141 research outputs found

    Industry Speaks Strategies for Solving the Food Inflation Problem

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    This article addresses some of the partial truths and misinformation in media reporting over the booming food prices debate. Many studies are only linking biofuels to the inflation cause, while ignoring several other factors such as the growth of the world population, economic development and income distribution. An overview of the causes is discussed and 10 strategies proposed which policy makers, governments, and organizations can adapt to move the world forward towards long-term sustainability.food crisis, bio-fuels, strategy, sustainability, problem solving, Food Security and Poverty, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Q10, Q16, Q27,

    Defining an Agribusiness Strategic Agenda for 2010-2020

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    networks, sustainability, supply chains, marketing, agribusiness, agenda, Agribusiness, Marketing,

    Measurement of Sugar Cane Chain in Brazil

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    Despite the historical importance of the sugarcane business in Brazil, which is as old in the country as its colonization, it has never been "photographed in widescreen". This research on the mapping and quantification of business generated in the sugarcane chain in 2008 for the first time gives the scale of the entire sugarcane productive chain in Brazil. The sector now shows the numbers that indicate the industry's role in building the country's GDP, as well as in job creation, tax generation, and the distribution (capillary) of economic activities. By applying the method Strategic Management of Agro-Systems (GESIS), developed by the first author, Professor Marcos Fava Neves, coordinator of the Marketing & Strategic Projects and Research Center, USP (MARKESTRAT), it was found that the sugarcane sector GDP is around $28.1 billion USD, equivalent to almost 2% of the Brazilian GDP or almost all of the income generated in a year in a country like Uruguay. The majority of the industry's inputs are local, explaining its favorable trade balance situation. A series of new products has become increasingly more important and a major transformation is going on in this sector that has one of the oldest and, at the same time, most modern plants with regard to clean energy on the planet.chain mapping, chain quantification, agro-industry system, sugar cane sector, ethanol, sugar, Crop Production/Industries, Industrial Organization,

    Impacts of a liberalization in the USA market for Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice: why Florida´s producers are so afraid?

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    This study aims at examining the resource allocation and welfare implications of the reduction of barriers in the United States market for Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice (FCOJ) imported from Brazil. The present paper is organized as follows: section 2 presents an overview of the main features of the market and current trade regime for orange juice, as well as the possible impacts of liberalization within FTAA and with the European Union; section 3 describes the partial equilibrium model of imperfect substitute goods used to estimate the impact of trade liberalization in the United States, on prices and quantities and on welfare; in section 4 two possible scenarios for liberalization are designed using the large country model. The last section summarizes the main conclusions.Commercial liberalization, reduction of trade barriers, partial equilibrium models, frozen concentrated orange juice (FCOJ)., Agribusiness, F13,

    Building Joint Ventures in 6 Steps: A South American Case

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    Method for strategic planning and management of agribusiness systems (GESis)

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    The objective of this paper is to propose a method for strategic planning and management of agribusiness systems. For this, a literature review onsystems and networks, strategic planning and management methods, collective actions and contracts was done to design the preliminary method proposed. Empirically, applications of the method in Brazilian agribusiness systems (wheat, orange, and milk), also in Uruguay (wheat) and Argentina (milk), were done in the last five years. The final version proposed here already incorporates changes, suggestions and inputs got by the empirical research.El objetivo en este trabajo es proponer un método para la planificación y la gestión estratégica de sistemas agroindustriales. Para ello, y con el objetivo de diseñar el método inicial, se realizó una revisión de la literatura sobre sistemas y redes, métodos de planificación estratégica, acciones colectivas y contratos. Durante los últimos cinco años fueron realizadas empíricamente aplicaciones del método en sistemas agroindustriales en Brasil (trigo, naranja y leche), también en Uruguay (trigo) y en Argentina (leche). La versión que se presenta aquí incorpora los cambios, sugerencias y aportes provenientes de la investigación empírica.O objetivo neste artigo é propor um método para planejamento e gestão estratégica de sistemas agroindustriais (GESis). Para tanto, uma revisão da literatura sobre sistemas e redes, métodos de planejamento estratégico, ações coletivas e contratos foi realizada de maneira a ser útil para o desenho do método proposto. Empiricamente, nos últimos cinco anos foram realizadas aplicações do método em sistemas agroindustriais brasileiros (trigo, laranja e leite) e também do Uruguai (trigo) e da Argentina (leite). A versão aqui apresentada já incorpora mudanças, sugestões e premissas obtidas pela pesquisa empírica

    Companies and Society. The 7 Elements of Action. A Contribution from the Plate to the Farm

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    The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has generated great changes in society and business, particularly agribusiness. Consumers are more demanding, some countries have increased restrictive policies and retail has changed dramatically. The impact is everywhere. The purpose of this position paper is to summarize what we believe may happen in a short term period at the level of agribusiness. We will establish seven critical areas of change that may occur at this juncture considering both the Argentine and global situation. These areas are: a) the role of consumers, b) economy and business management, c) digitalization and connectivity, d) workforce changes, e) regenerative business models, f) behavior, g) protectionism and government intervention. Every topic is presented in a systemic view, taking into account the situation both in developed and underdeveloped countries. This approach implies the definition of a series of situations at a group and individual level that —sooner or later and at a greater or lesser level of occurrence— will allow us to make better decisions at work, personally and as a society. Covid-19 took into consideration the processes associated with globalization and de-globalization. The irruption of a new information and knowledge society reveals demands for transformations and challenges for organizations with a special connotation on people and their interaction with society. In this context, organizations must respond with actions that allow them to be sustainable over time. Studying these changes enables the identification of possible nstitutional, organizational, and technological adaptations for agri-food companies, policymakers, NGO’s managers, etc

