2,821 research outputs found

    Investigation of the existence of hybrid stars using Nambu-Jona-Lasinio models

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    We investigate the hadron-quark phase transition inside neutron stars and obtain mass-radius relations for hybrid stars. The equation of state for the quark phase using the standard NJL model is too soft leading to an unstable star and suggesting a modification of the NJL model by introducing a momentum cutoff dependent on the chemical potential. However, even in this approach, the instability remains. In order to remedy the instability we suggest the introduction of a vector coupling in the NJL model, which makes the EoS stiffer, reducing the instability. We conclude that the possible existence of quark matter inside the stars require high densities, leading to very compact stars.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; prepared for IV International Workshop on Astronomy and Relativistic Astrophysics (IWARA 2009), Maresias, 4-8 Oct 200

    Approach to competences, human development and higher education

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    Tendo como fundamento a psicologia do desenvolvimento humano, apresenta-se, neste artigo, uma ampliação conceitual à compreensão de competência. Esse é um termo polissêmico, com multiplicidade de concepções epistemológicas, éticas e ideológicas que imprimem complexidade aos processos formativos, especialmente em relação à formação pessoal e profissional na educação superior. Defende-se a noção de competência ancorada na mobilização intencional de diversos recursos próprios ao desenvolvimento humano: processos psicológicos, comportamentos, conhecimentos, afetos, crenças, habilidades, escolhas éticas e estéticas, que devem ser mobilizados pelo sujeito. Apresenta-se, a partir dessa ampliação, uma categorização de competências transversais e possibilidades para sua avaliação. A reflexão pode fundamentar uma atuação crítica de psicólogos e educadores para a mediação do desenvolvimento de competências dos atores do ensino superior.Grounded on human development psychology, this paper presents a conceptual expansion of the understanding about competence. This is a polysemic construct, with a wide range of epistemological, ethical and ideological concepts that reinforce the complexity of training processes, especially in relation to personal and professional training in the context of higher education. This paper defends the notion of competence rooted in intentional mobilization of various resources inherent to human development: psychological processes, behaviors, knowledge, emotions, beliefs, aptitudes, ethical and aesthetic choices that the subject must mobilize. From this conceptual expansion, a categorization of transversal competences and possibilities of assessment are presented. Analyses can support critical actions of psychologists and educators to mediate the development of competences of higher education actors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Intercâmbio e quarentena de germoplasma vegetal no período de 2004 a 2007.

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    Processing of near-net-shape dental crowns by conventional alumina slip casting in gypsum mould

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    Trabalho apresentado em Microscopy in Research - An SPMicros Congress, 9-10 December 2013, Monte da Caparica, PortugalN/

    Extratos de Morinda citrifolia e Piper nigrum no controle da mancha bacteriana do maracujazeiro.

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    Suplemento, ref. 886. Edição dos Resumos do 45º Congresso Brasileiro de Fitopatologia, Manaus, 2012. CBFito 2012