3,057 research outputs found

    Magma Flow Rates and Temporal Evolution of the 2012–2014 Post‐Eruptive Intrusions at El Hierro, Canary Islands

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    The 2011–2014 volcanic activity at El Hierro (Canary Islands) was characterized by a 5‐month long submarine eruption as well as a series of magmatic intrusions occurring between 5 months and 2 years after the eruption, as revealed by seismic swarms and ground deformation. We study the temporal evolution of the six post‐eruptive magmatic intrusions, using Global Navigation Satellite System and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar observations complemented with relocated earthquakes. Magma volumes and magma supply rates are determined from inversion of the geodetic data using a Bayesian approach. The intrusions last between ~3 and 20 days and are inferred to be sill‐like, thin compared with their lateral extent and emplaced in the ~13–16 km depth range. Initial magma flow rates of ~300 m3/s decay exponentially with time. The two largest intrusions occurred in June–July 2012 and March–April 2013. During each of these events, magma migrated laterally, and >120 ×106 m3 of magma was intruded beneath the island. The shortest events, <1 week‐long, intruded ~(24hyphen;44) ×106 m3 of magma beneath the volcano. We suggest that all intrusions originated from an overpressure in a deep magma body located beneath the center of El Hierro. The crust/mantle boundary and the previous intrusion that fed the 2011–2012 submarine eruption may have discouraged the ascent of the post‐eruptive intrusions to the surface and forced them to migrate laterally away from the island as sill‐like sources

    Clinical impact of a pharmacist-led medication review with follow up for aged polypharmacy patients: A cluster randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Medication review with follow-up (MRF) is a service where community pharmacists undertake a medication review with monthly follow-up to provide continuing care. The ConSIGUE Program assessed the impact and implementation of MRF for aged polypharmacy patients in Spanish Community Pharmacies. The present paper reports on the clinical impact evaluation phase of ConSIGUE. Objective: The main objective of the study was to measure the effect of MRF on the primary outcome of the number of uncontrolled health problems. Secondary objectives were to analyze the drug-related problems (DRPs) identified as potential causes of ineffective or unsafe medications and the pharmacists’ interventions implemented during MRF provision. Methods: An open-label multi-centered cluster randomized study with comparison group (CG) was carried out in community pharmacies from 4 provinces in Spain during 6 months. The main inclusion criteria were patients over 64 years old, using 5 or more medicines. The intervention group (IG) received the MRF service (advanced medication review-type 3 MR) whereas patients in the CG received usual care. Results: 178 pharmacies recruited 1403 patients (IG= 688 patients; CG= 715 patients). During the 6 months of the study 72 patients were lost to follow up. The adjusted multi-level random effects models showed a significant reduction in the number of uncontrolled health problems over the periods in the IG (-0.72, 95% CI: -0.80, -0.65) and no change in the CG (-0.03, 95%CI: -0.10, 0.04). Main DRPs identified as potential causes of failures of uncontrolled health problems’ treatment were undertreated condition (559 DRPs; 35.81%), lack of treatment adherence (261 DRP; 16.67%) and risk of adverse effects (207 DRPs; 13.53%). Interventions performed by pharmacist to solve DRP mainly included the addition (246 interventions; 14.67%) and change (330 interventions; 19.68%) of a medicine and educational interventions on medicine adherence (231 interventions; 13.78%) and non-pharmacological interventions (369 interventions; 22.01%). Conclusions: This study provides evidence of the impact of community pharmacist on clinical outcomes for aged patients. It suggests that the provision of an MRF in collaboration with general medical practitioners and patients contributes to the improvement of aged polypharmacy patients’ health status and reduces their problems related with the use of medicines.Cinfa Laboratorie

    Reestructuración agrícola de las familias productoras de maíz: estudio en San Mateo Ayecac, Tlaxcala, 2000-2008.

