19 research outputs found

    Fetus-derived DLK1 is required for maternal metabolic adaptations to pregnancy and is associated with fetal growth restriction.

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    Pregnancy is a state of high metabolic demand. Fasting diverts metabolism to fatty acid oxidation, and the fasted response occurs much more rapidly in pregnant women than in non-pregnant women. The product of the imprinted DLK1 gene (delta-like homolog 1) is an endocrine signaling molecule that reaches a high concentration in the maternal circulation during late pregnancy. By using mouse models with deleted Dlk1, we show that the fetus is the source of maternal circulating DLK1. In the absence of fetally derived DLK1, the maternal fasting response is impaired. Furthermore, we found that maternal circulating DLK1 levels predict embryonic mass in mice and can differentiate healthy small-for-gestational-age (SGA) infants from pathologically small infants in a human cohort. Therefore, measurement of DLK1 concentration in maternal blood may be a valuable method for diagnosing human disorders associated with impaired DLK1 expression and to predict poor intrauterine growth and complications of pregnancy.M.A.M.C. was supported by a PhD studentship from the Cambridge Centre for Trophoblast Research. Research was supported by grants from the MRC (MR/J001597/1 and MR/L002345/1), the Medical College of Saint Bartholomew's Hospital Trust, a Wellcome Trust Investigator Award, EpigeneSys (FP7 Health-257082), EpiHealth (FP7 Health-278414), a Herchel Smith Fellowship (N.T.) and NIH grant RO1 DK89989. The contents are the authors' sole responsibility and do not necessarily represent official NIH views. We thank G. Burton for invaluable support, and M. Constância and I. Sandovici (University of Cambridge) for the Meox2-cre mice. We are extremely grateful to all of the participants in the Pregnancy Outcome Prediction study. This work was supported by the NIHR Cambridge Comprehensive Biomedical Research Centre (Women's Health theme) and project grants from the MRC (G1100221) and Sands (Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Charity). The study was also supported by GE Healthcare (donation of two Voluson i ultrasound systems for this study) and by the NIHR Cambridge Clinical Research Facility, where all research visits took place.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature Publishing Group via https://doi.org/10.1038/ng.369

    Enhanced cell surface CD44 variant (v6, v9) expression by osteopontin in breast cancer epithelial cells facilitates tumor cell migration : novel post-transcriptional, post-translational regulation

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    Osteopontin (OPN) is a glycosylated, secreted phosphoprotein that functions both as a cell attachment and chemotactic factor. Elevated expression of OPN confers enhanced metastatic ability on transformed cells, suggesting that OPN may contribute to the malignant progression of tumors. Migration of mammary carcinoma cells is stimulated by OPN via interactions with integrins and CD44 cell surface receptors. We hypothesized that OPN modulates specific CD44 isoform expression to facilitate breast cancer cell migration. The 21NT tumorigenic human breast cancer cell line was examined for regulation of CD44 expression at both the mRNA and protein levels in response to an engineered increase in OPN expression under CMV promoter control. Significant up-regulation of CD44s isoform mRNA expression was observed, but no change in CD44v6, v8, v9 or v10 mRNA levels. While there were elevated levels of CD44s, v6 and v9 protein at the cell surface, at the level of total cellular protein only CD44s and v6 were markedly increased. This suggests that OPN can regulate CD44 expression at both transcriptional and post-transcriptional (both amount and localization of protein) levels. To validate the functional consequence of OPN regulation of CD44 expression, we demonstrate that OPN-mediated cell migration was reduced by exposure to a anti-pan CD44 antibody, and to anti-CD44v6 and anti-CD44v9 function-blocking antibodies. Our data provide evidence that in 21NT cells OPN enhances CD44s mRNA expression, increases cell surface expression of CD44 variant forms without a change in mRNA levels, and stimulates cell migration