108 research outputs found

    Money as Property: The Effects of Doctrinal Misallocation on Campaign Finance Reform

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    By applying First Amendment jurisprudence to campaign finance measures, this Note argues that the Supreme Court has misallocated campaign finance within its doctrinal scheme. This doctrinal misallocation has stymied the ability of legislatures to enact effective reforms to reduce the role of money in politics. This Note argues that money in the political process more closely resembles property than speech and should therefore be analyzed under a less stringent property review. This Note concludes by proposing a standard of review developed from the Court\u27s property jurisprudence

    How Can The Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems Contribute to the Long Term Sustained Growth and Development and Streamlining of Business Processes in the Wind Power Generation Sector?

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    The research aims to study and present an overview of the contribution of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems to the long term sustained growth, development and streamlining of business processes in the wind power sector. The research topic is briefly introduced and a basic understanding of research question is developed to provide initial comprehension of the topic. The research progresses in a phased style and is composed of chapters giving an individual helicopter view of the topic introduced and discussed. The literature review section on ERPs provides rich information on past research done in the field which is followed by a brief but comprehensive overview of the global wind power generation industry. The research methodology defines the basic structure of research project and the tools and procedures used to complete it. The case studies, alongwith individual chapters based on the perspective of professionals having experience in the wind power and Information Technology (IT) sector and those working in key positions in government organizations, are collated and used to analyze the various impacts of ERP implementation in context to the research topic. Based on primary and secondary information collected through various sources, the aims and objectives of research are analyzed and discussed and conclusions and recommendations are drawn based on the summary of results of the analysis section. ERP systems could virtually be implemented in almost every aspect of industrial revolution and in almost every industrial sector but in consideration to the challenges faced by the wind industry and the inherent limitations of the sector, the actual role of these systems and their impacts on organizational growth and refinement of processes as a result of the implementation is studied. The approach has been simplified by collecting data and analyzing it with respect to the standard literature available and comments from professionals active in the field. Efforts have been made to clarify the objectives and to render comprehensiveness to the research work

    DEM Development from Ground-Based LiDAR Data: A Method to Remove Non-Surface Objects

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    Topography and land cover characteristics can have significant effects on infiltration, runoff, and erosion processes on watersheds. The ability to model the timing and routing of surface water and erosion is affected by the resolution of the digital elevation model (DEM). High resolution ground-based Light Detecting and Ranging (LiDAR) technology can be used to collect detailed topographic and land cover characteristic data. In this study, a method was developed to remove vegetation from ground-based LiDAR data to create high resolution DEMs. Research was conducted on intensively studied rainfallā€“runoff plots on the USDA-ARS Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed in Southeast Arizona. LiDAR data were used to generate 1 cm resolution digital surface models (DSM) for 5 plots. DSMs created directly from LiDAR data contain non-surface objects such as vegetation cover. A vegetation removal method was developed which used a slope threshold and a focal mean filter method to remove vegetation and create bare earth DEMs. The method was validated on a synthetic plot, where rocks and vegetation were added incrementally. Results of the validation showed a vertical error of Ā±7.5 mm in the final DEM

    Unlocking the Final Code to Managing Financial Risk in the Airline Industry

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    This paper reports our findings on the effectiveness of revenue hedging using the newly proposed price indices by Skytra. In the example analyzed we find that when hedged, if United Airlinesā€™ transatlantic ticket price yields fell as much as 98%, its revenues would have only fallen 8%. Firstly, we explore revenue hedging and the evolution of financial risk management practices for the aviation industry. Until now, the industry has been confined to hedging risks posed by its major cost drivers, including fuel, foreign exchange and interest rates. However, even the most significant driver of these costs (fuel) makes up only 20 to 30% % of the total cost and until now, airlines did not have an ability to hedge the revenue side of their profit and loss account, limiting the impact of their hedging strategies. Skytra, a subsidiary of Airbus, has recently proposed a novel approach to managing the yield risk for airlines, which will complement the cost side hedging. Further, the ability to hedge yield would make the treasury functions of an airline more complete, by allowing it to focus on its two most significant drivers of economic outcome- yield and fuel

    Emotional intelligence and job satisfaction among staff nurses: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Emotional intelligence and job satisfaction are topics of great interest in today's workplace. They provide a competitive edge in personal and professional life. However, there is scanty evidence in the Indian scenario that explores the assessment of these two notions among nurses. Therefore; this study was conducted to exhume the data regarding the assessment of Emotional intelligence and job satisfaction among nurses. The study aimed to identify the emotional intelligence and job satisfaction among nurses in selected hospitals of Udaipur. Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out among 100 nurses at tertiary care teaching hospital from January 2021 to July 2021. Convenience sampling technique was employed for sample selection. Standardized questionnaire Schutte Self Report Emotional Intelligence Test (SSEIT) and Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) were used for data collection. Descriptive and inferential statistics (chi-square) were used for data analysis. Results: Most of the staff nurses (59%) experience high level of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence has found significant association with age, professional qualification, co-worker relationship and marital status and type of family. Furthermore, majority (65%) of the respondents had middle-level job satisfaction which has been found significantly associated with age, co-worker relationship, type of family, marital status and no. of children. Conclusions: Emotional intelligence and job satisfaction is an important prerequisite to becoming successful in personal and professional world. According to the study data, majority of staff nurses have higher emotional intelligence and higher job satisfaction which is directly related to an organization's production and efficiency

