15,143 research outputs found


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    The main idea of this paper is to analyze opportunities to start business abroad by the Czech investor point of view. The question is – which factors could cause that domestic business units move to another country? The analysis is mainly based on „comparative advantage” approach – minimum cost, maximum benefit. Useful is to keep in mind that one advantage could not bring more satisfaction with entrepreneurship abroad. Are all business conditions comparative or competitive?Registered capital, mobility of capital, VAT rate, insurance costs, minimum wage rate

    On systematic approaches for interpreted information transfer of inspection data from bridge models to structural analysis

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    In conjunction with the improved methods of monitoring damage and degradation processes, the interest in reliability assessment of reinforced concrete bridges is increasing in recent years. Automated imagebased inspections of the structural surface provide valuable data to extract quantitative information about deteriorations, such as crack patterns. However, the knowledge gain results from processing this information in a structural context, i.e. relating the damage artifacts to building components. This way, transformation to structural analysis is enabled. This approach sets two further requirements: availability of structural bridge information and a standardized storage for interoperability with subsequent analysis tools. Since the involved large datasets are only efficiently processed in an automated manner, the implementation of the complete workflow from damage and building data to structural analysis is targeted in this work. First, domain concepts are derived from the back-end tasks: structural analysis, damage modeling, and life-cycle assessment. The common interoperability format, the Industry Foundation Class (IFC), and processes in these domains are further assessed. The need for usercontrolled interpretation steps is identified and the developed prototype thus allows interaction at subsequent model stages. The latter has the advantage that interpretation steps can be individually separated into either a structural analysis or a damage information model or a combination of both. This approach to damage information processing from the perspective of structural analysis is then validated in different case studies

    An Agent-based Simulation of the Effectiveness of Creative Leadership\ud

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    This paper investigates the effectiveness of creative versus\ud uncreative leadership using EVOC, an agent-based model of\ud cultural evolution. Each iteration, each agent in the artificial society invents a new action, or imitates a neighbor’s action. Only the leader’s actions can be imitated by all other agents, referred to as followers. Two measures of creativity were used: (1) invention-to-imitation ratio, iLeader, which measures how often an agent invents, and (2) rate of conceptual change, cLeader, which measures how creative an invention is. High iLeader increased mean fitness of ideas, but only when creativity of followers was low. High iLeader was associated with greater diversity of ideas in the early stage of idea generation only. High Leader increased mean fitness of ideas in the early stage of idea generation; in the later stage it decreased idea fitness. Reasons for these findings and tentative implications for creative leadership in human society are discussed

    Exosomes: A Novel Zika Virus Vaccine Candidate

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    With the recent emergence of Zika virus (ZIKV) diseases, increasing global concern has driven the demand for a vaccine. One promising vaccine platform has presented itself in the form of exosomes: a subgroup of extracellular vesicles released by many human cell types that facilitate intercellular communication. The objective of this study is to engineer exosomes that incorporate ZIKV structural proteins into its phospholipid bilayer. Previous studies indicate that CD9 and CD63 proteins are highly enriched in exosomal membranes. From this, it was hypothesized that attaching ZIKV genes to CD9 or CD63 to produce a gene fusion may enable exosomes to act as antigen-presenting vesicles. These engineered exosomes may potentially stimulate T-cells to mount a strong immune response. The cDNA of the CD9, CD63, and the highly immunogenic ZIKV genes (envelope, precursor membrane, and NS1) were generated using RT-PCR. These products were used as a template for regular PCR, and cloned into pcDNA3.1/V5 vector. The chimeric gene fusion was assembled using the Gibson assembly kit, and transfected into human embryonic kidney epithelial (HEK293T) cells for expression. The exosomes were purified from the supernatant and subjected to immunoblotting and immunofluorescence assays to confirm the presence of ZIKV proteins. The results of this study are pending at the time of this abstract submission. A future study will be conducted using an in vitro activation assay to determine if the engineered exosomes induce T-cell activation. The potential candidates will be used in an animal study for immunity against ZIKV infection

    Bestehende und mögliche denkbare Ansätze für eine Faire Preisgestaltung im Domestic Fair Trade

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    Aspects of fair trade gain a growing relevance in the current debate on the further development and reorientation of the domestic (mid-European) organic sector. Fair trade aspects were part of the implicit self-conception since the organic movement was established. The authors would like to show up ways how these implicit ideals can be carried over into explicit standards comprehensible to the consumer. This request can be reached via liberal, restrictive or transparent fair pricing schemes

    Quantifying cognitive function in concussed athletes before and after acute exercise using a choice reaction time task

