25,027 research outputs found

    Sovereign Debt Restructuring: New Articles, New Contracts--Or No Change?

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    It was at the National Economists' Club in November 2001 that Anne Krueger, first deputy managing director of the International Monetary Fund, threw down the gauntlet. "There is," she said, "a gaping hole [in the international financial architecture]-- we lack incentives to help countries with unsustainable debts resolve them promptly and in an orderly way. At present the only available mechanism requires the international community to bail out the private creditors. It is high time this hole was filled."

    Random independent splitting model for the mass spectrum of protostars and interstellar clouds

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    Mathematical model for mass spectra of protostars and interstellar cloud

    Covariance function of elevations on a cratered planetary surface. Part 2 - Crater rim and ejecta blanket contribution

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    Covariance function of elevations on cratered planetary surfac

    Distribution of elevations on a cratered planetary surface

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    Distribution of elevations on a cratered planetary surfac

    Statistical models of lunar rocks and regolith

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    The mathematical, statistical, and computational approaches used in the investigation of the interrelationship of lunar fragmental material, regolith, lunar rocks, and lunar craters are described. The first two phases of the work explored the sensitivity of the production model of fragmental material to mathematical assumptions, and then completed earlier studies on the survival of lunar surface rocks with respect to competing processes. The third phase combined earlier work into a detailed statistical analysis and probabilistic model of regolith formation by lithologically distinct layers, interpreted as modified crater ejecta blankets. The fourth phase of the work dealt with problems encountered in combining the results of the entire project into a comprehensive, multipurpose computer simulation model for the craters and regolith. Highlights of each phase of research are given

    Rethinking one`s own culture

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    African people reflecting on their own situation will frequently find themselves in a dilemma to identify with western and traditional values. A case study of the Burji (Ethiopia and Kenya) examplifies this. First a description is given of the Burji actively dealing with their problems, trying among other things to keep Burjiness alive. Then in presenting a semiotic model it is shown how the phenomenon of their changing group identity (which is not grasped by theories of ethnic group or ethnicity) can be analyzed. The model presented may be useful for analyzing similar cases in the Third World

    Semiclassical collision theory. Multidimensional integral method

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    Numerical results on the integral expression for the semiclassical S matrix are compared with exact quantum results for a multidimensional problem. The collision of a rigid rotor with an atom is treated. The integral method proves to be easy to apply. Within its range of maximum validity (no sign changes in the pre‐exponential factor of the semiclassical wavefunction) the agreement was typically within 20%. When sign changes occurred, the agreement was about a factor of 2 or better. Conditions affecting sign changes are described

    Laser extensometer

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    A drift compensated and intensity averaged extensometer for measuring the diameter or other properties of a substantially cylindrical sample based upon the shadow of the sample is described. A beam of laser light is shaped to provide a beam with a uniform intensity along an axis normal to the sample. After passing the sample, the portion of the beam not striking said sample is divided by a beam splitter into a reference signal and a measurement signal. Both of these beams are then chopped by a light chopper to fall upon two photodiode detectors. The resulting ac currents are rectified and then divided into one another, with the final output being proportional to the size of the sample shadow