340 research outputs found

    A case of concomitant pulmonary tuberculosis and mucormycosis in an insulin-dependent diabetic patient

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    Conditions, where the patient's immune system is compromised are the main risk factor for mucormycosis. Approximately 23% of the world's population is estimated to have a latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection and more than 10 million new cases were estimated in 2017. Pulmonary mucormycosis and tuberculosis co-infections are very rare. We present the case of a 56-year-old insulin-dependent diabetic patient with a pulmonary mucormycosis and tuberculosis co-infection. While the patient did not suffer from ketoacidosis, she had poor glycemic control. A chest X-ray and a computed tomography showed nodular and cavitary lesions in both lungs. The patient was diagnosed through a biopsy of the bronchial mucosa and an RT-PCR for M. tuberculosis from bronchoalveolar lavage. The patient was treated with the recommended 4-drug regimen for TB (i.e. isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol); concurrently, amphotericin B deoxycholate was administered to treat the mucormycosis infection. Thirty days after initial hospital admission the patient underwent a lobectomy on the right lung. The case described here is only the sixth case reported in the literature of concomitant pulmonary tuberculosis and mucormycosis and the third case associated with a TB and mucormycosis co-infection involving an uncontrolled DM patient to survive

    The Impact of Elicitation on Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Production, Enzymatic and Antioxidant Activity in Nuevo León, Mexico

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    Many compounds available in the market act as elicitors and can be incorporated into agronomic management. But the focus is on elicitors frequently used for the induction of different responses related to the systemic resistance of plants to increase the production of bioactive metabolites, biomass accumulation, and yield. For that case, this work aimed to evaluate the effects of three elicitors on potato crops under field conditions. The potato cultivar "Fianna" was used, and a completely randomized design with four treatments and four repetitions. The effect of three elicitors at a dose of 2.5 g. L-1 for Activane®, 2.5 ml. L-1 for Micobiol® and 2.5 g. L-1 for Stemicol® was evaluated on growth, yield, enzymatic and antioxidant activity. Generally, the elicitors had a positive effect on the enzymes and antioxidant capacity of the potato plant. It was concluded that the application of elicitors Stemicol® (T4) had the most significant result on the number of tubers and weight per plant at harvest while allowing a more substantial number of tubers to be obtained. In comparison, Activane® (T2) influenced the growth variables of stem length and number of leaves per plant

    Betacyanins, major components in Opuntia red-purple fruits, protect against acetaminophen-induced acute liver failure

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    Acetaminophen (APAP) misuse or overdose is the most important cause of drug-induced acute liver failure. Overdoses of acetaminophen induce oxidative stress and liver injury by the electrophilic metabolite N-acetyl-pbenzoquinone imine (NAPQI). Plant-based medicine has been used for centuries against diseases or intoxications due to their biological activities. The aim of this study was to evaluate the therapeutic value of Opuntia robusta and Opuntia streptacantha fruit extracts against acetaminophen-induced liver damage and to identify the major biocomponents on them. Opuntia fruit extracts were obtained by peeling and squeezing each specie, followed by lyophilization. HPLC was used to characterize the extracts. The effect of the extracts against acetaminophen induced acute liver injury was evaluated both in vivo and in vitro using biochemical, molecular and histological determinations. The results showed that betacyanins are the main components in the analyzed Opuntia fruit extracts, with betanin as the highest concentration. Therapeutic treatments with Opuntia extracts reduced biochemical, molecular and histological markers of liver (in vivo) and hepatocyte (in vitro) injury. Opuntia extracts reduced the APAP-increased expression of the stress-related gene Gadd45b. Furthermore, Opuntia extracts exerted diverse effects on the antioxidant related genes Sod2, Gclc and Hmox1, independent of their ROSscavenging ability. Therefore, betacyanins as betanin from Opuntia robusta and Opuntia streptacantha fruits are promising nutraceutical compounds against oxidative liver damage

    Effects of Elicitation on Invitro Regeneration of two Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Cultivars in Tissue Culture

