from rabbit faeces and traditional Slovak sausages was examined. Seven strains (3 by genopypization allotted to the species Enterococcus faecium and 1 Enterococcus species of rabbit origin, 2 rabbit staphylococci and 1 Staphylococcus xylosus SX SO1/1M/1´/2 strain - sausage isolate) were lipolytic activity free, whereas lipolytic activity of remaining isolates varied in the range from 61.4 ± 0.0 to 470.7 ± 0.0 mmol/h/mg of protein. In general, enterococci isolated from sausages showed higher lipolytic activity compared to rabbit enterococci; on the other hand, rabbit staphylococci produced more lipase than was measured in staphylococci from fermented meat products. The predominance of staphylococcal lipolytic activity of both origins was detected; the selected strains could be recommended as starter culture in sausage production, e.g. by improving meat quality due to their lipid content

    Alternatives to antibiotic growth promoters in rabbit feeding: a review

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    [EN] This review is focused on the most studied and developed substances which are commonly knownas alternatives to dietary antibiotics, particularly as far as rabbit feeds are concerned. After a reminder of thereason to be and success of antibiotic growth promoters, and why they lately came to be banned in the European Union, we successively deal with probiotics, prebiotics, enzymes and organic acids. Data on rabbitsare, as expected, quite scarce when compared to species such as pigs and poultry. Nevertheless, theavailable performance results are discussed together with the possible mechanisms of action. Special mentionis made of the effects of these substances on digestibility and caecal activity.Falcão-E-Cunha, L.; Castro-Solla, L.; Maertens, L.; Marounek, M.; Pinheiro, V.; Freire, J.; Mourão, JL. (2007). Alternatives to antibiotic growth promoters in rabbit feeding: a review. World Rabbit Science. 15(3). doi:10.4995/wrs.2007.597SWORD15

    Long-term hypocholesterolemic effect of amidated alginate in rats

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    The effect of octadecylamide of alginic acid on blood serum and hepatic cholesterol, and the faecal output of fat and sterols was examined in female rats fed diets containing cholesterol and palm fat at 10 and 50 g/kg, respectively for 10 weeks. Amidated alginate, supplied at 10 and 20 g/kg, significantly decreased serum cholesterol from 5.25 to 2.99 and 2.39 µmol/ml, respectively, and decreased hepatic cholesterol from 30.7 to 12.3 and 9.4 µmol/g, respectively. Amidated alginate increased the faecal output of fat and at higher dosing significantly decreased faecal output of bile acids. Faecal output of bile acids and hepatic cholesterol significantly correlated (r = 0.791; P < 0.001). The results of the present experiment showed that hypocholesterolemic effect of amidated alginate persisted within 10 weeks of feeding