21 research outputs found

    Thermodynamics of the S=1 spin ladder as a composite S=2 chain model

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    A special class of S=1 spin ladder hamiltonians, with second- neighbor exchange interactions and with anisotropies in the zz-direction, can be mapped onto one-dimensional composite S=2 (tetrahedral S=1) models. We calculate the high temperature expansion of the Helmoltz free energy for the latter class of models, and show that their magnetization behaves closely to that of standard XXZ models with a suitable effective spin SeffS_{eff}, such that Seff(1+Seff)=S_{eff}(1+S_{eff})=, where Si{\bf S}_i refers to the components of spin in the composite model. It is also shown that the specific heat per site of the composite model, on the other hand, can be very different from that of the effective spin model, depending on the parameters of the hamiltonian.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures. Submitted for publicatio

    Berry's Phase in the Presence of a Dissipative Medium

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    We consider the spin 1/2 model coupled to a slowly varying magnetic field in the presence of a weak damping represented by a Lindblad-form operators. We show that Berry's geometrical phase remains unaltered by the two dissipation mechanism considered. Dissipation effects are twofold: a shrinking in the modulus of the Bloch's vector, which characterizes coherence loss and a time dependent (dissipation related) precession angle. We show that the line broadening of the Fourier transformation of the components of magnetization is only due to the presence of dissipation.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure

    Adiabatic Approximation in the Density Matrix Approach: Non-Degenerate Systems

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    We study the adiabatic limit in the density matrix approach for a quantum system coupled to a weakly dissipative medium. The energy spectrum of the quantum model is supposed to be non-degenerate. In the absence of dissipation, the geometric phases for periodic Hamiltonians obtained previously by M.V. Berry are recovered in the present approach. We determine the necessary condition satisfied by the coefficients of the linear expansion of the non-unitary part of the Liouvillian in order to the imaginary phases acquired by the elements of the density matrix, due to dissipative effects, be geometric. The results derived are model-independent. We apply them to spin 1/2 model coupled to reservoir at thermodynamic equilibrium.Comment: 24 pages (new version), accepted for publication in Physica

    The high temperature expansion of the classical XYZXYZ chain

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    We present the β\beta-expansion of the Helmholtz free energy of the classical XYZXYZ model, with a single-ion anisotropy term and in the presence of an external magnetic field, up to order β12\beta^{12}. We compare our results to the numerical solution of Joyce's [Phys. Rev. Lett. 19, 581 (1967)] expression for the thermodynamics of the XXZXXZ classical model, with neither single-ion anisotropy term nor external magnetic field. This comparison shows that the derived analytical expansion is valid for intermediate temperatures such as kT/Jx0.5kT/J_x \approx 0.5. We show that the specific heat and magnetic susceptibility of the spin-2 antiferromagnetic chain can be approximated by their respective classical results, up to kT/J0.8kT/J \approx 0.8, within an error of 2.5%. In the absence of an external magnetic field, the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic chains have the same classical Helmholtz free energy. We show how this two types of media react to the presence of an external magnetic field

    A Comment on the beta-expansion of s=1/2 and s=1 Ising Models

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    The purpose of the present work is to apply the method recently developed in reference [chain_m] to the spin-1 Ising chain, showing how to obtain analytical β\beta-expansions of thermodynamical functions through this formalism. In this method, we do not solve any transfer matrix-like equations. A comparison between the β\beta-expansions of the specific heat and the magnetic susceptibility for the s=1/2s=1/2 and s=1s=1 one-dimensional Ising models is presented. We show that those expansions have poorer convergence when the auxiliary function of the model has singularities.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    On the particle-hole symmetry of the fermionic spinless Hubbard model in D=1

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    We revisit the particle-hole symmetry of the one-dimensional (D=1) fermionic spinless Hubbard model, associating that symmetry to the invariance of the Helmholtz free energy of the one-dimensional spin-1/2 XXZ Heisenberg model, under reversal of the longitudinal magnetic field and at any finite temperature. Upon comparing two regimes of that chain model so that the number of particles in one regime equals the number of holes in the other, one finds that, in general, their thermodynamics is similar, but not identical: both models share the specific heat and entropy functions, but not the internal energy per site, the first-neighbor correlation functions, and the number of particles per site. Due to that symmetry, the difference between the first-neighbor correlation functions is proportional to the z-component of magnetization of the XXZ Heisenberg model. The results presented in this paper are valid for any value of the interaction strength parameter V, which describes the attractive/null/repulsive interaction of neighboring fermions

    The β-expansion of the D=1 fermionic spinless Hubbard model off the half-filling regime

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    We obtain that when the spinless model is off the half-filling regime (μ ≠ V), the Helmholtz free energy (HFE) can be written as two β-expansions: one expansion comes from the half-filling configuration and another one that depends on the parameter x = μ - V. We show numerically that the chemical potential as a function of temperature satisfies a relation similar to one derived from the particle-hole symmetry of the fermionic spinless model. We extend the β-expansion of the HFE of the one-dimensional fermionic spinless Hubbard model up to order β8