11,094 research outputs found

    Radix-2 x 2 x 2 algorithm for the 3-D discrete hartley transform

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    The discrete Hartley transform (DHT) has proved to be a valuable tool in digital signal/image processing and communications and has also attracted research interests in many multidimensional applications. Although many fast algorithms have been developed for the calculation of one- and two-dimensional (1-D and 2-D) DHT, the development of multidimensional algorithms in three and more dimensions is still unexplored and has not been given similar attention; hence, the multidimensional Hartley transform is usually calculated through the row-column approach. However, proper multidimensional algorithms can be more efficient than the row-column method and need to be developed. Therefore, it is the aim of this paper to introduce the concept and derivation of the three-dimensional (3-D) radix-2 2X 2X algorithm for fast calculation of the 3-D discrete Hartley transform. The proposed algorithm is based on the principles of the divide-and-conquer approach applied directly in 3-D. It has a simple butterfly structure and has been found to offer significant savings in arithmetic operations compared with the row-column approach based on similar algorithms

    Multiple-antenna-aided OFDM employing genetic-algorithm-assisted minimum bit error rate multiuser detection

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    The family of minimum bit error rate (MBER) multiuser detectors (MUD) is capable of outperforming the classic minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) MUD in terms of the achievable bit-error rate (BER) owing to directly minimizing the BER cost function. In this paper,wewill invoke genetic algorithms (GAs) for finding the optimum weight vectors of the MBER MUD in the context of multiple-antenna-aided multiuser orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) .We will also show that the MBER MUD is capable of supporting more users than the number of receiver antennas available, while outperforming the MMSE MUD

    The effect of cost of credit on money demand: empirical evidence from Malaysia

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    This paper investigates the dynamic of long-run relationship between cost of credit and real money balances in Malaysia. The Johansen-Juselius (1990) likelihood ratio tests support the importance of the cost of credit in the real broad money demand function. The sample period spans from 1978:q1 through 1997:q4. The results provide empirical evidence for the long-run relationship between cost of credit and broad money balances in Malaysia

    The impact of trade liberalisation on South African agricultural productivity

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    This study attempts to examine the empirical relationship between trade and total factor productivity (TFP) in the agricultural sector using both cross -sectiona, (across nine agricultural commodities), and time -series analysis. The Error Correction Model of ordinary least square (OLS) results from the cross -sectional analysis confirm that export shares and capital formation were found to be positive and significant; whereas, import shares and real exchange rate were found to be related negatively. However, the net effect of export and import shares had a positive effect. This implies that trade liberalisation causes productivity gains. Moreover, the time -series analysis goes in the same direction as the cross -sectional results, showing that there is a robust relationship among TFP, degree of openness, and capital formation. Whereas, debt was found to be inversely related, this implies that agricultural industries / farmers lack debt management skills.TFP, OLS, Trade liberalization or degree of openness, capital formation, International Relations/Trade,

    Topological quantization and degeneracy in Josephson-junction arrays

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    We consider the conductivity quantization in two-dimensional arrays of mesoscopic Josephson junctions, and examine the associated degeneracy in various regimes of the system. The filling factor of the system may be controlled by the gate voltage as well as the magnetic field, and its appropriate values for quantization is obtained by employing the Jain hierarchy scheme both in the charge description and in the vortex description. The duality between the two descriptions then suggests the possibility that the system undergoes a change in degeneracy while the quantized conductivity remains fixed.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Towards a transparent, credible, evidence-based decision-making process of new drug listing on the Hong Kong Hospital Authority Drug Formulary: challenges and suggestions

