5 research outputs found

    Condiciones laborales de los trabajadores agrícolas del municipio de Montería, Colombia

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    In the department of Córdoba, 8,000 agricultural jobs are taken by people who work in the informal economy, most of them without any social security, deriving their livelihood on farms. The objective of the research was to analyze the working conditions of farmworkers, of the rural area of Monteria, Cordoba (Colombia). It�s a quantitative non-experimental, cross-sectional research, whose sample consisted of 100 agricultural workers selected by a simple random sampling per housing. The data were obtained by applying a survey which was divided into three sections relating to: socio demographic conditions, labor conditions and the capabilities and opportunities of the population; the interpretation technique referred to the multiple triangulation. The survey results shows that 92% of the workers have precarious working conditions, such as: low pay, job insecurity, lack of pension and professional risks membership, failing to provide personal protective equipment and in their workplaces they don�t have drinking water for consumption despite the ethical, social and legal responsibilities that employers have to protect workers in their workplaces. The research shows that the working conditions of these workers do not provide minimal opportunities to protect their integrity and to develop their skills, making it necessary to reorient public policy in a way that provides the necessary options to improve their working conditions and human development.En el Departamento de Córdoba 8.000 empleos agrícolas son asumidos por personas que trabajan en la economía informal, la mayoría de ellas sin ningún tipo de seguridad social, derivando su sustento en explotaciones agrícolas. El objetivo de la investigación fue analizar las condiciones laborales de los trabajadores agrícolas de la zona rural de Montería, Córdoba (Colombia). Es una investigación de naturaleza cuantitativa no experimental de corte transversal, cuya muestra estuvo conformada por 100 trabajadores agrícolas seleccionados por un muestreo aleatorio simple por vivienda. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante la aplicación de una encuesta que se estructuró en tres secciones referidas a las condiciones socio demográficas, laborales y a las capacidades y oportunidades de la población; la técnica de interpretación hizo alusión a la triangulación múltiple. Los resultados del estudio demuestran que el 92% de los trabajadores tienen condiciones laborales precarias, tales como: mala remuneración, inestabilidad laboral, carecen de afiliación a pensión y riesgos profesionales, no les proporcionan elementos de protección personal y en sus lugares de trabajo no cuentan con agua potable para el consumo a pesar de la responsabilidad ética, legal y social que tienen los empleadores de proteger a los trabajadores en sus lugares de trabajo. La investigación evidencia que las condiciones laborales de estos trabajadores no brindan las oportunidades mínimas para la protección de su integridad ni para el desarrollo de sus capacidades, haciéndose necesario reorientar la política pública de tal forma que ofrezca las opciones necesarias para mejorar sus condiciones de trabajo y su desarrollo humano

    Conditional cash transfer programmes: the recent experience in Latin America and the Caribbean

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    Includes BibliographySpanish version available at the LibraryForeword Alicia BárcenaThis document summarizes experience with conditional cash transfer or "co-responsibility" (CCT) programmes in Latin America and the Caribbean, over a period lasting more than 15 years. During this time, CCTs have consolidated and spread through the region's various countries as a tool of choice for poverty-reduction policy. This document, which it is hoped will serve as a basis and input for discussion and progress in building social-protection systems premised on inclusion and universal rights, provides detailed information on the different components of CCTs. It also reviews their main characteristics in terms of the definition and registration of programme users, the targeting mechanisms used, the various types of benefits provided, and the conditionalities attached to them. It then analyses the historical trend of the indicators of CCT investment and coverage, and the information available 8 ECLAC on their effects in different domains. Lastly, it makes an assessment of the experience and the main challenges that these programmes pose in terms of their sustainability, legal framework, accountability, participation, institutionality and inter-sectoral characteristics

    Inequalities in screening policies and perioperative protection for patients with acute appendicitis during the pandemic: Subanalysis of the ACIE Appy study

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    OUP accepted manuscript

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