9 research outputs found

    Caratteristiche anatomopatologiche e cliniche della malattia trofoblastica gestazionale e outcome ostetrico

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    La malattia trofoblastica gestazionale (MTG) è uno spettro di patologie rare che include la mola idatiforme nella sua forma parziale e completa e la neoplasia trofoblastica gestazionale (NTG). Le NTG avevano un elevato indice di mortalità fino a prima degli anni ’70. Attualmente, la diagnosi precoce, la possibilità di monitoraggio mediante il dosaggio del βhCG e le terapie antiblastiche efficaci hanno modificato la prognosi consentendo di raggiungere tassi di guarigione altissimi. In questo studio sono stati presi in esame i 67 casi di MTG afferiti al Dipartimento di Ginecologia e Ostetricia dell’Università di Pisa dal gennaio del 2000 al maggio del 2015 ed è stato analizzato l’outcome clinico e ostetrico delle 19 pazienti che hanno sviluppato NTG e sono state sottoposte a chemioterapia. Sono stati approfonditi tutti gli aspetti della patologia correlandoli alla letteratura internazionale più recente. I dati ottenuti sono stati analizzati e discussi

    TGF-β mRNA levels in circulating extracellular vesicles are associated with response to anti-PD1 treatment in metastatic melanoma

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    Background: Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) represent one of the standard therapies for metastatic malignant melanoma. However, a number of patients do not respond to ICIs and biomarker development remains challenging. Methods: This single cohort of observational study investigates the association between mRNA levels of programmed cell death-1 (PD-1) ligand 1 (PD-L1), interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), and transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) in circulating extracellular vescicles (EVs) in 29 patients with metastatic melanoma treated with first line anti-PD-1 antibodies. Blood samples were collected at baseline and RNA extracted from EVs. The RNA levels of PD-L1, IFN-γ, and TGF-β were analysed by digital droplet PCR (ddPCR). Results: Patients with high TGF-β expression (cut-off fractional abundance [FA] >0.17) at baseline had longer median progression-free survival (9.5 vs. 2.1 months; p=0.0172) and overall survival (17.9 vs 2.4 months; p=0.0104). Conclusions: These results provide evidence that high TGF-β expression in EVs at baseline is associated with a better response to immunotherapy. Further investigation on a larger patient population is needed to validate the predictive power of this potential biomarker of response to ICIs

    .Prognosis of Patients with Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia and Obstetric Outcomes of Those Conceiving After Chemotherapy.

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    AIM: To assess prognosis of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN) and obstetric outcome after chemotherapy. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Sixty-six patients had diagnosis of hydatiform mole on curettage and 18 developed GTN. Two patients were referred with pathological diagnosis of GTN. Chemotherapy was tailored according to International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics risk scoring system. RESULTS: All patients with GTN but one, were recovered by chemotherapy and had no evidence of disease after a median follow-up of 80 months. Only the patient with epithelioid trophoblastic tumor died of disease. Seven out of the eight women who tried to conceive after chemotherapy became pregnant. Ten conceptions occurred, resulting in no molar pregnancy, three miscarriages and seven term-live healthy births (70.0%). All seven babies showed normal development and growth after a median follow-up of 38 months. CONCLUSION: The prognosis of women with GTN is very good, and obstetric outcomes of those who conceive after chemotherapy are similar to those of the general population

    Safety and Tolerability of COVID-19 Vaccines in Patients with Cancer: A Single Center Retrospective Analysis

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    Background: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 disease (COVID-19) has caused a worldwide challenging and threatening pandemic. Multinational, placebo-controlled, observer-blinded trials were conducted since the beginning of pandemic because safe and effective vaccines were needed urgently. In most trials of COVID-19 vaccines patients affected by malignancies or on treatment with immunosuppressive drugs were excluded. Patients and methods: A retrospective monocentric study was conducted at Medical Oncological Unit of Santa Chiara Hospital (Pisa, Italy) in this subset of population to investigate safety and tolerability of COVID-19 vaccines; 377 patients with solid tumor on treatment were enrolled. Vaccine-related adverse events were recorded using a face-to-face questionnaire including a toxicity grading scale. Most of the patients (94%) received mRNA vaccine as indicated by Italian health ministry guidelines. Mean age was 66 years (range 27–87), 62% of the patients were older than 65 years and 68% had at least one additional comorbidity. The majority (86%) of patients were in a metastatic setting and 29% received immunotherapy-based treatment. For statistical analysis, multivariate binary logistic regression models were performed and linear regression models were applied. Results: Adverse events were mild and transient and ended in a few days without any sequelae. No severe or uncommon adverse events were recorded. In multivariate analysis, we found that the female sex was associated with a greater risk of more severe and longer lasting adverse events, and a higher risk of adverse events was found for patients treated with immunotherapy. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that COVID-19 vaccines were safe and well-tolerated in this population of patients being treated for solid tumors

    Ancient Rome: A genetic crossroads of Europe and the Mediterranean

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    Ancient Rome was the capital of an empire of ~70 million inhabitants, but little is known about the genetics of ancient Romans. Here we present 127 genomes from 29 archaeological sites in and around Rome, spanning the past 12,000 years. We observe two major prehistoric ancestry transitions: one with the introduction of farming and another prior to the Iron Age. By the founding of Rome, the genetic composition of the region approximated that of modern Mediterranean populations. During the Imperial period, Rome’s population received net immigration from the Near East, followed by an increase in genetic contributions from Europe. These ancestry shifts mirrored the geopolitical affiliations of Rome and were accompanied by marked interindividual diversity, reflecting gene flow from across the Mediterranean, Europe, and North Africa

    Raccomandazioni cliniche in odontostomatologia

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    L’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità considera la salute orale come parte integrante, non solo dello stato di salute generale, ma anche della qualità della vita di ciascun individuo. In tale ottica, in accordo e con il sostegno del mondo professionale e della comunità scientifica di questo settore, le raccomandazioni cliniche in odontostomatologia contenute nel presente volume forniscono indicazioni e definiscono standard di intervento per la prevenzione e la cura delle più comuni patologie del cavo orale nonché per l’identificazione di percorsi terapeutici appropriati a supporto degli operatori pubblici e privati. Esse costituiscono, inoltre, uno strumento utile per mantenere alto il livello di qualità delle cure in questo periodo storico, nel quale, se da un lato crescono le opportunità tecniche di cura e la potenziale domanda delle stesse, dall’altro la riduzione delle risorse economiche a disposizione dei cittadini tende a limitare l’accesso all’offerta professionale privata e, al contempo, i processi di razionalizzazione dell’allocazione dei fondi nel SSN rendono più difficile l’accesso alle strutture pubbliche. L’individuazione di raccomandazioni cliniche chiaramente definite e rese pubbliche può facilitare la condivisione degli obiettivi e dei percorsi terapeutici tra odontoiatra e paziente, migliorare la comunicazione e, in ultima analisi, accrescere la fiducia sia nei riguardi del proprio specifico professionista che del “sistema delle cure” più in generale. La revisione delle “Raccomandazioni cliniche in odontostomatologia” si è resa necessaria in considerazione del cambiamento dell’evidenza scientifica, dell’immissione in commercio di nuovi materiali e dell’utilizzo di nuove tecnologie, specie in ambito protesico. Come per la precedente, alla realizzazione di questa edizione ha contribuito un ampio gruppo di docenti ed esperti delle singole branche odontoiatriche insieme alle più importanti e rappresentative Associazioni professionali e ai componenti della Commissione Albo Odontoiatri (CAO) nazionale