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    Exploring alternative avenues, in vitro culture emerges as a promising option for potential bioactive compound sources. However, compared to intact plants, only a few cultures demonstrate efficient synthesis of secondary metabolites. Elicitors have gained prominence as stress agents for enhancing in vitro micropropagation in specific tissues, organs, and cells. Recent advancements in plant tissue culture involve elicitors, opening new possibilities for in vitro production of crucial food crops. This research aimed to investigate the impact of three elicitors (Activane®, Micobiol®, and Stemicol®) on germination and in vitro multiplication of two tomato cultivars explants, employing both direct and indirect in vitro organogenesis. Among the texted elicitors, Micobiol® emerged as a successful elicitor, promoting optimal seed germination, survival, and 100% growth compared to the 80% in the control group. Further, Activane® exhibited a favourable induction response and achieved 96%, 95%, and 100% in weight and diameter of callus, yet various elicitor concentrations did not exert significant influence across treatments. In conclusion, an effective disinfection and in vitro implantation of tomato seeds ensured successful germination, promoting seedling survival and growth. Various elicitors positively impacted in vitro organogenesis, particularly in root induction, with higher survival percentages in acclimatized plants. The study guides future research on elicitor treatments for large-scale tomato in vitro propagation, emphasizing the need to identify optimal elicitor concentrations

    Utilidad diferencial de dos métodos de aprendizaje experiencial en el entrenamiento de habilidades psicoterapéuticas. Desarrollo de competencias clínicas a través de la experiencia

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    Se compara la utilidad percibida de dos métodos de entrenamiento en habilidades terapéuticas (HHTT) en psicólogos (n=149): el Peer-Counselling (PC) y el Role-playing (RP). También, se evalúa el grado de incomodidad experimentada, y la relación entre personalidad y la utilidad percibida. El PC fue considerado más útil que el RP, y las personas con mayor 'responsabilidad' y 'estabilidad emocional' lo consideraron más útil. La incomodidad experimentada fue significativamente menor de la anticipada

    Nivel de satisfacción mostrado en la interacción entre estudiantes de nivel superior y la plataforma Schoology en un curso de matemáticas financieras de modalidad presencial

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    In the present article describes the satisfaction level forupper level students when interacting with the Schoologyplatform in a fase to face class of financial mathematics.The sample is not probabilistic or directed, the study presented a quantitative, exploratory-descriptive approach.The CUSAUF questionnaire was used as an instrument,adapted to the needs of the research with five dimensions,which revealed a reliability and internal consistency ofα = 0.969. To show the relationship between items, thePearson correlation coefficient was calculated. The elements that stood out in the results are the role of the teacher as a facilitator, the quality of the work materials,the communication and feedback of activities in the platform. It was observed that students are willing to use thistool in other learning units.En el presente artículo se describió el grado de satisfacción de estudiantes de nivel superior al interactuar conla plataforma Schoology en una clase presencial de matemáticas financieras. La muestra es no probabilísticao dirigida, el estudio presento un enfoque cuantitativo,exploratorio-descriptivo. Se utilizó como instrumento elcuestionario del CUSAUF, adaptado a las necesidadesde la investigación con cinco dimensiones, el cual reveló una fiabilidad y consistencia interna de α=0.969. Paramostrar la relación entre ítems, se calculó el coeficientede correlación de Pearson. Los elementos que destacaronen los resultados son el rol del docente como facilitador,la calidad de los materiales de trabajo, la comunicación yretroalimentación de actividades en la plataforma. Se observó que los estudiantes están dispuestos a utilizar estaherramienta en otras unidades de aprendizaje

    Clase espejo como estrategia de enseñanza en Matemáticas Financieras: Un caso de estudio.