    Multiple hepatic lesions in a case of isolated hepatic tuberculosis simulating metastases on 18F-FDG PET/CT imaging

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    Hepatic tuberculosis is an unusual form of extrapulmonary tuberculosis and constitutes less than 1% of all cases of tuberculosis. Imaging studies for hepatic tuberculosis are nonspecific and mimic primary or metastatic carcinoma. Here we present 18F-FDG PET/CT images of a 25-year-old male patient with isolated hepatic tuberculosis

    Trichostatin A Inhibits Corneal Haze \u3cem\u3ein vitro\u3c/em\u3e and \u3cem\u3ein vivo\u3c/em\u3e

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    PURPOSE. Trichostatin A (TSA), a histone deacetylase inhibitor, has been shown to suppress TGF- ā€“induced fibrogenesis in many nonocular tissues. The authors evaluated TSA cytotoxicity and its antifibrogenic activity on TGF- ā€“driven fibrosis in the cornea with the use of in vitro and in vivo models. METHODS. Human corneal fibroblasts (HSFs) were used for in vitro studies, and New Zealand White rabbits were used for in vivo studies. Haze in the rabbit cornea was produced with photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) using excimer laser. Trypan blue exclusion and MTT assays evaluated TSA cytotoxicity to the cornea. Density of haze in the rabbit eye was graded with slit lamp biomicroscopy. Real-time PCR, immunoblotting, or immunocytochemistry was used to measure -smooth muscle actin (SMA), fibronectin, and collagen type IV mRNA or protein levels. TUNEL assay was used to detect cell death. RESULTS. TSA concentrations of 250 nM or less were noncytotoxic and did not alter normal HSF morphology or proliferation. TGF- 1 treatment of HSF significantly increased mRNA and protein levels of SMA (9-fold), fibronectin (2.5-fold), and collagen type IV (2-fold). TSA treatment showed 60% to 75% decreases in TGF- 1ā€“induced SMA and fibronectin mRNA levels and 1.5- to 3.0-fold decreases in protein levels but had no effect on collagen type IV mRNA or protein levels in vitro. Two-minute topical treatment of TSA on rabbit corneas subjected to 9 D PRK significantly decreased corneal haze in vivo. CONCLUSIONS. TSA inhibits TGF- 1ā€“induced accumulation of extracellular matrix and myofibroblast formation in the human cornea in vitro and markedly decreases haze in rabbit cornea in vivo

    Kliničko-patoloÅ”ko istraživanje i liječenje neuobičajenog slučaja sarkoptes-Å”uge kunića i mačke

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    Mites cause several skin conditions, such as demodectic, sarcoptic, psoroptic and notoedric mange. This study presents the clinicopathological findings of sarcoptic mange in a rabbit and cat, and its therapeutic management. One non-descript male rabbit and one female cat, housed together in the same premises were presented to the Veterinary Clinical Complex, Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Hisar with a history of alopecia, anorexia, intense itching, erythema, dandruff and whitish dry crust-like lesions on their ears, nose, face, and the areas surrounding the ears and eyes. Microscopic examination of skin scrapings from different sites confirmed sarcoptic mange. They were successfully treated with ivermectin and fipronil spray in intervals of 15 days, along with supportive therapy.Grinje uzrokuju nekoliko kožnih bolesti među kojima se, ovisno o uzročniku, ističu demodeks-Å”uga, sarkoptes-Å”uga, psoroptes-Å”uga i notoedres-Å”uga. U radu su prikazani kliničko-patoloÅ”ki nalazi i liječenje neuobičajenog slučaja sarkoptes-Å”uge kunića i mačke. Mužjak kunića i mačka smjeÅ”eteni su zajedno u istim prostorijama veterinarske klinike Fakulteta za veterinarske i animalne znanosti, SveučiliÅ”ta Lala Lajpat Rai, Hisar. U anamnezi oboljelih životinja su navedeni alopecije, anoreksija, intenzivni svrbež, eritem, perut te bjelkaste, suhe, krastolike lezije na i u okolini uÅ”iju, nosa i lica. Mikroskopski pregled strugotina kože s različitih mjesta pokazao je odrasle parazite iz porodice Sarcoptidae i njihova jajaÅ”ca. Životinje su tijekom razdoblja od 15 dana, uz potpornu terapiju, uspjeÅ”no liječene ivermektinom i fipronil sprejom

    Revisiting Prostate Cancer in India: A Genomic View

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    In the recent past, there has been a rise in Prostate Cancer (PCa) in Asia, particularly India.Ā  Although systematic reviews on PCa have dealt on the genetics, genomics and the environmental influence in causal of PCa, no predictive analytics in comparing the PCa from Caucasian, American to Asian population was attempted. In this review article, we have attempted to elaborate this aspect of PCa and deliberated on challenges related to next generation sequencing methods of PCaā€™s manifestation when compared to the west
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