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    La investigación tiene por objetivo analizar el mecanismo de transformación agrícola expresado en los cambios de la fuerza de trabajo agrícola en términos de su estructura económica así como las principales consecuencias económicas en la comunidad de San Mateo Ayecac, municipio de Tepetitla en el estado de Tlaxcala. Los resultados muestran una transformación de las familias productoras de granos básicos, expresados en el proceso productivo, específicamente en la disminución de labores, fertilización, disminución del trabajo familiar y en el rendimiento. A pesar de ello no existe abandono de la actividad agrícola y sigue siendo la base de la alimentación familiar y un importante abastecedor de alimentos de los mercados locales

    Impacto de una intervención informativa sobre el programa de cribado de cáncer colorrectal en profesionales de atención primaria

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    Objetivo: Evaluar el impacto de una intervención informativa a profesionales de atención pri-maria sobre sus conocimientos de cribado de cáncer colorrectal, recomendaciones de vigilanciaposterior y estrategias de derivación. Método diseÑo: Ensayo clínico controlado y aleatorizado por conglomerados. Emplazamiento:centros de atención primaria de L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona). Participantes: médi-cos y enfermeras de atención primaria. Intervención: sesión informativa y envío de píldorasinformativas en 6 de 12 centros (seleccionados aleatoriamente) sobre el programa de cribadocáncer colorrectal. Mediciones principales: cuestionario ad hoc que recoge las característicasde los profesionales, los centros y 2 variables contextuales; implicación de los profesionalesen el programa de cribado; conocimientos sobre el cáncer colorrectal, los factores de riesgo,los procedimientos de cribado, las recomendaciones de seguimiento posterior a la exploracióndiagnóstica y las estrategias de derivación. Resultados: La media de la puntuación total en el primer cuestionario fue 8,07(1,38) sobre 11 yla del segundo 8,31(1,39). No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entreel grupo intervención y control, sin embargo, en 9 preguntas se aumentó el porcentaje de res-puestas correctas en el grupo intervención, mayoritariamente relacionadas con el seguimientoposterior a la exploración diagnóstica. Conclusiones: La intervención mejora el porcentaje de respuestas correctas, sobre todo enaquellas en las que se obtuvo peor puntuación en el primer cuestionario. Este estudio muestraque los profesionales están familiarizados con el cribado de cáncer colorrectal, pero es impor-tante tener una comunicación frecuente con ellos para mantener actualizada la informaciónrelacionada con el cribado y fomentar su implicación con el mismo

    Doing and reporting a neuropsychological assessment

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    The process of neuropsychological assessment involves several stages. Having identified the objectives and analysed the characteristics of the participants to be tested the task is then to select appropriate tests and to administer, score and interpret them. The final stage involves writing the clinical or scientific report. The present paper begins with a brief overview of the history of neuropsychology and considers approaches to assessment and the main reference books on assessment. The most prestigious journals in the field are also listed. This is followed by a discussion of the most important aspects to be considered in each stage of clinical assessment or research, complemented by guidelines regarding the publication of neuropsychological assessments; mainly in relation to method - participants, assessment, statistical analysis - and results. This information is also presented in the form of a table in which a distinction is made between those aspects which are considered essential to include when writing a paper about neuropsychological assessment and those which are recommended

    Loop Quantum Gravity and the The Planck Regime of Cosmology

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    The very early universe provides the best arena we currently have to test quantum gravity theories. The success of the inflationary paradigm in accounting for the observed inhomogeneities in the cosmic microwave background already illustrates this point to a certain extent because the paradigm is based on quantum field theory on the curved cosmological space-times. However, this analysis excludes the Planck era because the background space-time satisfies Einstein's equations all the way back to the big bang singularity. Using techniques from loop quantum gravity, the paradigm has now been extended to a self-consistent theory from the Planck regime to the onset of inflation, covering some 11 orders of magnitude in curvature. In addition, for a narrow window of initial conditions, there are departures from the standard paradigm, with novel effects, such as a modification of the consistency relation involving the scalar and tensor power spectra and a new source for non-Gaussianities. Thus, the genesis of the large scale structure of the universe can be traced back to quantum gravity fluctuations \emph{in the Planck regime}. This report provides a bird's eye view of these developments for the general relativity community.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures. Plenary talk at the Conference: Relativity and Gravitation: 100 Years after Einstein in Prague. To appear in the Proceedings to be published by Edition Open Access. Summarizes results that appeared in journal articles [2-13