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    El caso de estudio expone como objetivo resolver un planteamiento de preguntas acerca de la estrategia didáctica denominada clase espejo, a través de una metodología que delimita un alcance descriptivo y un enfoque mixto. Se diseña un instrumento de recolección de datos compuesto de 33 ítems se emplea software estadístico IBM-SPSS, la muestra, de tipo no probabilístico es de 67 estudiantes de la asignatura Matemáticas financieras dentro de dos programas de estudios de nivel superior de dos instituciones: FACPYA y la Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz. Se presenta un análisis estadístico de los resultados por medio de tablas y gráficos. El instrumento que se utilizó mide factores de motivación: atención, relevancia, confianza y satisfacción. Se obtuvieron resultados con valores muy altos. Los estudiantes señalan que las clases espejo son atractivas y su aprendizaje sencillo. También, muestran su interés por volver a vivir la experiencia en un futuro. Destacan la relevancia y pertinencia de los contenidos de la clase espejo; refieren comentarios positivos de la actividad desarrollada, dejando claro su agradecimiento por este tipo de experiencias. Al evaluar la participación de los maestros y compañeros sugieren un juicio de valor positivo. Se identificaron áreas de oportunidad

    Capacitación laboral en herramientas digitales

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    Los cambios tecnológicos han originado que las personas se capaciten y realicen de forma diferente su trabajo adoptando las nuevas tecnologías, sin embargo, la capacitación no solo concierne al trabajador sino también a los empleadores e instituciones educativas o quienes se encargan de capacitar, todos ellos tienen la obligación de cubrir los perfiles profesionales que demande el mercado laboral. El estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar si los estudiantes de maestría de una universidad pública del noreste de México se están capacitando o no en herramientas digitales. La metodología se definió como alcance de tipo exploratorio descriptivo, se creó y aplicó una encuesta integrada por 16 preguntas cerradas y 3 abiertas. La muestra fue no probabilística integrada por 550 estudiantes. Los resultados muestran una disminución de capacitación del 24.2% durante el año 2020 respecto al 2019 y esto no es debido a un problema de desempleo originado por la pandemia Covid-19, además se identifica que el 41.5% presentan una capacitación o ninguna al año. El porcentaje más alto de capacitación se da en las herramientas básicas de Microsoft Office con un 30% (Word, Excel y PowerPoint), seguida de los paquetes especializados con un 28.2%, tales como, SPSS, Contpaqi, Aspel SAE, ERP SAP, Photoshop, entre otros. Es importante que universidades, corporaciones y gobiernos generen una alianza a fin de aumentar significativamente el porcentaje de capacitación a fin de satisfacer las necesidades del mercado laboral, así como analizar el costo-beneficio que se puede dar de una capacitación presencial a una en línea

    Role of theobromine in cocoa's metabolic properties in healthy rats.

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    Cocoa is rich in polyphenols and methylxanthines and it has been reported that its consumption, among other properties, has beneficial effects on metabolism. This study aimed to investigate the role of theobromine in cocoa's metabolic properties in healthy rats. In addition to morphometric measurements, biochemical markers of lipids and glucose metabolism and gene expression of molecules related to immune cells in adipose and hepatic tissues were assessed after 7 or 18 days of diet. Additionally, a metabolomic analysis was carried out at day 7. This study revealed the presence of six discriminant metabolites in plasma due to the diets. Moreover, the results showed that theobromine is the main responsible factor for cocoa's effects on body weight gain as well as on lipid and glucose metabolism. The effects on body weight and lipids appeared as early as after 7 days of diet, whereas those affecting glucose metabolism required a longer intervention

    What an Agile Leader Does: The Group Dynamics Perspective

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    When large industrial organizations change to (or start with) an agile approach to operations, managers and some employees are supposed to be “agile leaders” often without being given a clear definition of what that comprises when building agile teams. An inductive thematic analysis was used to investigate what 15 appointed leaders actually do and perceive as challenges regarding group dynamics working with an agile approach. Team maturity, Team design, and Culture and mindset were all categories of challenges related to group dynamics that the practitioners face and manage in their work-life that are not explicitly mentioned in the more process-focused agile transformation frameworks. The results suggest that leader mitigation of these three aspects of group dynamics is essential to the success of an agile transformation