2,461 research outputs found

    Reflection signature in bright Seyfert 1 galaxies observed with Suzaku and NuSTAR

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    Relativistic iron K alpha line detection in the Suzaku spectra of IC 4329A

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    We present an analysis of five Suzaku observations of the bright Seyfert1 galaxy IC 4329A. The broad energy band and high signal-to-noise ratio of the data give new constraints on the iron K alpha line profile and its relationship with the Compton hump at higher energies. The Fe K bandpass is dominated by a narrow core (EW=57 eV) at 6.4 keV consistent with neutral material. Using a physically-motivated model, our analysis also reveals the presence of a broad Iron K alpha line (EW=124 eV), most likely produced in the inner part of the accretion disk and blurred by general relativistic effects. This component is not immediately evident from the individual spectra, but is clearly present in the stacked residuals of all five observations, and has high statistical significance. This highlights the difficulty in identifying broad iron lines in AGN, even in data with very high signal-to-noise ratio, as they are difficult to disentangle from the continuum. The data are consistent with the narrow and broad iron line components tracking the Compton Hump, but do not provide clear evidence that this is the case. An additional narrow FeXXVI emission line at 6.94 keV is also seen, suggesting the presence of ionized material relatively distant from the central region. There is also a hint of variability, so the precise origin of this line remains unclear.Comment: Accepted for publication on MNRAS Letters, 6 pages, 3 figure

    Donne ristrette

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    Il volume nasce dalla volontà di unire competenze e sensibilità diverse per posare lo sguardo sull’universo femminile “ristretto”, multiforme e nello stesso tempo dotato di una forte identità comune. L’attenzione si sofferma su fattispecie restrittive che rispondono a ragioni diverse, si consumano secondo modalità e tempi propri ed entro luoghi di esecuzione specificamente dedicati. Nessuna di esse, però, può legittimamente abdicare al corredo garantistico attraverso il quale l’art. 13 della nostra Costituzione dà sostanza all’inviolabilità della libertà personale. Tutte, invece, debbono rispettare il principio di eguaglianza, che non tollera il dissolversi forzato delle diversità sotto un trattamento ciecamente comune: la considerazione delle differenze di genere è una condizione essenziale della parità di genere. Nel volume s’incrociano modi diversi d’intendere tale differenza e di accostarsi ad essa nella valutazione dei presupposti e nella disciplina dei modi della restrizione della libertà personale nei confronti dell’universo femminile. Alcuni contributi retrospettivi s’incaricano di consentire uno sguardo sulle costanti e sulle variabili che hanno fino ad oggi segnato il cammino delle donne ristrette nel contesto italiano

    Reflection signature in bright Seyfert 1 galaxies observed with Suzaku and NuSTAR

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    Femoracetabular impingement (FAI) is a condition that causes hip joint pain and has been found to result in decreased range of motion. However it is not known whether biomechanical deficiencies are associated with the mechanical impingement or further underlying issues associated with pain. This study consisted of comparing the squat biomechanics of two FAI groups to a matched control group. It was found that the asymptomatic group had squat performance very similar to the control group. Both the control and asymptomatic groups were able to squat to a deeper depth, had greater pelvic range of motion and a larger maximum hip flexion angle. These findings suggest that the bone deformity might not be directly related to restricting motion for the squat, and an issue of soft tissue damage and muscle problems may be the root cause, and should be the next avenue of study
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