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    Following a concussion, cognitive deficits have been shown to last longer than symptom resolution. Currently clinicians rely heavily on symptom emergence following the fundamental exercises of the return to play (RTP) protocol, which may leave athletes at risk of returning to play too early if cognitive deficits have not been detected. The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of exercise on choice reaction time (CRT) both at rest and following an acute exercise in 3 populations: non-concussed (NC), recently concussed (RC), and post-concussion syndrome (PCS) individuals. A CRT task in the form of an iPad application measured each individual’s decision-making capabilities at four blocks: (1) 10 minutes prior to exercise, (2) Immediately prior to exercise, (3) immediately post exercise, and (4) 5 minutes post exercise. Participants were also fitted with an eye-tracking system during CRT task performance at rest in order to assess higher levels of cognitive processing. Results demonstrated a facilitative effect of learning and exercise arousal on CRT task performance in both NC and PCS but not in RC. Average RT in RC was not significantly different from NC while average RT in PCS was found to be significantly higher than NC. Gaze behaviour was significantly worse in PCS compared to NC while RC and NC were not significantly different. The absence of symptoms does not inherently mean that cognitive performance under acute physical stress has completely recovered in recently concussed individuals. On the other hand, PCS individuals continue to experience concussion-related symptoms, but appear to display partially recovered cognitive performance. Findings from the current study encourage the use of cognitive assessments following acute exercise during the RTP protocol in order to detect possibly lingering cognitive deficits

    An adaptive sampling method for global sensitivity analysis based on least-squares support vector regression

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    In the field of engineering, surrogate models are commonly used for approximating the behavior of a physical phenomenon in order to reduce the computational costs. Generally, a surrogate model is created based on a set of training data, where a typical method for the statistical design is the Latin hypercube sampling (LHS). Even though a space filling distribution of the training data is reached, the sampling process takes no information on the underlying behavior of the physical phenomenon into account and new data cannot be sampled in the same distribution if the approximation quality is not sufficient. Therefore, in this study we present a novel adaptive sampling method based on a specific surrogate model, the least-squares support vector regresson. The adaptive sampling method generates training data based on the uncertainty in local prognosis capabilities of the surrogate model - areas of higher uncertainty require more sample data. The approach offers a cost efficient calculation due to the properties of the least-squares support vector regression. The opportunities of the adaptive sampling method are proven in comparison with the LHS on different analytical examples. Furthermore, the adaptive sampling method is applied to the calculation of global sensitivity values according to Sobol, where it shows faster convergence than the LHS method. With the applications in this paper it is shown that the presented adaptive sampling method improves the estimation of global sensitivity values, hence reducing the overall computational costs visibly

    Keanekaragaman tumbuhan survival di bagian selatan Bukit tlogodringo tawangmangu karanganyar

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    Indonesia has a very abundant biodiversity one plant diversity. Plant survival is a plant that is safe for consumption by humans. Tlogodringo hill has a peak altitude of 2,054 m. asl in the form of fairly dense forest. The purpose of this study to determine the survival of plant diversity which is in the southern part of Bukit Tlogodringo. Sampling of plants by drawing a line along 5 meters at an altitude of 1,600 m . asl range. and 1,800 m asl. asl and recorded, quantify, and identify plant survival were found. The research found 13 plant species include Alsophila sp., Pityrogramma sp., Triumfetta sp., Centella asiatica, Borreri aalata, Polygala paniculata,Desmodium triflorum, Imperata cyliandrica, Borreria leavis, Eupatorium riparium, Oplismenus burmanii, Euphoria logan, and Eupatorium odoratum. Plant survival that dominates the southern part of Bukit Tlogodringo is Borreria alata with dominance index (C) 21 × 10-2 amounted to 46.15% and the lowest Polygala paniculata with dominance index (C) 48 × 10-7 0.21%. Diversity of plant species is said to be moderately Tlogodringo Hill diversity index (H ') of 1.6

    Inventarisasi Tumbuhan Obat Di Kawasan Diklatsar Tlogodringo Tawamangu Jawa Tengah Sebagai Bahan Sosialisasi Bagi Masyarakat

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    Tlogodringo was region which had a summit elevation of 2.054 m. asl to 1.700 m. asl initial altitude with high diversity of medicinal plants. Medicinal plants were all planted that all parts of the body can be used as a drug that was able to provided a healing effect. The ains of study was to determined the types of herbs that are located of DIKLATSAR Tlogodringo. The methods were random sampling and exploration to record and identified medicinal plants at any altitude. The results of the research discovere 15 species of medicinal plants with the dominant families are Poaceae, namely plants is blady grass (Imperata cylindrica) an altitude 1.700 m. asl and discovere 10 species of medicinal plants with the dominant families are Asteraceae, namely plants is teklan (Eupatorium riparium) an altitude 1.900 m. asl in DIKLATSAR hill track of Tlogodringo. The most medicinal plants are inventoryat an altitude of 1.700 m. asl.Based on study concluded that higher the altitude less diversity of medicinal plants