29 research outputs found

    Обоснование критериев оценки биологической активности минеральных вод

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    Автори під час проведення порівняльного аналізу біологічної дії борвміщуючих мінеральних вод різної мінералізації виявила якісну та кількісну однаковість їх впливу. Інтегративні показники властивостей мінеральних вод, що використовуються на сьогоднішній день, не пояснюють виявлені особливості дії. Автори роблять висновок, що застосування відносних показників властивостей мінеральних вод, прив’язаних до 1 граму мінеральних речовин, які містяться у воді, дозволить більш точно оцінювати властивості мінеральних вод.Authors, carrying out the comparative analysis of biological action of the boron containing mineral waters of a different mineralization, have found out qualitative and quantitative similarity of their influence. Used for today integrate indicators of properties of mineral waters do not explain the taped features of action. Authors come to conclusion that transition to relative indicators of properties of the mineral waters, adhered to 1 gram of the mineral substances containing in water, allows to estimate properties of mineral waters more precisely

    Responsible innovation in stem cell research: using responsibility as a strategy

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    Responsible innovation has been introduced as an important condition for advancing the field of regenerative medicine. This is reflected in the frequent references to responsible research conduct and responsible innovation in guidelines and recommendations in academic literature. The meaning of responsibility, how responsibility could be fostered and the context in which responsibilities should be enacted, however, remain unclear. The goal of this paper is to clarify the concept of responsibility in stem cell research and to illustrate how this concept could inform strategies to deal effectively with the ethical implications of stem cell research. Responsibility can be dissected into four categories: responsibility-As-Accountability, responsibility-As-liability, responsibility-As-An-obligation and responsibility-As-A-virtue. The authors focus on responsible research conduct and responsible innovation in general to move beyond the scope of research integrity and illustrate that different notions of responsibility have different implications for how stem cell research is organized. Plain language summary Literature and guidelines mention that responsible innovation could help the field of stem cell research to deal with ethical challenges. However, in this literature and guidelines it does not become clear how a'responsibility' should be understood, how responsibilities are recognized, how responsibilities are shared and how someone could take responsibility. In this article, different types of responsibility are discussed: responsibility-As-Accountability, responsibility-As-liability, responsibility-As-An-obligation and responsibility-As-A-virtue. The types are discussed according to how they are different from one another and how they can be used to organize stem cell research. It is shown that these different types of responsibility help not only with research integrity issues but also with societal and other types of ethical challenges. Tweetable abstract Responsible innovation could advance the field of stem cell research. By considering different notions of responsibility, possibilities emerge to frame ethical challenges and organize stem cell research accordingly. #ResponsibleInnovation #StemCells #Bioethic

    Responsible innovation in stem cell research: using responsibility as a strategy

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    Responsible innovation has been introduced as an important condition for advancing the field of regenerative medicine. This is reflected in the frequent references to responsible research conduct and responsible innovation in guidelines and recommendations in academic literature. The meaning of responsibility, how responsibility could be fostered and the context in which responsibilities should be enacted, however, remain unclear. The goal of this paper is to clarify the concept of responsibility in stem cell research and to illustrate how this concept could inform strategies to deal effectively with the ethical implications of stem cell research. Responsibility can be dissected into four categories: responsibility-As-Accountability, responsibility-As-liability, responsibility-As-An-obligation and responsibility-As-A-virtue. The authors focus on responsible research conduct and responsible innovation in general to move beyond the scope of research integrity and illustrate that different notions of responsibility have different implications for how stem cell research is organized. Plain language summary Literature and guidelines mention that responsible innovation could help the field of stem cell research to deal with ethical challenges. However, in this literature and guidelines it does not become clear how a'responsibility' should be understood, how responsibilities are recognized, how responsibilities are shared and how someone could take responsibility. In this article, different types of responsibility are discussed: responsibility-As-Accountability, responsibility-As-liability, responsibility-As-An-obligation and responsibility-As-A-virtue. The types are discussed according to how they are different from one another and how they can be used to organize stem cell research. It is shown that these different types of responsibility help not only with research integrity issues but also with societal and other types of ethical challenges. Tweetable abstract Responsible innovation could advance the field of stem cell research. By considering different notions of responsibility, possibilities emerge to frame ethical challenges and organize stem cell research accordingly. #ResponsibleInnovation #StemCells #Bioethic

