181 research outputs found

    Sparse Learning over Infinite Subgraph Features

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    We present a supervised-learning algorithm from graph data (a set of graphs) for arbitrary twice-differentiable loss functions and sparse linear models over all possible subgraph features. To date, it has been shown that under all possible subgraph features, several types of sparse learning, such as Adaboost, LPBoost, LARS/LASSO, and sparse PLS regression, can be performed. Particularly emphasis is placed on simultaneous learning of relevant features from an infinite set of candidates. We first generalize techniques used in all these preceding studies to derive an unifying bounding technique for arbitrary separable functions. We then carefully use this bounding to make block coordinate gradient descent feasible over infinite subgraph features, resulting in a fast converging algorithm that can solve a wider class of sparse learning problems over graph data. We also empirically study the differences from the existing approaches in convergence property, selected subgraph features, and search-space sizes. We further discuss several unnoticed issues in sparse learning over all possible subgraph features.Comment: 42 pages, 24 figures, 4 table

    Glycoinformatics: Data Mining-based Approaches

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    Carbohydrates or glycans are major cellular macromolecules, working for a variety of vital biological functions. Due to long-term efforts by experimentalists, the current number of structurally different, determined carbohydrates has exceeded 10,000 or more. As a result data mining-based approaches for glycans (or trees in a computer science sense) have attracted attention and have been developed over the last five years, presenting new techniques even from computer science viewpoints. This review summarizes cutting-edge techniques for glycans in each of the three categories of data mining: classification, clustering and frequent pattern mining, and shows results obtained by applying these techniques to real sets of glycan structures

    Non-Negative Matrix Factorization with Auxiliary Information on Overlapping Groups

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    Matrix factorization is useful to extract the essential low-rank structure from a given matrix and has been paid increasing attention. A typical example is non-negative matrix factorization (NMF), which is one type of unsupervised learning, having been successfully applied to a variety of data including documents, images and gene expression, where their values are usually non-negative. We propose a new model of NMF which is trained by using auxiliary information of overlapping groups. This setting is very reasonable in many applications, a typical example being gene function estimation where functional gene groups are heavily overlapped with each other. To estimate true groups from given overlapping groups efficiently, our model incorporates latent matrices with the regularization term using a mixed norm. This regularization term allows group-wise sparsity on the optimized low-rank structure. The latent matrices and other parameters are efficiently estimated by a block coordinate gradient descent method. We empirically evaluated the performance of our proposed model and algorithm from a variety of viewpoints, comparing with four methods including MMF for auxiliary graph information, by using both synthetic and real world document and gene expression data sets

    Mining significant substructure pairs for interpreting polypharmacology in drug-target network.

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    A current key feature in drug-target network is that drugs often bind to multiple targets, known as polypharmacology or drug promiscuity. Recent literature has indicated that relatively small fragments in both drugs and targets are crucial in forming polypharmacology. We hypothesize that principles behind polypharmacology are embedded in paired fragments in molecular graphs and amino acid sequences of drug-target interactions. We developed a fast, scalable algorithm for mining significantly co-occurring subgraph-subsequence pairs from drug-target interactions. A noteworthy feature of our approach is to capture significant paired patterns of subgraph-subsequence, while patterns of either drugs or targets only have been considered in the literature so far. Significant substructure pairs allow the grouping of drug-target interactions into clusters, covering approximately 75% of interactions containing approved drugs. These clusters were highly exclusive to each other, being statistically significant and logically implying that each cluster corresponds to a distinguished type of polypharmacology. These exclusive clusters cannot be easily obtained by using either drug or target information only but are naturally found by highlighting significant substructure pairs in drug-target interactions. These results confirm the effectiveness of our method for interpreting polypharmacology in drug-target network

    Wasserstein Gradient Flow over Variational Parameter Space for Variational Inference

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    Variational inference (VI) can be cast as an optimization problem in which the variational parameters are tuned to closely align a variational distribution with the true posterior. The optimization task can be approached through vanilla gradient descent in black-box VI or natural-gradient descent in natural-gradient VI. In this work, we reframe VI as the optimization of an objective that concerns probability distributions defined over a \textit{variational parameter space}. Subsequently, we propose Wasserstein gradient descent for tackling this optimization problem. Notably, the optimization techniques, namely black-box VI and natural-gradient VI, can be reinterpreted as specific instances of the proposed Wasserstein gradient descent. To enhance the efficiency of optimization, we develop practical methods for numerically solving the discrete gradient flows. We validate the effectiveness of the proposed methods through empirical experiments on a synthetic dataset, supplemented by theoretical analyses

    Application of a New Probabilistic Model for Mining Implicit Associated Cancer Genes from OMIM and Medline

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    An important issue in current medical science research is to find the genes that are strongly related to an inherited disease. A particular focus is placed on cancer-gene relations, since some types of cancers are inherited. As biomedical databases have grown speedily in recent years, an informatics approach to predict such relations from currently available databases should be developed. Our objective is to find implicit associated cancer-genes from biomedical databases including the literature database. Co-occurrence of biological entities has been shown to be a popular and efficient technique in biomedical text mining. We have applied a new probabilistic model, called mixture aspect model (MAM) [48], to combine different types of co-occurrences of genes and cancer derived from Medline and OMIM (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man). We trained the probability parameters of MAM using a learning method based on an EM (Expectation and Maximization) algorithm. We examined the performance of MAM by predicting associated cancer gene pairs. Through cross-validation, prediction accuracy was shown to be improved by adding gene-gene co-occurrences from Medline to cancer-gene cooccurrences in OMIM. Further experiments showed that MAM found new cancer-gene relations which are unknown in the literature. Supplementary information can be found at http://www.bic.kyotou.ac.jp/pathway/zhusf/CancerInformatics/Supplemental2006.htm

    Multiplicative Sparse Tensor Factorization for Multi-View Multi-Task Learning

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    26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, September 30–October 4, 2023, Kraków, Poland – Including 12th Conference on Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems (PAIS 2023)Series: Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and ApplicationsMulti-View Multi-Task Learning (MVMTL) aims to make predictions on dual-heterogeneous data. Such data contains features from multiple views, and multiple tasks in the data are related with each other through common views. Existing MVMTL methods usually face two major challenges: 1) to save the predictive information from full-order interactions between views efficiently. 2) to learn a parsimonious and highly interpretable model such that the target is related to the features through a subset of interactions. To deal with the challenges, we propose a novel MVMTL method based on multiplicative sparse tensor factorization. For 1), we represent full-order interactions between views as a tensor, that enables to capture the complex correlations in dual-heterogeneous data by a concise model. For 2), we decompose the interaction tensor into a product of two components: one being shared with all tasks and the other being specific to individual tasks. Moreover, tensor factorization is applied to control the model complexity and learn a consensus latent representation shared by multiple tasks. Theoretical analysis reveals the equivalence between our method and a family of models with a joint but more general form of regularizers. Experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets prove its effectiveness