2 research outputs found

    Sintesis Senyawa Komponen Parfum Etil p-Anisat dari Anetol

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    Synthesis of ethyl p-anisate from anethole have been done. Ethyl p-anisate is ester coumpound which can use as perfume component. p-anisic acid was synthesized from anethole (1 mole) which oxidixed by KMnO4 (3 moles) at 40o C for 2 hours. Esterification with ethanol carried out at 78,5o C for 6 hours. Identification and determination structure coumpound of product synthesis used spectroscophic methodes (GC, GC-MS and IR). Anethole has been isolated from anise oil as 90,3%. p-Anisic acid and ethyl p-anisate as synthesized products got 45% and 79,9% respectively. Keywords: anethole, p-anisic acid, esterification, ethyl p-anisate

    Moodle-Based Online Learning Management in Higher Education

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    The COVID-19 pandemic gives a big impact on various aspects of human life, including higher education institutions. Institut Agama Islam Negeri (State Institute for Islamic Studies) Surakarta (IAIN Surakarta) as one of the Islamic higher education institutions in Indonesia has developed online learning management using Moodle platform. This study tries to measure the level of implementation of learning management in three dimensions of Moodle-based online learning; planning of learning, implementation of learning and evaluation. This study used a quantitative approach with a sample of 718 students from five faculties based on the descriptive analysis, report showed that planning of learning was in the high category with an average of 4.06 (in scale 5), the implementation of learning was in the medium category with an average of 3.35 and evaluation of learning was also in the medium category with an average of 3.14. It meant that it was necessary to optimize the implementation and evaluation of learning. While the results of CFA showed that the three manifest variables were below 0.4, namely the use of Zoom, Google Meet or others (outside Moodle) for synchronous (位 = 0.01, mean = 3.86), the use of Google Classroom, WhatsApp or others for asynchronous (位 = 0.04, mean = 4.31), and the examination in the form of assignments (位 = 0.11, mean = 3.86). So, it can be concluded that the use of e-learning based Moodle has less optimal in implementation and evaluation of learning. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the quality of applications, supporting facilities and user capabilities