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    The aim of this article is to describe the process, evaluation criteria, and possible outcomes of decision-making for new drugs listed in the Hong Kong Hospital Authority Drug Formulary in comparison to the health technology assessment (HTA) policy overseas. Details of decision-making processes including the new drug listing submission, Drug Advisory Committee (DAC) meeting, and procedures prior to and following the meeting, were extracted from the official Hong Kong Hospital Authority drug formulary management website and manual. Publicly-available information related to the new drug decision-making process for five HTA agencies [the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE), the Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC), the Australia Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC), the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH), and the New Zealand Pharmaceutical Management Agency (PHARMAC)] were reviewed and retrieved from official documents from public domains. The DAC is in charge of systemically and critically appraising new drugs before they are listed on the formulary, reviewing submitted applications, and making the decision to list the drug based on scientific evidence to which safety, efficacy, and cost-effectiveness are the primary considerations. When compared with other HTA agencies, transparency of the decision-making process of the DAC, the relevance of clinical and health economic evidence, and the lack of health economic and methodological input of submissions are the major challenges to the new-drug listing policy in Hong Kong. Despite these challenges, this review provides suggestions for the establishment of a more transparent, credible, and evidence-based decision-making process in the Hong Kong Hospital Authority Drug Formulary. Proposals for improvement in the listing of new drugs in the formulary should be a priority of healthcare reforms

    Philippine municipal fisheries: a review of resources, technology, and socio-economics

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    Small scale fisheries, Sociological aspects, Fishery economics, Fishery management, Philippines,

    Conceptual referents, created on the basis of the “having” schema metaphors of crisis (based on the contemporary English newspaper discourse)

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    The article establishes the basic conceptual correlates of the referent CRISIS, created on the basis of the “having” schema in the contemporary English newspaper discourse. It also brings to light the evaluative potential of the correlates. The basic ontological correlate PHYSICAL OBJECT has object (OBJECT, that has PARTS/ BUILDING/ CLOSED DOOR), biomorphic (LIVE BEING/ PLANT), phenomenal elaboration (CLOUD/ TSUNAMI/ NUCLEAR EXPLOSION). The correlates realise negative evaluative potential

    Drinov on Rus' and Byzantium as Enemies of Bulgaria in the Tenth Century

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    У статті досліджується сприйняття та оцінка М. С. Дриновим образів ворогів Болгарії у візантійсько-болгарсько-руському протистоянні. Особливу увагу звернено на ступінь впливу особистих суспільно-політичних поглядів науковця на тлумачення болгаро-візантійської війни 966 – 972 рр. та боротьби князя Святослава за панування на Балканах. Пропонується висновок про більш лояльне ставлення М. С. Дринова до Візантії як супротивника Болгарії, аніж до Русі. Візантійське панування, на думку вченого, могло б забезпечити подальший розвиток болгарського суспільства шляхом наслідування кращих досягнень візантійської цивілізації. Можливість опинитися під владою язичника Святослава відкинула б болгар назад у ще недавнє варварство, з якого їм вдалося вийти завдяки Імперії. В статье исследуется восприятие и оценка М. С. Дриновым образов врагов Болгарии в византийско-болгарско-русском противостоянии. Особенное внимание уделяется степени влияния личных общественно-политических взглядов ученого на трактовку болгаро-византийской войны 966 – 972 гг. и борьбы князя Святослава за господство на Балканах. Предлагается вывод о более лояльном отношении М. С. Дринова к Византии как к врагу Болгарии, чем к Руси. Византийское господство, по мнению ученого, могло бы обеспечить дальнейшее развитие болгарского общества путем наследования лучших достижений византийской цивилизации. Возможность оказаться под властью язычника Святослава откинула бы болгар назад в еще недавнее варварство, из которого им удалось выйти благодаря Империи. The article deals with M. S. Drinov’s perception and evaluation of the enemies of Bulgaria in the Russo-Byzantine-Bulgarian confrontation of the tenth century. Particular attention is paid to the impact of Drinovʼs personal socio-political views on his interpretation of the Byzantine-Bulgarian war of 966 – 972 and Prince Sviatoslav’s struggle for supremacy in the Balkans. The author concludes that Drinov treated Byzantium as the enemy of Bulgaria more loyally than Rus’. Byzantine rule, according to Drinov, was able to ensure further development of Bulgarian society via following the best achievements of Byzantine civilization. Submitting to pagan Svyatoslav would have thrown Bulgarians back into the recent barbarity, which they had managed to overcome with the help of Byzantium

    On the Annyversary Discourse and its Genres

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    This article attempts to make a primary definition of the jubilee concept. We introduce the "Jubilee discourse" concept which is limited by "Time" and "Situation" parameters. This type of discourse is illustrated by an example of the discourse related to the twentieth anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall. Genres of the jubilee celebration are highlighted