    The stimulatory effect of notochordal cell-conditioned medium in a nucleus pulposus explant culture

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    \u3cp\u3eObjectives: Notochordal cell-conditioned medium (NCCM) has previously shown to have a stimulatory effect on nucleus pulposus cells (NPCs) and bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) in alginate and pellet cultures. These culture methods provide a different environment than the nucleus pulposus (NP) tissue, in which the NCCM ultimately should exert its effect. The objective of this study is to test whether NCCM stimulates NPCs within their native environment, and whether combined stimulation with NCCM and addition of BMSCs has a synergistic effect on extracellular matrix production. Methods: Bovine NP tissue was cultured in an artificial annulus in base medium (BM), porcine NCCM, or BM supplemented with 1 μg/mL Link N. Furthermore, BM and NCCM samples were injected with 10\u3csup\u3e6\u3c/sup\u3e BMSCs per NP sample. Samples were cultured for 4 weeks, and analyzed for biochemical contents (water, glycosaminoglycan [GAG], hydroxyproline, and DNA), gene expression (COL1A1, COL2A1, ACAN, and SOX9), and histology by Safranin O/Fast Green staining. Results: Culture in NCCM resulted in increased proteoglycan content compared to day 0 and BM, similar to Link N. However, only minor differences in gene expression compared to day 0 were observed. Addition of BMSCs did not result in increased GAG content, and surprisingly, DNA content in BMSC-injected groups was not higher than in the other groups after 4 weeks of culture. Discussion: This study shows that, indeed, NCCM is capable of stimulating NPC matrix production within the NP environment. The lack of increased DNA content in the BMSC-injected groups indicates that BMSCs have died over time. Identification of the bioactive factors in NCCM is crucial for further development of an NCCM-based treatment for intervertebral disc regeneration.\u3c/p\u3

    The species-specific regenerative effects of notochordal cell-conditioned medium on chondrocyte-like cells derived from degenerated human intervertebral discs

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    During intervertebral disc (IVD) maturation, the main cell type shifts from notochordal cells (NCs) to chondrocyte-like cells (CLCs). NCs secrete factors with regenerative potential, making them an interesting focus for regenerative treatments. During initial development, these strategies preferably employ non-human donors due to easy availability of their NC-rich nucleus pulposus (NP) tissue. To increase the success of translating these strategies for clinical application, this study aimed to delineate whether NC-secreted factors of different species have a regenerative effect on human CLCs. Human, canine and porcine NC-rich NP tissue and NC-conditioned medium (NCCM) were analysed biochemically and histologically. Human CLC micro-aggregates from degenerated IVDs were cultured in human, canine or porcine NCCM. Collagen, glycosaminoglycan (GAG) and DNA content was determined and histology was performed. Canine and porcine NPs were richer in NCs than human NPs. Human NPs contained the highest collagen content, whereas the DNA and GAG content of canine NPs was significantly higher than that of human or porcine NPs. NCCM from all species significantly increased the DNA and GAG content of the human CLC micro-aggregates. Porcine and canine NCCM were significantly more potent than human NCCM in inducing GAG deposition, whereas only human NCCM induced collagen type II production. Secreted factors from human, canine and porcine NC-rich NPs exerted regenerative effects on human CLCs, indicating a cross-species effect. Bioactive compound(s) are present in NCCM of different species that may reverse human IVD degeneration, supporting further research into strategies based on NC-technology employing canine or porcine models for their translation into humans