69 research outputs found

    A substituição de capins em pastagens tropicais perenes por meio da técnica da sobressemeadura a lanço.

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    Manual de representação do sistema GECAMPE.

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    O Sistema de Gerenciamento de Campos Experimentais – Gecampe encontra-se na fase piloto de desenvolvimento. Sua interface computacional vem sendo utilizada desde janeiro de 2010, data em que foi implantada a primeira versão da ficha de campo, ferramenta de coleta diária dos dados. Desde então, as diversas atividades realizadas para o aprimoramento do sistema vêm sendo validadas junto aos colaboradores da Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste.bitstream/item/34038/1/Documentos99.pd

    Genotoxic activity of the Fumonisin B1 mycotoxin in cultures of bovine lymphocytes

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    The fumonisins, produced by fungi that infest foodstuffs, in particular corn, are responsible for a series of illnesses and toxicosis in various species of animals, including humans. There is still not detailed information about the genotoxic and mutagenic activity of Fumonisin B1 (FB1), but it is clear that it interferes with growth control, differentiation and cellu- lar apoptosis. The purpose of this study was to assess the genotoxic potential of Fumonisin B1 using in vitrocultures of bovine lymphocytes, through the calculation of the ‘mitotic index’ (MI), the frequency of ‘sister chromatid exchange’ (SCE) and the ‘micronucleus test’ (MN). The bovine lymphocytes were exposed to different concentrations of FB1 (25, 50 and 100 µM) in order to find out which amount is sufficient to cause a reduction in the mitotic potential of the cells, the onset of MN and a higher frequency of SCE. The results obtained show a considerable reduction in the ‘mitotic index’ with a FB1 concentration of 50 µM, an increase in the frequency of MN with a concentration of 50 µM and a significant increase in the SCE with a concentration of 100 µM. In the light of the information we have obtained, compared with that of other Authors, we feel that the genotoxic poten- tial of FB1 has been underestimated until now and should, therefore, be reconsidered
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