15 research outputs found

    Miglioramento sismico ed energetico di edificio in muratura mediante pannelli in legno

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    Nella presente tesi è descritto il calcolo e il dimensionamento del miglioramento sismico ed energetico di un edificio in muratura mediante l'utilizzo di pannelli in legno a fibre incrociate. L'edificio è situato a Pisa, nel quartiere di Sant'Ermete ed è adibito a residenza popolare. Nella prima fase del lavoro sono state individuate le criticità della struttura esistente mediante analisi statiche e dinamiche. Inoltre sono stati messi in luce gli elementi maggiormente sollecitati dall'azione sismica. La seconda parte del lavoro vede l'introduzione dell'indice di rischio per la determinazione dell'intervento necessario alla struttura in esame. Sulla base di tale valore sono stati dimensionati i pannelli in legno strutturale ed è stato valutato il sistema di connessione tra questi e la muratura. La progettazione ha la propria finalità nella realizzazione di un comportamento collaborativo dei due materiali nei confronti delle azioni orizzontali, come quelle sismiche, intervenendo esclusivamente sulle murature esterne. Nella terza sezione sono state valutate le caratteristiche energetiche delle pareti ed in particolare sono stati progettati ulteriori strati isolanti, posizionabili a secco e in aggiunta al legno strutturale, in grado di far convergere il valore della trasmittanza con quanto indicato dalle normative vigenti. È stato inoltre valutato il comportamento termico in regime dinamico delle pareti esterne, per le quali è stata anche esclusa la presenza di fenomeni di condensa interstiziale e superficiale. Nella sezione conclusiva del testo l'intervento è stato analizzato dal punto di vista economico ed è stata valutata la sua convenienza rispetto ad altre tecniche di pratica comune per questo tipo di opere

    Geothermal resources within carbonate reservoirs in western Sicily (Italy): A review

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    Abstract Low-to-medium temperature fluid reservoirs hosted in carbonate rocks are some of the most promising and unknown geothermal systems. Western Sicily is considered a key exploration area. This paper illustrate a multidisciplinary and integrated review of the existing geological, geochemical and geophysical data, mainly acquired during oil and gas explorations since the 1950s, specifically re-analyzed for geothermal purposes, has led to understanding the western Sicily geothermal system as a whole, and to reconstructing the modalities and particular features of the deep fluid circulation within the regional reservoir. The data review suggests the presence of wide groundwater flow systems in the reservoir beneath impervious cap rocks. We identified the main recharge areas, reconstructed the temperature distribution at depth, recognized zones of convective geothermal flow, and depicted the main geothermal fluid flow paths within the reservoir. We believe that our reconstruction of geothermal fluid circulation is an example of the general behavior of low-to-medium enthalpy geothermal systems hosted in carbonate units on a regional scale. Due to the recent technological developments of binary plants, these systems have become more profitable, not only for geothermal direct uses but also for power production

    Rock Thermal Conductivity as Key Parameter for Geothermal Numerical Models

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    Abstract The geothermal energy applications are undergoing a rapid development. However, there are still several challenges in the successful exploitation of geothermal energy resources. A special effort is required to characterize the thermal properties of the ground and to implement the thermal energy transfer technologies. Aim of this study is to provide original heat conductivity values for rocks and sediments in regions included in the VIGOR Project (southern Italy), to overcome the existing lack of data. Thermal properties tests were performed on several samples, both in dry and wet conditions, using thermal analyzer operating following the Modified Transient Plane Source method

    Methodological approach for evaluating the geo-exchange potential: VIGOR Project

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    In the framework of VIGOR Project, a national project coordinated by the Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources (CNR-IGG) and sponsored by the Ministry of Economic Development (MiSE), dedicated to the evaluation of geothermal potential in the regions of the Convergence Objective in Italy (Puglia, Calabria, Campania and Sicily), is expected to evaluate the ability of the territory to heat exchange with the ground for air conditioning of buildings. To identify the conditions for the development of low enthalpy geothermal systems collected and organized on a regional scale geological and stratigraphic data useful for the preparation of a specific thematic mapping, able to represent in a synergistic and simplified way the physical parameters (geological, lithostratigraphic, hydrogeological, thermodynamic) that most influence the subsoil behavior for thermal exchange. The litho-stratigraphic and hydrogeological database created for every region led to the production of different cartographic thematic maps, such as the thermal conductivity (lithological and stratigraphical), the surface geothermal flux, the average annual temperature of air, the climate zoning, the areas of hydrogeological restrictions. To obtain a single representation of the geo-exchange potential of the region, the different thematic maps described must be combined together by means of an algorithm, defined on the basis of the SINTACS methodology. The purpose is to weigh the contributions of the involved parameters and to produce a preliminary synthesis map able to identify the territorial use of geothermal heat pump systems, based on the geological characteristics and in agreement with the existing regulatory constraints

    Geothermal deep closed-loop heat exchangers: A novel technical potential evaluation to answer the power and heat demands

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    This paper investigates and optimises the thermal performance of deep closed-loop heat exchanger (DCHE) systems by applying a computational numerical approach. The investigated DCHE configuration accounts for two deep vertical boreholes, an injection and a production well, connected by a horizontal borehole at depth and an insulated pipeline at the surface, establishing an effective closed-loop system. First, a parametric sensitivity study explores the effects of the environmental, design and operating variables on the production temperature. The simulation uses realistic geological and geothermal conditions, depths, circulation rates and injection temper- atures. Two complex numerical models are then solved for site-specific DCHEs in different geological scenarios: a foreland basin and a convergent margin hosting low-to-intermediate and high-temperature geothermal re-sources, respectively. Production temperatures beyond 40–60 ◦C and 100 ◦ C, sustainable for both heat and electric power generation, are obtained, depending on the geothermal conditions and closed-loop dimensions