30 research outputs found

    Post-Newtonian Expansion of Gravitational Waves from a Particle in Circular Orbits around a Rotating Black Hole :Effects of Black Hole Absorption

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    When a particle moves around a Kerr black hole, it radiates gravitational waves.Some of these waves are absorbed by the black hole. We calculate such absorption of gravitational waves induced by a particle of mass mu in a circular orbit on an equatorial plane around a Kerr black hole of mass M. We assume that the velocity of the particle v is much smaller than the speed of light c and calculate the energy absorption rate analytically. We adopt an analytic technique for the Teukolsky equation developed by Mano, Suzuki and Takasugi. We obtain the energy absorption rate to O((v/c)^8) compared to the lowest order. We find that the black hole absorption occurs at O((v/c)^5) beyond the Newtonian-quadrapole luminosity at infinity in the case when the black hole is rotating, which is O((v/c)^3) lower than the non-rotating case. Using the energy absorption rate, we investigate its effects on the orbital evolution of coalescing compact binaries.Comment: 22 pages, ptptex, no figure

    The Cause of Ground Fissures Radiating From the Footing of a Bridge Pie Generated by the 1995 Great Hanshin Earthquake

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    After the 1995 Great Hanshin Earthquake, ground fissures were found to have radiated from the footing of a bridge pier. Simple experimental and numerical studies were carried out to investigate the cause of these fissures. This paper clarified that the ground fissures appeared not as a result of the force due to the lateral spreading of the liquefied soil acting to the back of the footing of the bridge pier, but due to the movement of the ground behind the riverbank toward the river caused by the collapse of the riverbank

    A nonparametric method to assess significance of events in search for gravitational waves with false discovery rate

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    In this paper, we present a consistent procedure to assess the significance of gravitational wave events observed by laser interferometric gravitational wave detectors based on the background distribution of detection statistic. We propose a non-parametric method to estimate pp-value. Based on the estimated pp-values, we propose a new procedure to assess the significance of a particular event with qq-value which is the minimum false discovery rate that can be attained when calling the event significant. The qq-value gives us a criterion on the significance of events which is different from PastroP_{\rm astro} which is used in the LIGO-Virgo analysis and in other analysis. The proposed procedure is applied to the 1-OGC and 2-OGC catalogs [2][3]. For most of the events which were claimed significant in [2] and [3], we also obtain the same results. However, there are differences in the significance for several marginal events. Since the proposed procedure does not require any assumptions on signal and noise, it is very simple and straightforward. The procedure is also applicable to other searches for gravitational waves whose background distribution of detection statistic is difficult to know.Comment: Accepted by PTEP, 18 pages, 8 figur

    Phylogeographic and Demographic Analysis of the Asian Black Bear (Ursus thibetanus) Based on Mitochondrial DNA.

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    The Asian black bear Ursus thibetanus is widely distributed in Asia and is adapted to broad-leaved deciduous forests, playing an important ecological role in the natural environment. Several subspecies of U. thibetanus have been recognized, one of which, the Japanese black bear, is distributed in the Japanese archipelago. Recent molecular phylogeographic studies clarified that this subspecies is genetically distantly related to continental subspecies, suggesting an earlier origin. However, the evolutionary relationship between the Japanese and continental subspecies remained unclear. To understand the evolution of the Asian black bear in relation to geological events such as climatic and transgression-regression cycles, a reliable time estimation is also essential. To address these issues, we determined and analyzed the mt-genome of the Japanese subspecies. This indicates that the Japanese subspecies initially diverged from other Asian black bears in around 1.46Ma. The Northern continental population (northeast China, Russia, Korean peninsula) subsequently evolved, relatively recently, from the Southern continental population (southern China and Southeast Asia). While the Japanese black bear has an early origin, the tMRCAs and the dynamics of population sizes suggest that it dispersed relatively recently in the main Japanese islands: during the late Middle and Late Pleistocene, probably during or soon after the extinction of the brown bear in Honshu in the same period. Our estimation that the population size of the Japanese subspecies increased rapidly during the Late Pleistocene is the first evidential signal of a niche exchange between brown bears and black bears in the Japanese main islands. This interpretation seems plausible but was not corroborated by paleontological evidence that fossil record of the Japanese subspecies limited after the Late Pleistocene. We also report here a new fossil record of the oldest Japanese black bear from the Middle Pleistocene, and it supports our new evolutionary hypothesis of the Japanese black bear

    Handbook for ICT Projects for Rural Areas

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    This handbook identifies guidelines and fundamental requirements that can be of use to project managers and teams who are keen on initiating ICT projects in rural areas. Contents are based on the experiences by the authors when rolling out ICT projects in remote areas within Asia Pacific. The handbook is an accumulation of ideas and experiences from SHARE projects, an initiative driven by Telecommunication Technology Committee Japan (TTC) Japan, in which four countries, namely Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines, have rolled out various technology-based projects in remote and rural locations. The book describes a narrative of guidelines, which are organised according to phases of development for a technology-enabled solution. The writing of the handbook takes into account the unique considerations for accommodating to local needs and competencies in remote and rural communities

    A case of hemorrhage from the colon diverticulum successfully treated by transcatheter arterial embolization

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    We describe a case of hemorrhage from the colon diverticulum successfully treated by transcatheter arterial embolization. A 64-year-old man, who had been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus but not treated, was seen at our hospital on January 24, 1998 because of anal bleeding. Emergent colonoscopy revealed multiple diverticula at the cecum and ascending colon, one of which was the bleeding point. We tried to stop the bleeding at that time, but failed. Considering the poor risk for laparotomy, we performed a transcatheter arterial embolization. We embolized a marginal artery over about 4 cm by two coils and achieved hemostasis. In conclusion, the technique of a transcatheter arterial embolization is effective for diverticular bleeding especially in the case of a high risk patient