23 research outputs found

    Influence of Substrates on the Surface Characteristics and Membrane Proteome of Fibrobacter succinogenes S85

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    Although Fibrobacter succinogenes S85 is one of the most proficient cellulose degrading bacteria among all mesophilic organisms in the rumen of herbivores, the molecular mechanism behind cellulose degradation by this bacterium is not fully elucidated. Previous studies have indicated that cell surface proteins might play a role in adhesion to and subsequent degradation of cellulose in this bacterium. It has also been suggested that cellulose degradation machinery on the surface may be selectively expressed in response to the presence of cellulose. Based on the genome sequence, several models of cellulose degradation have been suggested. The aim of this study is to evaluate the role of the cell envelope proteins in adhesion to cellulose and to gain a better understanding of the subsequent cellulose degradation mechanism in this bacterium. Comparative analysis of the surface (exposed outer membrane) chemistry of the cells grown in glucose, acid-swollen cellulose and microcrystalline cellulose using physico-chemical characterisation techniques such as electrophoretic mobility analysis, microbial adhesion to hydrocarbons assay and Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy, suggest that adhesion to cellulose is a consequence of an increase in protein display and a concomitant reduction in the cell surface polysaccharides in the presence of cellulose. In order to gain further understanding of the molecular mechanism of cellulose degradation in this bacterium, the cell envelope-associated proteins were enriched using affinity purification and identified by tandem mass spectrometry. In total, 185 cell envelope-associated proteins were confidently identified. Of these, 25 proteins are predicted to be involved in cellulose adhesion and degradation, and 43 proteins are involved in solute transport and energy generation. Our results supports the model that cellulose degradation in F. succinogenes occurs at the outer membrane with active transport of cellodextrins across for further metabolism of cellodextrins to glucose in the periplasmic space and inner cytoplasmic membrane

    The Complete Genome Sequence of Fibrobacter succinogenes S85 Reveals a Cellulolytic and Metabolic Specialist

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    Fibrobacter succinogenes is an important member of the rumen microbial community that converts plant biomass into nutrients usable by its host. This bacterium, which is also one of only two cultivated species in its phylum, is an efficient and prolific degrader of cellulose. Specifically, it has a particularly high activity against crystalline cellulose that requires close physical contact with this substrate. However, unlike other known cellulolytic microbes, it does not degrade cellulose using a cellulosome or by producing high extracellular titers of cellulase enzymes. To better understand the biology of F. succinogenes, we sequenced the genome of the type strain S85 to completion. A total of 3,085 open reading frames were predicted from its 3.84 Mbp genome. Analysis of sequences predicted to encode for carbohydrate-degrading enzymes revealed an unusually high number of genes that were classified into 49 different families of glycoside hydrolases, carbohydrate binding modules (CBMs), carbohydrate esterases, and polysaccharide lyases. Of the 31 identified cellulases, none contain CBMs in families 1, 2, and 3, typically associated with crystalline cellulose degradation. Polysaccharide hydrolysis and utilization assays showed that F. succinogenes was able to hydrolyze a number of polysaccharides, but could only utilize the hydrolytic products of cellulose. This suggests that F. succinogenes uses its array of hemicellulose-degrading enzymes to remove hemicelluloses to gain access to cellulose. This is reflected in its genome, as F. succinogenes lacks many of the genes necessary to transport and metabolize the hydrolytic products of non-cellulose polysaccharides. The F. succinogenes genome reveals a bacterium that specializes in cellulose as its sole energy source, and provides insight into a novel strategy for cellulose degradation

    Caracterização das áreas de cultivo da bananeira 'maçã' na região de Ribeirão do Sul/SP The characterization of banana 'Maçã' orchards in the Ribeirão do Sul/SP

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    Objetivou-se com este trabalho caracterizar os produtores de bananeira 'Maçã' do município de Ribeirão do Sul/SP, quanto à tecnologia empregada no cultivo da frutífera e à produção obtida. A partir desta avaliação preliminar, pretendeu-se estabelecer algumas inferências com relação à incidência da doença "Mal-do-Panamá" e o diagnóstico nutricional das propriedades. Através dos questionários aplicados, bem como das análises foliares e de solo, detectou-se que os produtores realizam a prática da adubação e calagem sem resultados de análise de solo, não realizam análises foliares e que os teores de nutrientes no solo e nas folhas apresentam-se em níveis desbalanceados para muitas propriedades avaliadas. A incidência da doença "Mal-do-Panamá" foi considerada baixa ou ausente em 65% das propriedades avaliadas.<br>The research aimed to characterize banana 'Maçã' farmers of Ribeirão do Sul/SP region, regarding the technology applied to the crop and in the fruit yield. With the answers obtained, it was possible to establish some inferences in relation to the "Mal do-Panamá disease incidence and the mineral nutrition. It was observed that these farmers used manurig and liming without the use of the soil analyses and that they had never performed foliar analyses. Consequently, soil and leaves nutrients levels were not balanced for most of the evaluated plantation. The "Mal-do-Panamá" disease incidence was considered low or not present in 65% of the studied orchards