221 research outputs found

    Semantic Traits of Etymological Metonymy in Germanic Languages

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    The article deals with etymological metonymy as a factor of parallel development of the principal meaning and the proximate derived meaning of cognate words in modem Germanic languages. Germanic words possessing common origins are compared in reference to prospects of their similar semantic evolution on the basis of causal, local and temporal metonymic models

    The classification of serial posets with the non-negative quadratic Tits form being principal

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    Using (introduced by the first author) the method of (min, max)-equivalence, we classify all serial principal posets, i.e. the posets S satisfying the following conditions: (1) the quadratic Tits form qS(z) : Z˒⁺¹ β†’ Z of S is non-negative; (2) KerqS(z) := {t | qS(t) = 0} is an infinite cyclic group (equivalently, the corank of the symmetric matrix of qS(z) is equal to 1); (3) for any m ∈ N, there is a poset S(m) βŠƒ S such that S(m) satisfies (1), (2) and |S(m) \ S| =

    On classifying the non-Tits P-critical posets

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    In 2005, the authors described all introduced by them P-critical posets (minimal finite posets with the quadratic Tits form not being positive); up to isomorphism, their number is 132 (75 if duality is considered). Later (in 2014) A. Polak and D. Simson offered an alternative way of proving by using computer algebra tools. In doing this, they defined and described the Tits P-critical posets as a special case of the P-critical posets. In this paper we classify all the non-Tits P-critical posets without complex calculations and without using the list of all P-critical ones

    On posets of width two with positive Tits form

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    We give a complete description of the finite posets of width two with the Tits form to be positive. This problem arises in studying the categories of representations of posets of finite type

    Metonymic transfer as a device of formation of slang units and professionalisms in canadian english

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    Slang units and professionalisms of Canadian English form a divergent layer in the lexico-semantic system as they denote objects of local life and Canadian popular traditions. Both slang and professional lexics are functionally restricted registers of the modern English vocabulary, current in certain social groups. The given units, being paradigmatically active, come into semantic contacts with diatopically different words

    Boundaries of semantic study of metonymy as universal phenomenon

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    The paper reveals the causes of deficiency in elaboration of metonymyc theory in modern semantics. Methods of semantic typological and onomasiological description of the given phenomenon have been suggested. The author dwells on the necessity of differentiation between semantico-nominative mechanisms of usual and occasional metonymy, metonomy and metaphor

    French Borrowed Words in the Vocabulary System of Canadian English

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    The article focuses on the study of French and Canadian French borrowed words in Canadian English, which possess unequal language status and a different degree of adaptation to the system of Canadian English. Old French lexical units acquire new lexico-semantic variants under the influence of their Canadian French counterparts, words with the meaning of cultural kernel objects and phenomena are easily transformed into English units with the help of the English derivation patterns. The present work aims at differentiating Canadian French loan words, belonging to different historical periods, on the basis of the degree o f their semantic assimilation in Canadian English and their varying paradigmatic and functional behaviour in the recipient language system

    Semantic paradigmatics of regional nouns and adjectives in discourse space of American englich

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    The article provides description of semantic properties of regional American nouns and adjectives, possessing different paradigmatic and diatopic characteristics. Words of dialectal origin with a wide functional scope predominate among American regionalisms. Comparative analysis of nouns and adjectives reveals wider synonymic links and semantic variety of substantives, which often combine standard and regiolect meanings in their polysemantic structure, developing on the basis of various semantic associations

    On the equivalence of matrices over commutative rings modulo ideals

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    We study connections between wildness of the problem of classifying the matrices over an integral domain up to equivalence modulo an ideal and properties of the set of prime elements of the domain

    Magnetothemopower study of quasi two-dimensional organic conductor Ξ±\alpha-(BEDT-TTF)2_2KHg(SCN)4_4

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    We have used a low-frequency magneto-thermopower (MTEP) method to probe the high magnetic field ground state behavior of Ξ±\alpha-(BEDT-TTF)2_2KHg(SCN)4_4 along all three principal crystallographic axes at low temperatures. The thermopower tensor coefficients (Sxx,SyxS_{xx}, S_{yx} and SzzS_{zz}) have been measured to 30 T, beyond the anomalous low temperature, field-induced transition at 22.5 T. We find a significant anisotropy in the MTEP signal, and also observe large quantum oscillations associated with the de Haas - van Alphen effect. The anisotropy indicates that the ground state properties are clearly driven by mechanisms that occur along specific directions for the in-plane electronic structure. Both transverse and longitudinal magnetothermopower show asymptotic behavior in field, which can be explained in terms of magnetic breakdown of compensated closed orbits.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure
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