    Financing Chain Associations Industry Speaks

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    industry associations, contribution systems, citriculture, Fundercitus, Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance, Industrial Organization, Marketing,

    Satisfaction of private interest associations’ members: a study with sugarcane producers in Brazil

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    El objetivo en este estudio es identificar los factores predictivos de satisfacción presentada por productores de caña de azúcar con relación a las asociaciones de afiliación voluntaria a las que pertenecen. Se desarrolló un modelo compuesto por siete dimensiones organizadas en dos tipos: aspectos individuales (aspectos económicos, establecimiento de nuevas relaciones y honor) y aspectos colectivos (percepción de los servicios, representación, fiabilidad y relevancia de la asociación). Se aplicaron cuestionarios directamente a 550 productores, de los que resultaron 411 válidos. A partir de los datos recolectados, se realizaron análisis de correlación y regresión lineal múltiple. Los resultados mostraron que las siete variables del modelo se correlacionan positivamente con la satisfacción, sin embargo, sólo cinco de ellas compusieron el modelo final tras llevarse a cabo la regresión lineal múltiple: percepción de los servicios ofrecidos, representación, fiabilidad, aspecto económico y honor. Además, los resultados indicaron, a diferencia de lo esperado, que los aspectos colectivos afectan más la satisfacción de los productores que los aspectos individuales. Se presentan importantes orientaciones sobre los estudios en asociativismo y la gestión de asociaciones.This study aimed to identify satisfaction antecedents presented by sugar cane producers with the associations they belong to. It was developed a model composed of seven dimensions which were grouped into two types: individual aspects (economic, networking and honor) and collective aspects (perception of services, representation, trust and relevance of the association). It was performed one quantitative and descriptive study, conducted through questionnaires applied directly to producers. 550 questionnaires were completed and 411 of these were valid. For the data analysis, correlation and multiple linear regression between the variables were used. The results showed that all seven variables were positively correlated with satisfaction, however, only five of them comprised the final model after multiple linear regression: perception of services offered, representation, trust, economical aspect and honor. Surprisingly, the results also showed that collective aspects affected more the satisfaction than individual aspects.O objetivo do estudo foi identificar os elementos preditores da satisfação apresentada por produtores de cana-de-açúcar com as associações de adesão voluntária que eles fazem parte. Foi desenvolvido um modelo composto por sete dimensões aglomeradas em dois tipos: aspectos individuais (aspectos econômicos, estabelecimento de novos relacionamentos e honra) e aspectos coletivos (percepção de serviços, representação, confiança e relevância da associação). Questionários foram aplicados diretamente a 550 produtores e desses 411 foram válidos. A partir dos dados levantados, foram feitas análises de correlação e regresso linear múltipla entre as variáveis. Os resultados identificaram que todas as sete variáveis do modelo apresentam correlação positiva com a satisfação, entretanto apenas cinco delas compuseram o modelo final após a regressão linear múltipla: percepção de serviços oferecidos, representação, confiança, aspecto econômico e honra. Os resultados também mostraram, diferentemente do esperado, que os aspectos coletivos influenciam mais a satisfação dos produtores do que os aspectos individuais. Apresentam-se importantes orientações sobre a pesquisa em associativismo e a gestão de associações

    Impacts of a liberalization in the USA market for Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice: why Florida's producers are so afraid?

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    This study aims at examining the resource allocation and welfare implications of the reduction of barriers in the United States market for Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice (FCOJ) imported from Brazil. The present paper is organized as follows: section 2 presents an overview of the main features of the market and current trade regime for orange juice, as well as the possible impacts of liberalization within FTAA and with the European Union; section 3 describes the partial equilibrium model of imperfect substitute goods used to estimate the impact of trade liberalization in the United States, on prices and quantities and on welfare; in section 4 two possible scenarios for liberalization are designed using the large country model. The last section summarizes the main conclusions.This study aims at examining the resource allocation and welfare implications of the reduction of barriers in the United States market for Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice (FCOJ) imported from Brazil. The present paper is organized as follows: section 2 presents an overview of the main features of the market and current trade regime for orange juice, as well as the possible impacts of liberalization within FTAA and with the European Union; section 3 describes the partial equilibrium model of imperfect substitute goods used to estimate the impact of trade liberalization in the United States, on prices and quantities and on welfare; in section 4 two possible scenarios for liberalization are designed using the large country model. The last section summarizes the main conclusionsThis study aims at examining the resource allocation and welfare implications of the reduction of barriers in the United States market for Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice (FCOJ) imported from Brazil. The present paper is organized as follows: section 2 presents an overview of the main features of the market and current trade regime for orange juice, as well as the possible impacts of liberalization within FTAA and with the European Union; section 3 describes the partial equilibrium model of imperfect substitute goods used to estimate the impact of trade liberalization in the United States, on prices and quantities and on welfare; in section 4 two possible scenarios for liberalization are designed using the large country model. The last section summarizes the main conclusions454855877Este artigo tem por objetivo contribuir para o exame das implicações em termos da alocação de recursos e de bem-estar de uma eventual redução das barreiras tarifárias no mercado dos EUA de suco de laranja concentrado e congelado (FCOJ) importado do Brasil. Depois da introdução, uma segunda seção apresenta uma visão geral das principais características do mercado e do regime de comércio para o suco de laranja, bem como uma avaliação preliminar dos possíveis impactos da liberalização comercial dentro do quadro de acordos comerciais com o NAFTA e com a União Européia. A terceira seção descreve os modelos de equilíbrio parcial com bens substitutos utilizados para o exame dos impactos em termos de quantidades, preços e bem-estar da redução tarifária nos mercados de FCOJ dos EUA. A quarta seção apresenta dois possíveis cenários da liberalização comercial usando o modelo de «país grande». A última seção sumariza os principais resultado